
How can the peasants resist the infiltration of external forces? The Urgency and Countermeasures of Rural Patriotism Education!


Peasant Patriotism Education: Challenges and Opportunities in Contemporary Eastern Powers

How can the peasants resist the infiltration of external forces? The Urgency and Countermeasures of Rural Patriotism Education!


As the most populous country in the world, the national security and long-term stable development of the great Eastern countries are inseparable from the patriotic feelings of the citizens of every large eastern country. However, in a country with a relatively high proportion of agricultural population such as a large eastern country, peasants, as the most populous group, have patriotic feelings that are crucial to the country's long-term stability and development. Strengthening education on patriotism among peasants and guiding the vast number of peasants to establish a correct outlook on the country, the nation, and honor and disgrace is of great significance to enhancing national awareness, maintaining social stability, and promoting rural revitalization.

At present, the work of peasant patriotism education is faced with a series of challenges, such as limited information dissemination channels, low cultural level, shackles of traditional concepts, and infiltration by external forces.

How can the peasants resist the infiltration of external forces? The Urgency and Countermeasures of Rural Patriotism Education!

1. Challenges facing peasant patriotic education

How can the peasants resist the infiltration of external forces? The Urgency and Countermeasures of Rural Patriotism Education!

1. Limited access to information

At present, with the rapid development of the Internet, the channels for information dissemination have become more and more diversified and convenient, and the channels for the peasant masses to obtain information are relatively limited due to the level of infrastructure construction and informatization in rural areas, which has brought certain difficulties to the development of peasant patriotism education.

How can the peasants resist the infiltration of external forces? The Urgency and Countermeasures of Rural Patriotism Education!

2. The level of education is generally low

Compared with urban residents, the education level of the peasants is generally low, and some peasants are even illiterate and semi-literate, which brings certain obstacles to the transmission and acceptance of the content of patriotic education, and it is also necessary for educators to carry out targeted education when carrying out educational activities.

How can the peasants resist the infiltration of external forces? The Urgency and Countermeasures of Rural Patriotism Education!

3. Constraints on traditional concepts

In some remote areas, due to the long-term influence of traditional concepts, some peasants have conservative and closed ideological concepts and have an attitude of suspicion and rejection of external things, and this requires educators to carry out targeted guidance and transformation of ideological concepts in the light of local conditions when carrying out patriotic education.

How can the peasants resist the infiltration of external forces? The Urgency and Countermeasures of Rural Patriotism Education!

4. Infiltration by external forces

With the continuous deepening of the reform and opening up of the big eastern countries, some Western countries and forces have developed certain strategic worries about the development of the big eastern countries, and they often infiltrate and influence the rural areas of the big eastern countries through various means, and the penetration and impact of some Western cultures have also brought certain challenges to the patriotic education of the peasants.

2. The great significance of strengthening patriotic education among peasants

In the face of all kinds of challenges, it is necessary for us to profoundly understand the important significance of strengthening patriotic education among peasants, and only by truly understanding this point can we better promote the in-depth development of patriotic education.

1. Enhance national awareness and sense of belonging

Strengthening the patriotic education of the peasants can help the peasants to have a deeper understanding of the country's development process and achievements, enhance their sense of national consciousness and belonging, and make them truly aware of their responsibilities and missions as citizens of a big country in the East.

2. Maintain social stability and national unity

Rural areas are an important cornerstone of social stability, and the ideological condition and emotional attitude of the peasants are directly related to the harmony and stability of the society; by strengthening the patriotic education of the peasants, we can effectively enhance the peasants' civilized quality and sense of social responsibility, enhance their sense of national pride and identity, and help promote the national unity and harmonious development of the whole society.

3. Promote rural revitalization and rural governance

At present, the eastern country is in a critical period of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, and the rural revitalization strategy has also been put on the agenda, and the enthusiasm and creativity of farmers is an important driving force for rural revitalization.

3. Countermeasures and Suggestions for Improving Peasants' Patriotic Education

In order to better promote the work of patriotic education among peasants, we need to start from many aspects and adopt a series of measures and countermeasures to fundamentally solve the problems and difficulties existing in the current education work.

1. Enrich educational content

When carrying out patriotic education, it is necessary to design rich and colorful educational content according to the actual needs and acceptance level of the peasants, and carry out various forms of educational activities in combination with the local history, culture and local characteristics, such as holding theme lectures, theatrical performances, film and television screenings, etc., so that the peasants can more deeply feel the historical heritage and cultural charm of the country in the process of participating in the activities.

2. Broaden the channels of information dissemination

It is necessary to make full use of modern scientific and technological means to broaden the channels for peasants to obtain information, and through such means as building rural cultural squares, launching WeChat public accounts, and building digital libraries, the content and spirit of patriotic education can penetrate into the lives of the peasant masses through various forms and channels.

3. Raise the level of literacy

In rural areas, it is necessary to intensify cultural projects to benefit the people, popularize high-quality educational resources, and improve the cultural quality and scientific literacy of peasants; only by allowing peasants to have more knowledge and information can they better understand and accept the content of patriotic education and enhance their cultural self-confidence and national pride.

4. Strengthen the guidance of public opinion

The media is an important position for public opinion guidance, and it is necessary to give full play to the role of the media, strengthen the guidance of public opinion in rural areas, promptly report on the good people and good deeds and advanced models around us, create a social atmosphere of respecting teachers and teaching, and respecting virtue and goodness, so that the voice of positive energy can spread all over the streets and alleys, and imperceptibly influence and educate the peasant masses.

5. Strengthen the building of grassroots organizations

Grass-roots party organizations are an important starting point for rural work, and it is necessary to give full play to the role of grass-roots party organizations as a fighting fortress in rural patriotism education, guide the majority of party members and cadres to go deep into the fields, go to villages and households, understand the real ideas and needs of farmers, carry out education work in a targeted manner, and lead the peasant masses to actively participate in the great practice of rural revitalization.


Only through unremitting educational work can the peasants truly become builders and participants with national consciousness, a sense of social responsibility and an innovative spirit, and can we gather majestic spiritual strength for the realization of the dream of a great oriental country for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It will make due contributions to promoting the continuous development of the cause of socialism with characteristics of a big country in the East.

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