
Please don't "black city management", the construction of the city and the happiness of the people are inseparable from their management!


Chengguan, do you really know them?

Please don't "black city management", the construction of the city and the happiness of the people are inseparable from their management!


In recent years, with the continuous advancement of urban construction, urban management has become more and more important. In the work of urban management, the Urban Management Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau (hereinafter referred to as Chengguan) plays a pivotal role. Their scope of work involves urban environmental sanitation, city appearance, food and drug safety, market supervision and other aspects, and they are front-line workers who maintain urban planning order and public safety.

The work of chengguan seems ordinary, but it is extremely difficult. They are always running around the streets of the city in order to allow citizens to live in a clean and orderly environment. In the work of urban management, they often encounter various difficulties and challenges, and sometimes even encounter misunderstanding and resistance from the citizens. So, what are the difficulties in the work of chengguan? How should we view the work of chengguan?

Please don't "black city management", the construction of the city and the happiness of the people are inseparable from their management!

1. Responsibilities of urban management

Let's take a look at the job responsibilities of the chengguan. As an important force in urban management, the main responsibilities of urban management are to maintain the planning order and public safety of the city, crack down on illegal portal operations and indiscriminate occupation of streets, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens.

In the daily management of the city, the urban management will ban and rectify some illegal buildings, indiscriminate stalls, indiscriminate dumping of garbage and other behaviors to ensure the overall environmental sanitation and appearance of the city. In addition, the urban management will also participate in food and drug safety inspection, market price supervision and other work to provide all-round protection for the lives of citizens.

Please don't "black city management", the construction of the city and the happiness of the people are inseparable from their management!

2. Difficulties and challenges in urban management work

Although the work of urban management is of great significance to the construction and management of the city, they often face various difficulties and challenges in their actual work.

Please don't "black city management", the construction of the city and the happiness of the people are inseparable from their management!

1. The mandate is clear but the basis for law enforcement is insufficient

In carrying out their work, urban management often needs to face some law enforcement problems. For example, when rectifying illegal buildings or illegally occupying roads and setting up stalls, due to the lack of clarity on the basis of relevant law enforcement, the law enforcement work of urban management is often subject to certain restrictions, and it is also easy to cause disputes and controversies.

Please don't "black city management", the construction of the city and the happiness of the people are inseparable from their management!

2. It is easy to be misinterpreted as violent law enforcement

Since the law enforcement work of urban management often requires the adoption of some coercive measures, such as demolishing illegal buildings or temporarily seizing illegal business items, it is easy for the parties or the surrounding people to misinterpret as violent law enforcement, which can lead to unnecessary conflicts and disputes.

3. It is necessary to face the resistance and antipathy of the public

In addition, the work content of the urban management often touches the vital interests of the citizens, for example, when rectifying the illegal stalls, it may bring certain economic losses to some small traders, which requires the urban management to face the resistance and disgust of the citizens in the process of carrying out the work, and need to have a certain communication and coordination ability.

Please don't "black city management", the construction of the city and the happiness of the people are inseparable from their management!

3. How to view the work of urban management

For the work of urban management, we must not only understand and support them, but also treat their work law enforcement behavior objectively and fairly. In my opinion, the work of chengguan is important, but when carrying out their work, they also need to have a kind heart and an understanding and respect for the lives of others.

Please don't "black city management", the construction of the city and the happiness of the people are inseparable from their management!

1. The significance of urban management work

We must understand that the work of urban management is to safeguard the interests of the whole city and the common interests of citizens, and all the work they do is to allow us to live in a clean and orderly environment, which is an invisible guarantee and care for every citizen.

Please don't "black city management", the construction of the city and the happiness of the people are inseparable from their management!

2. Balance urban management and citizen interests

When looking at the work of urban management, we should also realize that urban management work is not only about maintaining the planning order of the city, but also about the quality of life and happiness of citizens. In carrying out their work, urban management also needs to take into account the living space and development opportunities of vulnerable groups while maintaining urban rules and order, so as to truly seek well-being for citizens.

Please don't "black city management", the construction of the city and the happiness of the people are inseparable from their management!

3. The whole society participates in urban management

Building a beautiful city is not only the responsibility of the urban management family, but also requires the participation and efforts of the whole society. In urban management, each of us should have a civilized heart and a sense of abiding by the law, jointly safeguard the overall interests of the city, but also understand and support the work of urban management, and provide help and assistance for their work.

Please don't "black city management", the construction of the city and the happiness of the people are inseparable from their management!


In the current society, urban management has become a systematic project, which requires the joint participation and efforts of all departments and the whole society. I hope that through today's sharing, more people can understand and pay attention to the work of urban management, understand their job responsibilities and the difficulties they face, and also realize their importance in urban management, so as to jointly create a clean and beautiful urban environment.

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