
How many points can you get into a good university, someone has sorted it out, collect it and take a look!

author:Look up under the stars
How many points can you get into a good university, someone has sorted it out, collect it and take a look!
How many points can you get into a good university, someone has sorted it out, collect it and take a look!
How many points can you get into a good university, someone has sorted it out, collect it and take a look!
How many points can you get into a good university, someone has sorted it out, collect it and take a look!
How many points can you get into a good university, someone has sorted it out, collect it and take a look!
How many points can you get into a good university, someone has sorted it out, collect it and take a look!
How many points can you get into a good university, someone has sorted it out, collect it and take a look!
How many points can you get into a good university, someone has sorted it out, collect it and take a look!
How many points can you get into a good university, someone has sorted it out, collect it and take a look!
How many points can you get into a good university, someone has sorted it out, collect it and take a look!
How many points can you get into a good university, someone has sorted it out, collect it and take a look!
How many points can you get into a good university, someone has sorted it out, collect it and take a look!
How many points can you get into a good university, someone has sorted it out, collect it and take a look!
How many points can you get into a good university, someone has sorted it out, collect it and take a look!
How many points can you get into a good university, someone has sorted it out, collect it and take a look!
How many points can you get into a good university, someone has sorted it out, collect it and take a look!
How many points can you get into a good university, someone has sorted it out, collect it and take a look!
How many points can you get into a good university, someone has sorted it out, collect it and take a look!

In the depths of the rivers and lakes, there is a mysterious legend hidden. Legend has it that there is a place known as the "Time Rift", which allows people to travel back in time and space, back in time or into the future. This legend has aroused the curiosity and exploration of countless people, but no one has been able to find its trace.

However, the gears of fate inadvertently began to turn. In an ordinary village, there lives a teenager named Yun Feiyang. He has bright eyes and a heart eager for adventure. One day, he accidentally discovered a hidden cave in the mountains and forests, and there was a mysterious atmosphere around the cave entrance.

Yun Feiyang became curious and decided to explore the cave. He cautiously walked into the cave, only to see that the light inside the cave was dim, and a strange aroma filled the air. As he went deeper, he gradually felt a powerful force surging. Suddenly, a dazzling light shot out from the front, engulfing him entirely.

When the light dissipated, Yun Feiyang found himself in a completely unfamiliar environment. Surrounded by a vast grassland, the sky is blue and the sun is shining. He was surprised to find that he had come to a different time and space!

In this new world, Yun Feiyang encounters various adventures and challenges. He got acquainted with heroes and heroes from different dynasties, but also encountered the pursuit and obstruction of evil forces. He continued to grow and learn, trying to find a way back to his original world.

As time passed, Yun Feiyang gradually discovered that the "Time Rift" was not a simple tool to travel through, but a larger secret was hidden. He is determined to unravel the mystery and find the truth.

By chance, Yun Feiyang obtained an ancient book that recorded the secrets of the "Time Rift". It turns out that this rift was created by an ancient powerful person in order to connect different planes and allow humans to transcend the limitations of time and space.

However, there is also a huge risk associated with this crack. If it is used by evil people, it will have irreparable consequences for the entire plane. Yun Feiyang realizes that he must take responsibility for protecting the "Time Rift" and stopping the conspiracy of the evil forces.

So, he embarked on a journey full of hardships and challenges. In the process, he made many like-minded friends, and they fought side by side to protect the peace and tranquility of this time and space.

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