
The ancient "master of cleanliness", Mi Fu's philosophy of life: how does cleanliness affect its artistic creation?

author:Kyushu Shinashi
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Mi Fu, the word Yuan Zhang, the number of Lumen monks, Haiyue foreign history, the famous calligrapher, painter and connoisseur of the Northern Song Dynasty. It's not just the artistic achievements that are amazing, but the serious cleanliness habit is also fresh in people's memories.

The ancient "master of cleanliness", Mi Fu's philosophy of life: how does cleanliness affect its artistic creation?

Not to mention his name, even if you only talk about the works, many people will have a picture in their minds: a "cleanliness expert" who blows ashes at the four treasures of the study.

The ancient "master of cleanliness", Mi Fu's philosophy of life: how does cleanliness affect its artistic creation?

How serious is Mi Fu's cleanliness? His study was so clean that he couldn't find a speck of dust. If anyone dares to step into his study with a little dust, it is simply "stepping on a mine", Mi Fu can instantly "explode".

The ancient "master of cleanliness", Mi Fu's philosophy of life: how does cleanliness affect its artistic creation?

About Mi Fu's cleanliness, there are many records in historical documents. It is said that he has almost strict requirements for cleanliness in his daily life. For example, the four treasures of the study he used had to be kept spotless, and even the paper on which he wrote had to be new and flawless.

If you look at a slightly wrinkled piece of paper, his face is like freshly spilled ink, a dark cloud. His study and living room must be cleaned clean, and there should be no stains.

The ancient "master of cleanliness", Mi Fu's philosophy of life: how does cleanliness affect its artistic creation?

Mi Fu's habits, not only reflected in personal life, but also affected his social activities. He doesn't like to have too much contact with people, especially those he doesn't feel clean enough. He would even refuse to meet others because of their "uncleanness", which made him a bit of a "lone ranger" in the circle at that time.

The ancient "master of cleanliness", Mi Fu's philosophy of life: how does cleanliness affect its artistic creation?

Mi Fu once traveled in the south of the Yangtze River, found a natural clean stone. If he found a treasure, he named it "Jieshi" and regarded it as a treasure. This stone has not only become a favorite, but also a symbol of cleanliness.

A lot of work has been put into this "clean stone". Every day, he had to wipe the stone to make sure it was clean and clean. Can you imagine? A great calligrapher, so attached to a stone, it is impossible to cry and laugh. But it is precisely his quest for cleanliness that has reached a state of obsession.

The ancient "master of cleanliness", Mi Fu's philosophy of life: how does cleanliness affect its artistic creation?

"Jieshi" later became the talk of literati after tea and dinner. Friends get together and often joke about Mi Fu and his stones.

It is precisely this "cleanliness habit" that makes his calligraphy works exude a fresh, refined, clean and bright beauty. Perhaps, the pursuit of cleanliness and perfection in his heart is expressed through his brushstrokes.

The ancient "master of cleanliness", Mi Fu's philosophy of life: how does cleanliness affect its artistic creation?

Mi Fu's cleanliness is not only reflected in his own life, his artistic creation is also full of this ultimate pursuit. His calligraphy works are fresh and refined, clean and bright, as if every stroke is dancing on rice paper, without the slightest feeling of dragging mud and water.

The ancient "master of cleanliness", Mi Fu's philosophy of life: how does cleanliness affect its artistic creation?

His calligraphy pays attention to "roundness" and "cleanness", and the so-called "brushing" style is clean and neat to the extreme. Some people say that Mi Fu writes every stroke like a clean habit-style cleaning, not allowing any flaws. It is no wonder that his work is unique in the world of calligraphy and has been widely acclaimed.

The ancient "master of cleanliness", Mi Fu's philosophy of life: how does cleanliness affect its artistic creation?

Looking at his paintings, especially landscape paintings, the artistic conception beyond the object is really breathtaking. The landscapes in his paintings are smooth in line and clear in composition, and every leaf and drop of water seems to have been carefully processed, without any clutter. Is this Mi Fu's cleanliness habit at fault?

