
The media commented on the draw for the top 18: the national football team drew the lottery, saying that the group of death does not understand Asian football!

author:Orange meets soda
The media commented on the draw for the top 18: the national football team drew the lottery, saying that the group of death does not understand Asian football!


When the draw results of the top 18 matches of the national football team were settled, public opinion exploded in an instant.

Some people beat their chests and feet, calling this the group of death;

The media commented on the draw for the top 18: the national football team drew the lottery, saying that the group of death does not understand Asian football!

However, Xu Jiang, a well-known media person, is unique and firmly claims that the national football team has drawn the lottery.

Is this insight or blind optimism?

The media commented on the draw for the top 18: the national football team drew the lottery, saying that the group of death does not understand Asian football!
The media commented on the draw for the top 18: the national football team drew the lottery, saying that the group of death does not understand Asian football!

First, the clear and distinct Group C pattern

Xu Jiang Li Chen, the national football team is in Group C seems to be surrounded by strong opponents, Japan, Australia and Saudi Arabia are like three insurmountable peaks.

The media commented on the draw for the top 18: the national football team drew the lottery, saying that the group of death does not understand Asian football!

But he had the foresight to see that this was a potential benefit.

In his analysis, these three powerhouses have the absolute power to suppress Bahrain and Indonesia, as if they have locked the top three in the group in advance.

The media commented on the draw for the top 18: the national football team drew the lottery, saying that the group of death does not understand Asian football!
The media commented on the draw for the top 18: the national football team drew the lottery, saying that the group of death does not understand Asian football!

2. A clear and firm target course

The goal of the national football team this time is clear - to compete for the fourth place in the group.

The media commented on the draw for the top 18: the national football team drew the lottery, saying that the group of death does not understand Asian football!

Xu Jiang firmly believes that as long as the national football team can play well in the fierce home and away matches with Bahrain and Indonesia, and score more points in these four crucial matchups, it is expected to beat the opponent and enter the fourth place in the group, so as to get a ticket to the play-offs.

He believes that clear and focused goals and concentrating on key events are the secret of the national football team's success in this draw situation.

The media commented on the draw for the top 18: the national football team drew the lottery, saying that the group of death does not understand Asian football!
The media commented on the draw for the top 18: the national football team drew the lottery, saying that the group of death does not understand Asian football!

3. Multidimensional comparison with other groups

Xu Jiang also made a meticulous comparison between Group C and Group B and Group A.

In Group B, South Korea's superior team could throw the group into chaos by stumbling ahead of the likes of Iraq, Jordan and Oman.

The media commented on the draw for the top 18: the national football team drew the lottery, saying that the group of death does not understand Asian football!

In this kind of chaos, the national football team wants to get a piece of the pie, and the difficulty coefficient is extremely high.

In Group A, Iran, Qatar and Uzbekistan are unfathomable, and the UAE is the strongest team in Pot 4, so the situation is also not optimistic for the national football team.

The media commented on the draw for the top 18: the national football team drew the lottery, saying that the group of death does not understand Asian football!


The media commented on the draw for the top 18: the national football team drew the lottery, saying that the group of death does not understand Asian football!

Xu Jiang's unique interpretation of the results of the national football draw does give people a new perspective to think about.

However, the world of football is unpredictable, and the final outcome still needs to be written by the national football players on the green field.

The media commented on the draw for the top 18: the national football team drew the lottery, saying that the group of death does not understand Asian football!

Dear readers and friends, what is your view on the draw of the national football team? Do you think the national football team can achieve the goal of fighting for fourth place in the group as desired?

I look forward to you speaking freely in the comment area, let us cheer for the national football team together!

The media commented on the draw for the top 18: the national football team drew the lottery, saying that the group of death does not understand Asian football!


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The media commented on the draw for the top 18: the national football team drew the lottery, saying that the group of death does not understand Asian football!

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