
The United States wanted Chang'e-6 lunar soil, but China once again explicitly refused, leaving behind conditions to embarrass the United States

author:A page of history

The lunar soil from Chang'e-6 has returned, so it's time to start researching it.

The lunar soil from the oldest basin of the South Pole on the back of the moon is a sample of great research value for any country, even the United States, which is very eager to obtain the lunar soil of Chang'e-6.

The United States wanted Chang'e-6 lunar soil, but China once again explicitly refused, leaving behind conditions to embarrass the United States

For China's aerospace industry, there is no problem in cooperating, and there is no problem in wanting lunar soil, as long as it applies in accordance with the regulations.

However, the United States is not among the applicants, and China has made it clear that it can't, not because China says no to the United States, but because the United States has turned China away.

So what's going on here?

Let's find out!

The United States wanted Chang'e-6 lunar soil, but China once again explicitly refused, leaving behind conditions to embarrass the United States

1. The Wolf Clause in the United States

There is an old Chinese saying that "lift a stone and shoot yourself in the foot," and the United States is now facing this embarrassing situation.

The return of Chang'e-6 to Earth is one of the world's major space events.

At the relevant press conference, AFP reporters asked the United States about obtaining lunar soil, and the mainland's reply was very clear: it is not that we do not communicate, but that the United States is forcibly creating obstacles.

The simple way for the United States to obtain lunar soil is to remove the obstacles ahead.

The United States wanted Chang'e-6 lunar soil, but China once again explicitly refused, leaving behind conditions to embarrass the United States

The so-called obstacle is already very obvious, and that is a bill passed by the United States in 2011 that explicitly prohibits any form of space cooperation between the United States and China.

Because China has made it clear that it has refused, CNN has also expressed its dissatisfaction and indignation, and they feel that it is all because China is cautious that it will exclude the United States in the allocation of lunar soil.

The United States wanted Chang'e-6 lunar soil, but China once again explicitly refused, leaving behind conditions to embarrass the United States

2. The return of Chang'e-6 was smeared by foreign media

The great achievements of China's aerospace industry have attracted the attention of the whole world, and everyone has been amazed, congratulated, and of course, there are also discordant voices.

You must know that abroad, there is a group of people who "break the black material" through various media, constantly smearing China's aerospace and Chang'e-6.

After the success of the Chang'e-6 mission, when these media have nowhere to be blackened, their words are full of sourness.

For example, the British BBC, when this media congratulated China's Chang'e-6 on its success, it did not forget the yin and yang.

The United States wanted Chang'e-6 lunar soil, but China once again explicitly refused, leaving behind conditions to embarrass the United States

According to the BBC's thinking and logic, China is a developing country, and it is worth celebrating that it can achieve such great achievements, but as a developing country, it is unwise and unreasonable for China to invest heavily in the space industry.

Obviously, the BBC has something to say, which is a typical "if you can't eat grapes, you say that grapes are sour".

Nothing is more important to American politicians than political correctness, and to ensure this, American politicians can ignore the facts or be shameless, as long as they achieve their goals.

The ugly faces of American politicians have been completely exposed after the success of Chang'e-6.

The United States wanted Chang'e-6 lunar soil, but China once again explicitly refused, leaving behind conditions to embarrass the United States

The "Wolf Clause" must be there, but China can also have lunar soil, and the NASA administrator of the United States has publicly stated that if China is willing to give us lunar soil, we are very happy to accept it, and the restrictions of the clause will not prevent the United States from accepting gifts from others.

At the same time, he also hopes to get more budget in this way, after all, the United States needs money to develop, and it needs a lot of money.

The U.S. Artemis lunar exploration program will cost tens of billions of dollars, tens of billions of samples will be needed to go to Mars, and tens of billions of dollars will be needed to build a space station on the moon.

If the US military budget is insufficient, where will he get the money to develop the aerospace industry, so it is understandable that the United States has been surpassed by China's aerospace industry.

The United States wanted Chang'e-6 lunar soil, but China once again explicitly refused, leaving behind conditions to embarrass the United States

In addition to those unpleasant words, there are still many people in foreign countries who understand, such as James, a professor at Brown University, who gave a very high evaluation of the Chang'e-6 mission, believing that the lunar soil of Chang'e-6 can change human cognition of the moon and even help humans further explore the solar system.

CNN of the United States did not hesitate to praise the success of Chang'e-6, but CNN changed its style and talked about lunar soil again.

CNN, of course, did not mention the "Wolf Clause" at all, but instead questioned the lunar soil cooperation mechanism, according to the Chang'e-5 lunar soil cooperation method, foreign research institutions must wait three years to obtain lunar soil, unless they cooperate with Chinese scientific research institutions, this time can be shortened.

The United States wanted Chang'e-6 lunar soil, but China once again explicitly refused, leaving behind conditions to embarrass the United States

CNN said this was unfair and that China should not set a time limit for research exchanges.

Why is the lunar soil that China's aerospace has only been able to retrieve with great difficulty, not to Chinese scientific research institutions first, but to foreign research structures first?

What kind of truth is this?

Now that this issue has become public, the United States wants no problem with lunar soil, you first abolish the "Wolf Clause", and then come to talk to China.

The United States wanted Chang'e-6 lunar soil, but China once again explicitly refused, leaving behind conditions to embarrass the United States

Moreover, China has made it clear that the "Wolf Clause" only restricts the exchange and cooperation between China and the United States in the space industry, but does not limit the speed of China's space development.

From this point of view, since the introduction of the "Wolf Clause", the development of American space has stagnated, and this clause seems to be a curse, accelerating NASA's regression.

The United States wanted Chang'e-6 lunar soil, but China once again explicitly refused, leaving behind conditions to embarrass the United States

At present, the United States has completely lost the lunar exploration project, so the United States still does not have an advantage in the next Mars sample return and manned landing on the moon.

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