
Novel "Jackie Chan" 56 - Komatsu narrates: the second freshman enters the school

author:Beijing Laoji
Novel "Jackie Chan" 56 - Komatsu narrates: the second freshman enters the school

On the day of the new student registration, my dad took a special leave of absence and drove me to school with my mom. Originally, my father had a more important negotiation in the company that day, but he was afraid that there would be something wrong when I reported for duty, so he didn't worry, so he asked for leave to send me over.

After leaving the city of Beijing and driving southeast for more than an hour, we finally arrived at the famous Langfang Oriental University Town. This oriental university town is invested and built in 1999 by a powerful foreign enterprise group, the scale is huge, covering an area of 2,300 acres, the ground building has 600,000 square meters, many famous universities in China have built their headquarters or branches here, it is said that there are now tens of thousands of students.

When we drove into the campus in the heart of the university town, we were all impressed: the new campus was much more beautiful than the old campus, with brand new academic buildings, wide sports fields, grand auditoriums, and elegant boulevards. It seems that Principal Yan really didn't lie to us, the learning hardware conditions here are a grade higher than that of the main department, and the sense of loss in my heart of "being bombarded out by this school" suddenly disappeared, and I feel that it is good to change the environment.

There are a lot of new students who came to register today, and most of them are accompanied by their parents. Some of the students were followed by a huge delegation composed of fathers, mothers, grandparents, three aunts and four aunts, hugging each other and hugging each other, some of the elders carried the luggage for the new students, and some ran back and forth for the new students to go through the formalities, but the new students themselves looked around stupidly, shaking their hands and doing nothing. As a "first-year senior" who went through the admission procedures for the second time, I looked at those attentive parents and imbecile students, and I actually had a small sense of superiority.

Don't look at me very well, but I'm obviously much better than those kids in this area. When I got out of the car, my mother was stretched out to help me carry my luggage, I stopped her and said confidently, "Mom, you don't care about anything, I'll do it myself." ”

My mother asked worriedly, "Are you doing it alone?" ”

I said proudly, "I can do it, I can do it." ”

My dad locked the car door and said to my mom, "You let him do it himself, if he can't even register himself, I don't think he will go to this university." ”

Carrying my luggage and basin, I walked into the bustling crowd and went through the various admission procedures with great skill.

At this time, my father actually said to my mother teasingly behind me: "It seems that demotion also has the benefit of degrading." ”

Dad just can't change the problem of sarcastically mocking me all day long, forget it, today is a big day, I don't talk back to him. Besides, I know he's in a very good mood to say that.

My mom didn't understand what my dad meant, and asked, "Komatsu's downgrade has made us anxious, why has it become a good thing again?" ”

My father said, "People say that college is one of the happiest moments in life, and we can enjoy this happiness twice." In addition, our Komatsu is already a freshman for the second time, and you see that when he handled the registration of new students, he was familiar with the road and confident, and he was really clear. ”

The old mother smiled and said, "Yes, compared to those new students who follow their parents stupidly, I think our son is at least better than them in terms of hands-on ability." ”

At this time, a big parent walked over and asked us about the procedures for "student loans" in a thick northwest accent. It just so happened that he asked the right person, my father is an expert in the financial industry for decades, and he used the most simple and popular language to explain the conditions, procedures, and responsibilities of student loans.

Dad casually asked, "Where are you from?" ”

The big man said, "Gansu, Gannan region." ”

My father said, "Oh, I've been to Labrang Monastery in Gannam. ”

"That's right, my home is in that area."

"It costs a lot of money to send my child to Beijing to study at university, right?"

"That's right, I sold a cow for this baby to come to school in Beijing."

Dad asked worriedly, "Really?" If you sell all the cattle, what will you do next year? This tuition fee is paid every year. ”

The big man smiled heartily: "Then sell the cow again." ”

"Huh? Sell cattle again? How many cows do you have at home? ”

The big man tilted his head and thought for a moment: "If you count the calves, there are more than twenty." ”

The big man walked away proudly, and my mother smiled and said to my father, "I still worry about the peasant brothers all day long, people have cattle and sheep, and the family property is much richer than ours." ”

Dad said, "I knew this earlier, I sent Komatsu to the northwest to herd cattle, and what kind of university did I go to?" ”

At the law school, we met President Cao of the branch school, and after we reported to our home, we were about to explain the situation to him, but he nodded again and again and said, "Needless to say, I know the situation of Fu Xiaosong, I know everything." "It seems that Principal Yan has given him a special explanation, and he already knows my situation well.

