
Tonight, our station will broadcast a large-scale financial media program "Weiyou Traditional Chinese Medicine - Li Hong: Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnoses Diseases to Distinguish the Sky, People, and Disease Syndromes"


Tonight, our station will broadcast a large-scale financial media program

"Weiyou Traditional Chinese Medicine - Li Hong: Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnoses Diseases to Distinguish Heaven, People, and Disease Syndromes"

Weifang Radio and Television New Media News Tonight, Weifang Radio and Television's large-scale financial media column "Weiyou Traditional Chinese Medicine" broadcast the 26th episode of the program "Li Hong: Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnoses Diseases to Distinguish Heaven, People, and Disease Syndromes".

Taoism and nature, the unity of nature and man, is the inherent survival concept of Chinese civilization. Professor Li Hong of the Affiliated Hospital of Weifang Nursing Vocational College applies the theory of five fortunes and six qi to guide clinical practice, and applies the holistic concept of "the unity of nature and man" to the diagnosis and treatment of common diseases and difficult and miscellaneous diseases, and is the representative inheritor of the Longsha medical school.

Tonight, our station will broadcast a large-scale financial media program "Weiyou Traditional Chinese Medicine - Li Hong: Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnoses Diseases to Distinguish the Sky, People, and Disease Syndromes"
Tonight, our station will broadcast a large-scale financial media program "Weiyou Traditional Chinese Medicine - Li Hong: Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnoses Diseases to Distinguish the Sky, People, and Disease Syndromes"

This program is broadcast simultaneously through CCTV, People's Account and other central-level media platforms, lightning news client, Dazhong network poster news client and other provincial-level media platforms, five TV channels of Weifang Radio and Television Station, Weifang Internet Radio and Television Station Matrix, Weifang Radio and Television Station Financial Media Matrix and Weifang Radio and Television Financial Media Alliance.

Tonight, our station will broadcast a large-scale financial media program "Weiyou Traditional Chinese Medicine - Li Hong: Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnoses Diseases to Distinguish the Sky, People, and Disease Syndromes"
Tonight, our station will broadcast a large-scale financial media program "Weiyou Traditional Chinese Medicine - Li Hong: Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnoses Diseases to Distinguish the Sky, People, and Disease Syndromes"
Tonight, our station will broadcast a large-scale financial media program "Weiyou Traditional Chinese Medicine - Li Hong: Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnoses Diseases to Distinguish the Sky, People, and Disease Syndromes"

Editor: Liu Xiaozhe, review: Jia Chunyi, Wang Xiaolong, Li Huachun

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