The ancient "master of cleanliness", Mi Fu's philosophy of life: how does cleanliness affect its artistic creation?

Mi Fu's cleanliness is not for no reason, it can be said to be an artistic belief. According to the analysis of historical data, his cleanliness is closely related to the ultimate pursuit of art. In the eyes of the ancient literati, cleanliness was not only a habit of life, but also a spiritual pursuit.

The ancient "master of cleanliness", Mi Fu's philosophy of life: how does cleanliness affect its artistic creation?

Through the cleansing of the body and the environment, we seek the purity of the soul and the sublimation of art. His cleanliness is actually a manifestation of his pursuit of artistic perfectionism. The neat, fresh and refined style in the work is largely the product of this cleanliness habit.

The ancient "master of cleanliness", Mi Fu's philosophy of life: how does cleanliness affect its artistic creation?

The famous scholar Qian Mu mentioned in his book "The Spiritual World of the Song Dynasty Literati" that Mi Fu's cleanliness is inseparable from his aesthetic concept. He believes that artistic creation requires a pure mind and environment, and this purity can only be achieved through strict self-requirements and environmental maintenance.

The ancient "master of cleanliness", Mi Fu's philosophy of life: how does cleanliness affect its artistic creation?

A person can go so far in order to keep it clean. Mi Fu's extreme cleaning habits, not only make his work unique, full of unique beauty and style, but also brought a lot of trouble to his daily life.

In ancient times without modern cleaning equipment, Mi Fu had to spend much time and energy to maintain a spotless environment. Mi Fu got up in the morning and began his "cleaning marathon".

First of all, carefully wipe the four treasures of the study, and every pen and inkstone must be polished. Then, he would take out his beloved "clean stone", which he regarded as a treasure and would wipe it every day, and he would not dare to slack off. How much time does he have to spend on these "rubs" this day?

The ancient "master of cleanliness", Mi Fu's philosophy of life: how does cleanliness affect its artistic creation?

His study is a battlefield, and it must be cleaned spotlessly every day, and there is no room for a little dust. He even got angry at his friend's study, just because he saw a little mess. Such a person, will they be very tired in life? However, Mi Fu is happy to do this, as if this has become a part of his life.

"Song Dynasty Cultural Research" mentioned that Mi Fu's efforts to keep the living environment clean, although it increased the complexity of life, but also improved his concentration and fineness in artistic creation. His cleanliness has led him to strive for perfection in calligraphy and painting, striving for perfection in every stroke and painting.

The ancient "master of cleanliness", Mi Fu's philosophy of life: how does cleanliness affect its artistic creation?

Mi Fu's cleanliness is not only a part of his personality, but also an extreme embodiment of his artistic pursuit. Knowing his cleanliness habits, we can delve into the artist's attitude to life and artistic philosophy, as well as how he pursues cleanliness and purity both physically and mentally. Mi Fu's way of life, just like an ancient version of the "autobiography of the master of cleanliness".

The ancient "master of cleanliness", Mi Fu's philosophy of life: how does cleanliness affect its artistic creation?


Mi Fu's cleanliness is not only a habit of life, but also an artistic attitude. This "master of cleanliness", with his seemingly harsh habits, has left us countless works that have been handed down to the world. This kind of cleanliness, if you think about it, is it also a little cute? His habit of cleanliness may have contributed to his unique artistic style and commendable calligraphy charm.

The ancient "master of cleanliness", Mi Fu's philosophy of life: how does cleanliness affect its artistic creation?

Mi Fu's story tells us that the pursuit of art sometimes needs some "madness". His cleanliness habit, although it has complicated his life a lot, has also made his artistic beauty a reality. Mi Fu, the art geek of the Northern Song Dynasty, with his cleanliness and artistic pursuit, wrote a legend in the history of Chinese art.


History of the Song Dynasty

Qian Mu, The Spiritual World of the Song Dynasty Literati, Zhonghua Book Company, 2015

Wang Guowei, A Study of Song Dynasty Culture, The Commercial Press, 2010

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