
Ye Haiyang exposed the high-end way of bringing a baby, her 2-year-old daughter wears expensive 3D glasses, and the eldest daughter is beautiful in frontal photos

author:Dongle Shi said

On June 27, Ye Haiyang bought a 5-digit 3D glasses for her 2-year-old daughter, and her high-end way of raising a baby made netizens envious, and Ye Haiyang's postpartum recovery was too good, not like a confinement woman at all.

Ye Haiyang exposed the high-end way of bringing a baby, her 2-year-old daughter wears expensive 3D glasses, and the eldest daughter is beautiful in frontal photos

In Ye Haiyang's latest video, she went to a brand store to buy a 3D glasses when she was still confined, and the glasses were worth 5 figures from the official website, and this glasses were only sold in China yesterday, Ye Haiyang bought them one step in advance, and she was really a trendy person.

Ye Haiyang exposed the high-end way of bringing a baby, her 2-year-old daughter wears expensive 3D glasses, and the eldest daughter is beautiful in frontal photos

Netizens originally thought that they were bought for herself, but they didn't expect the glasses to appear on the child's face as soon as the camera turned, and the two children were happily playing with the 3D glasses.

Ye Haiyang exposed the high-end way of bringing a baby, her 2-year-old daughter wears expensive 3D glasses, and the eldest daughter is beautiful in frontal photos

It can be seen from Ye Haiyang's accompanying text that these glasses were actually bought for Hatti, who is more than two years old, and he also praised his daughter Hatti for being very smart and able to understand the instructions at such a young age.

Ye Haiyang exposed the high-end way of bringing a baby, her 2-year-old daughter wears expensive 3D glasses, and the eldest daughter is beautiful in frontal photos

Hatti's high IQ and intelligence are not only because of good genes, but also because Ye Haiyang's education method is relatively high-end. Generally speaking, children over two years old are still reading picture books at home, watching TV or going to the zoo to broaden their horizons and gain knowledge of the world, but Ye Haiyang's daughter Hatti can use 3D glasses to obtain this kind of high-tech, it can be said that Ye Haiyang is very willing to spend money on educating children, and spends five figures on a glass.

Ye Haiyang exposed the high-end way of bringing a baby, her 2-year-old daughter wears expensive 3D glasses, and the eldest daughter is beautiful in frontal photos

In the video, Ye Haiyang also showed his cute side, Hatti took a toy cockroach to bed, and kissed it, so frightened that Ye Haiyang's eyes widened and said that he was surprised, such an interaction is really very warm.

Ye Haiyang exposed the high-end way of bringing a baby, her 2-year-old daughter wears expensive 3D glasses, and the eldest daughter is beautiful in frontal photos
Ye Haiyang exposed the high-end way of bringing a baby, her 2-year-old daughter wears expensive 3D glasses, and the eldest daughter is beautiful in frontal photos

The youngest daughter Hatti is so smart, and the eldest daughter Doris has a very high IQ and appearance, although it only appears for a few seconds in the video, it can still be seen that she is a beauty embryo.

Ye Haiyang exposed the high-end way of bringing a baby, her 2-year-old daughter wears expensive 3D glasses, and the eldest daughter is beautiful in frontal photos

And from Ye Haiyang's previous videos, it can be seen that Doris was admitted to a very good primary school with her own efforts, and she also participated in equestrian competitions, she is really a very good little girl.

Ye Haiyang exposed the high-end way of bringing a baby, her 2-year-old daughter wears expensive 3D glasses, and the eldest daughter is beautiful in frontal photos
Ye Haiyang exposed the high-end way of bringing a baby, her 2-year-old daughter wears expensive 3D glasses, and the eldest daughter is beautiful in frontal photos

In addition to the two daughters' education willing to invest, Ye Haiyang also spent a lot of effort on the two newborn sons, in the video of the twin sons, some netizens found that the bottle they used to drink milk was not the kind we commonly use, but a plastic. After some inquiry, I found out that this was a disposable bottle, and I needed to use a new one every time, I have to say that Ye Haiyang really loves his children very much, and no matter what, he will use the best for them.

