
She is Jia Ling's senior sister, but she has been a "spare tire" for 16 years, how is she doing now?

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If you were asked to imagine Feng Gong being angry, would you be able to come up with it?

She is Jia Ling's senior sister, but she has been a "spare tire" for 16 years, how is she doing now?

I'm afraid most viewers find it hard to imagine that the "cross talk master" Feng Gong would be angry.

No matter what time it is, he will always smile at the audience, just like an "old naughty boy" who will always bring a smile to people.

She is Jia Ling's senior sister, but she has been a "spare tire" for 16 years, how is she doing now?

But in fact, in private, he is also a normal person, and he will be as happy and sad as us.

Especially when it comes to apprentices, he is simply the strictest teacher in the world.

She is Jia Ling's senior sister, but she has been a "spare tire" for 16 years, how is she doing now?

For example, his apprentice Song Ning was angrily criticized by Feng Gong backstage at the Spring Festival Gala.

And Song Ning has followed Feng Gong to learn art for many years, but she has only attended the Spring Festival Gala twice, which is far from being as good as her junior sister Jia Ling.

She is Jia Ling's senior sister, but she has been a "spare tire" for 16 years, how is she doing now?

She even laughed at herself like a "spare tire", and she couldn't go to the Spring Festival Gala after rehearsing for more than ten years.

Why was Feng Gong angry at Song Ning? Why was Song Ning replaced every time?

She is Jia Ling's senior sister, but she has been a "spare tire" for 16 years, how is she doing now?

Angry Feng Gong

If you want to ask which program in China is a must-see program for every household, it must be the CCTV Spring Festival Gala.

She is Jia Ling's senior sister, but she has been a "spare tire" for 16 years, how is she doing now?

As a heavyweight program of CCTV that comes to the Spring Festival every year, the Spring Festival Gala can be said to carry the good memories of countless people's family reunions.

It is precisely because the Spring Festival Gala is heavyweight enough that countless stars want to appear on the Spring Festival Gala even if they sharpen their heads.

She is Jia Ling's senior sister, but she has been a "spare tire" for 16 years, how is she doing now?

And Feng Gong, the master of cross talk, is now the record holder for the number of times he has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala, and he has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for 33 consecutive years.

His sentence "Dear audience friends, I miss you to death" has also become an iconic line.

She is Jia Ling's senior sister, but she has been a "spare tire" for 16 years, how is she doing now?

And for most audiences, Feng Gong's shows, like Zhao Benshan, are must-see programs for the Spring Festival Gala.

This also makes Feng Gong always a "laughing star" in the hearts of many audiences, as long as he is on stage, he can bring laughter to the audience.

is such an "old naughty boy" who never seems to be angry, but he was angry with his apprentice Song Ning backstage at the Spring Festival Gala.

She is Jia Ling's senior sister, but she has been a "spare tire" for 16 years, how is she doing now?

If Song Ning is really unsuccessful, it is understandable.

But Song Ning has rehearsed more than a dozen times with Feng Gong on the Spring Festival Gala, and her strength will not make Feng Gongfa so angry.

Since it wasn't because the apprentice didn't become a weapon, why did Feng Gong change his kindness in the past and be so angry?

She is Jia Ling's senior sister, but she has been a "spare tire" for 16 years, how is she doing now?

In a variety show, Song Ning told the whole story in front of the audience.

At that time, their team had already rehearsed the program to be on the Spring Festival Gala, and it had entered the final review.

She is Jia Ling's senior sister, but she has been a "spare tire" for 16 years, how is she doing now?

Since only a few leaders watched the final review, the atmosphere was much worse than the formal performance.

This also made the entire sketch team very nervous, and even Feng Gong, an experienced person, had to adjust his emotions well.

She is Jia Ling's senior sister, but she has been a "spare tire" for 16 years, how is she doing now?

At this time, Song Ning suddenly saw a piece of news that "Niu Li will replace Song Ning to perform at the Spring Festival Gala".

At that time, she was very puzzled, because Feng Gong had already said that she would play this time, so she showed her mobile phone to Feng Gong.

Maybe it was because of the apprentice's distrust of him, or maybe it was other reasons, Feng Gong's emotions that had just been brewing were ruined by this incident.

She is Jia Ling's senior sister, but she has been a "spare tire" for 16 years, how is she doing now?

So Feng Gong immediately yelled at Song Ning: "Do you still want to act?" Are you going to ruin the show? ”

Seeing that the master made such a big fire, Song Ning was also a little stunned, and she began to be afraid that the show would really be brushed off because of herself in the end.