President Cao said to us very politely: "There is one thing you have to determine for yourself, we have two classes in the law major, one is the international economic law major, the curriculum is more arranged, the foreign language requirements are higher, and it is relatively difficult to learn. There is also a class for general law majors, the curriculum is more relaxed, and the requirements for students are relatively low, you see——? ”

My father was puzzled and asked, "They all study law, why are some of them more difficult and some of them easier?" ”

Principal Cao looked directly at my father through the gold-rimmed glasses, and then at me, probably judging whether we were really stupid or pretending to be stupid, and his final conclusion was obviously the former.

So he patiently said to us in a heart-to-heart tone: "Let's put it bluntly, the class of international economic law is a normal class, and the students in that class have all entered through the normal college entrance examination, and some students from other places have scored more than 500 points in the local examination. Therefore, the teaching progress of this international economic law class is relatively fast, and the requirements for students are relatively strict. The general law class was not included in the original plan, but it was added after consultation with the education management department. It is specially set up for students who are not very good at studying, but have connections and are willing to pay sponsorship fees. The curriculum of this class is relatively simple, and the management is not too strict, and it is okay to get by on the whole. In fact, this class should belong to the three books of a relatively low level. But don't worry, when students graduate, the graduation certificates we issue are the same, and the employer can't see it. ”

"Oh, I see." Dad's expression was very embarrassed.

My mother still didn't understand, so she whispered to my father, "What does the principal mean?" ”

My father said with some frustration: "The school is afraid that our son will not be able to keep up with his studies, and I am also afraid that the grades of these students who come in by relationship are too poor, which will affect the reputation of the school." Just set up a relatively easy class for these imbecile students, and they just had to graduate. ”

"Oh, I see." The expression on my mother's face was suddenly as ugly as my father's.

My father turned to me and asked, "Son, you can decide this matter yourself." ”

My face was hot, and I felt that Principal Cao was humiliating me. I was demoted because I was obsessed with online games and didn't pay attention to the class, and I just missed a step by chance, but I'm not a mentally handicapped child, can't I even read a normal law class? Who do you think I am?

I took a breath and said impassionedly, "Either you don't want to go, or if you do, I'll take the class of international economic law." ”

"Why?" Principal Cao asked puzzled, he must have thought that I would definitely choose the general law class that would not have to work too hard to get a diploma.

I puffed up my chest and said, "I'm no worse than any of them, and if they can keep up, I can keep up." At that time, it is not necessarily who is better than whom. ”

Principal Cao was obviously very unhappy when he heard my decision, but he really had no reason to force me to take three books, so he had to reluctantly agree. But before leaving, he said coldly: "I have told you everything that should be said, if in the end you can't finish your studies because you don't study well, or you can't get a degree certificate, then it's too late, and then it's useless for you to trust anything, you know?" ”

"Know, know, we must let him work hard!" My parents expressed their determination with a smile on their faces, and I watched Principal Cao walk away with a blank face, thinking: This guy really underestimates people, is it a mule or a horse, let's see.

My parents sent me to the dormitory, and after everything was settled, they were ready to go home. Before leaving, my mother told me to cherish this opportunity and study hard, I nodded a little impatiently, and said in my heart, you also underestimate your son, after such a painful setback, will I still be fooling around in college without heart.

Dad didn't ask too much, just said: "It's okay to call home more and report that you're safe." The phone should be turned on all day, if I call your phone one day and can't find you, I will deduct your mobile phone bill! ”

I reluctantly said "um", my dad always threatened me with economic sanctions, which was about the same as the US Congress.

Watching my dad's car slowly drive out of the campus, I breathed a sigh of relief. The "nightmare of dropping out" that lasted for more than six months is finally over. Looking back on the bumpy experience of most of the past six months: being forced to drop out of school, retaking exams, having an Internet addiction attack, being deceived in a fake military school, and ......asking Minister Guo for help through my second aunt, I felt that I was "exhausted and doubtful" several times, but God helped us, and finally "another village".

I secretly decided that from now on, I will study hard, work hard, and I must learn to show my parents, my former teachers and classmates. I want to change my old ways, stop being obsessed with online games, and never play again...... Oh no, try to play as little as ......, well, it depends on the situation.

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