Ye Haiyang exposed the high-end way of bringing a baby, her 2-year-old daughter wears expensive 3D glasses, and the eldest daughter is beautiful in frontal photos

Although Ye Haiyang is still in the period of confinement, there is no image of female confinement in our traditional concept from the video she released. Ye Haiyang, who appeared in the video, often wore capable and exquisite suit trousers, not bloated at all, but looked very handsome, and she also went out to buy herself a few luxury clothes, and still maintained the perfect image of a strong woman during the confinement period.

Ye Haiyang exposed the high-end way of bringing a baby, her 2-year-old daughter wears expensive 3D glasses, and the eldest daughter is beautiful in frontal photos
Ye Haiyang exposed the high-end way of bringing a baby, her 2-year-old daughter wears expensive 3D glasses, and the eldest daughter is beautiful in frontal photos

There are also attentive netizens who found a glass of ice water next to the dinner plate when she was eating in Ye Haiyang's video, and said in the comment area that Ye Haiyang is a Chinese body foreigner's physique.

Ye Haiyang exposed the high-end way of bringing a baby, her 2-year-old daughter wears expensive 3D glasses, and the eldest daughter is beautiful in frontal photos
Ye Haiyang exposed the high-end way of bringing a baby, her 2-year-old daughter wears expensive 3D glasses, and the eldest daughter is beautiful in frontal photos
Ye Haiyang exposed the high-end way of bringing a baby, her 2-year-old daughter wears expensive 3D glasses, and the eldest daughter is beautiful in frontal photos
Ye Haiyang exposed the high-end way of bringing a baby, her 2-year-old daughter wears expensive 3D glasses, and the eldest daughter is beautiful in frontal photos

Some netizens said that Ye Haiyang was able to recover so quickly because she did not have a traditional caesarean section, but an epiperitoneal caesarean section, which has low damage to the body and little damage, and the recovery after childbirth is also very fast, and it will not leave a big incision, for example, Xi Mengyao of the gambling king's family gave birth to this operation, and her figure is also very good, and she basically can't see the impact of pregnancy and childbirth on women. It is also because Xi Mengyao that everyone knows about this caesarean section, which can also see that the medical level of our country is very high, and I hope that women in the future can eat the benefits of science and technology and have fewer sins.

Ye Haiyang exposed the high-end way of bringing a baby, her 2-year-old daughter wears expensive 3D glasses, and the eldest daughter is beautiful in frontal photos
Ye Haiyang exposed the high-end way of bringing a baby, her 2-year-old daughter wears expensive 3D glasses, and the eldest daughter is beautiful in frontal photos

However, Ye Haiyang can go out in shorts to shoot with the child in shorts just after giving birth, and go out shopping freely, whether it is mental state or figure, he can't see it a few days after giving birth, maybe it is also because there is no confinement abroad, so Ye Haiyang also follows the way of living abroad. In fact, for pregnant women, as long as they have a scientific and healthy rest and a balanced diet, their bodies can actually recover very well, not to mention qualified women like Ye Haiyang.

Ye Haiyang exposed the high-end way of bringing a baby, her 2-year-old daughter wears expensive 3D glasses, and the eldest daughter is beautiful in frontal photos

Judging from Ye Haiyang's state after giving birth to three children, the life of a family of five is really sweet and happy, whether it is for the education of the children or the improvement of himself, Ye Haiyang has done almost perfectly, so netizens are very envious of Ye Haiyang's children, and they also admire Ye Haiyang's career and family, which can not only have their own careers, but also accompany the growth of their children. I hope that Ye Haiyang's children can grow up healthily and have a harmonious and happy family~

What do you think about this? Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area~

Material source: Ye Haiyang social platform

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