She is Jia Ling's senior sister, but she has been a "spare tire" for 16 years, how is she doing now?

Fortunately, the final rehearsal performance was perfect, and the program successfully passed the review.

And Feng Gong didn't realize how angry he was at that time, and still smiled and asked Song Ning to come over for a group photo after rehearsals.

She is Jia Ling's senior sister, but she has been a "spare tire" for 16 years, how is she doing now?

And later, Song Ning also successfully appeared on the Spring Festival Gala that year, which was the first time she performed at the Spring Festival Gala.

However, even Song Ning himself would not have thought that after attending this Spring Festival Gala, he would actually be a "spare tire" for 12 years afterward.

She is Jia Ling's senior sister, but she has been a "spare tire" for 16 years, how is she doing now?

Spring Festival Gala "spare tire"

is different from her younger sister Jia Ling, although Song Ning has a good talent for comedy, her appearance is not very suitable for comedy.

She is Jia Ling's senior sister, but she has been a "spare tire" for 16 years, how is she doing now?

She has always had the reputation of "the first beauty in the cross talk industry", and her appearance is indeed worthy of this title.

But it was the title of "No. 1 Beauty" that dragged down the development of her career.

She is Jia Ling's senior sister, but she has been a "spare tire" for 16 years, how is she doing now?

For comedies such as cross talk sketches, "good-looking" is not an advantage.

Although Jia Ling's appearance is also very high, she was a "little chubby girl" when she first debuted.

She is Jia Ling's senior sister, but she has been a "spare tire" for 16 years, how is she doing now?

Ugly and fat, these two points are like "sleeping dragons and phoenixes" for comedians, as long as there is one of them, they can go faster on this road.

Because the audience comes to laugh when they come to comedy, and in addition to the script, the appearance and performance of the actors are also of great help to amuse the audience.

But Song Ning is not only good-looking, but also not as good as some seniors who are in the prime of fighting.

She is Jia Ling's senior sister, but she has been a "spare tire" for 16 years, how is she doing now?

For example, Yan Xuejing, Cai Ming, Zhou Tao and others have all taken her place in the Spring Festival Gala.

As Song Ning's master, Feng Gong also couldn't say it, because he really wanted to take his apprentice to the Spring Festival Gala, but unfortunately the program team didn't agree.

In a certain interview show, Song Ning once revealed the experience of being replaced.

She is Jia Ling's senior sister, but she has been a "spare tire" for 16 years, how is she doing now?

At that time, the Spring Festival Gala production team wanted Yan Xuejing to appear in this show, and this matter was also known to Yan Xuejing and Song Ning.

After that, Yan Xuejing called Song Ning and asked her: "If I don't go up, will you be able to go up?" ”

She is Jia Ling's senior sister, but she has been a "spare tire" for 16 years, how is she doing now?

After receiving Song Ning's affirmative reply, Yan Xuejing immediately gave up the performance, and she wanted to give this opportunity to Song Ning.

What people didn't expect was that as soon as the program team heard that Yan Xuejing was no longer acting, they immediately decided to replace the entire show.

She is Jia Ling's senior sister, but she has been a "spare tire" for 16 years, how is she doing now?

With all that said, Song Ning had no choice but to give up this performance, because he didn't want to break Master's record of continuously appearing on the Spring Festival Gala.

And after being a "spare tire" more than a dozen times, Song Ning got goosebumps when he heard the word spare tire.

She is Jia Ling's senior sister, but she has been a "spare tire" for 16 years, how is she doing now?

But this made her figure out that maybe she wasn't the material.

Today's Song Ning has not been active in the entertainment industry for a long time, but has devoted himself to the short video platform and has become an Internet celebrity in it.

She is Jia Ling's senior sister, but she has been a "spare tire" for 16 years, how is she doing now?

She will not only share her life on the platform, but also post some self-directed and self-acted short jokes.

Maybe such a comfortable life is more suitable for Song Ning.

She is Jia Ling's senior sister, but she has been a "spare tire" for 16 years, how is she doing now?


When God opens a door for you, he often closes a window for you.

And Song Ning saw through this, she understood that maybe she really had nothing to do with the Spring Festival Gala.

She is Jia Ling's senior sister, but she has been a "spare tire" for 16 years, how is she doing now?

So now she has long let go of her former obsession and turned to focus on her current life with short videos.

Choosing the right path is often much more important than blindly trying.

I hope that Song Ning's life will still be happy in the future, and I also hope that she will be able to go to the Spring Festival Gala again one day.

She is Jia Ling's senior sister, but she has been a "spare tire" for 16 years, how is she doing now?

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