
Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

author:Koshiro Bagua


Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

The Magnolia Award, which has been shouted for half a year, finally kicked off in Shanghai.

In my impression, the controversy of Wu Yue winning the "Magnolia Queen" is still vivid, and in a blink of an eye, it is this year's "battle".

Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

Sure enough, after the much-anticipated Emperor was revealed, doubts emerged one after another.

And this time, the target of the audience's dissatisfaction fell more on Hu Ge.

Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

The Magnolia Award is like a "demon mirror", especially after Fan Wei was upset, the "defense-breaker" can be regarded as clear.

I have to say that overnight in Shanghai, the "unspoken rules" of the entertainment industry are also vividly reflected in Fan Wei.

Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it


Perhaps it was because last year's controversy was too great, but this year's judges put their words in front of them in advance, and said at the opening:

"We try to keep the Magnolia Trophy spotless and sparkling."
Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

As soon as these words came out, who would dare to mix any water into it, and who would dare to say that the water of the magnolia?

But when the results were announced, the audience still "broke the defense".

Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

First of all, the best supporting actor went to Ning Li of "Under the Prosperous City", and the audience did not question this award, and they all said that they deserved it.

Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

Ning Li was also nominated for Best Supporting Actor last year, when the nominated role was a villain.

This year, Ning Li nominated "History of the Song Dynasty", and as soon as he appeared, the audience felt that he was a ruthless but righteous person in his heart.

Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

After winning the award, Ning Li also said excitedly:

"I counted it just now, six steps, I used it for nearly thirty years."

So Ning Li stood out and won this award, there is no doubt about it.

Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

The best supporting actress went to "Yao'er" Jiang Yan in "South to North".

Jiang Yan has been tepid for many years, and this time she will interpret the role of "Yao Yuling" in "South to North".

Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

At that time, after the show was broadcast, Jiang Yan was praised by the audience for her acting skills and completely crushed the heroine, and winning the best supporting actress lived up to expectations.

The audience has no objection to the winners of the Best Supporting Actor and Actress, which can be regarded as proving that the Magnolia Award is an award that does not pursue traffic and is judged by acting skills.

Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

Unexpectedly, at the lottery of "Seeing the Emperor and Seeing the Queen", Magnolia still did not escape the fate of being scolded for "award water" after all.

Among all the awards, the coffee spots on the "After-View" nomination list are the largest group, and they are bound to be very intense.

Before the lottery, "Miss Wang" Tang Yan had the highest voice, but she didn't expect to finally lock Zhou Xun and achieve the second aftermath.

Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

originally thought that the comment area would be full of praise, but I didn't expect it to set off a scolding war.

Mainly because this time she was nominated for the role of "Lin Kan" of "Imperfect Victim", many people think that her performance in the play is not as amazing as Lin Yun.

Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

all admit that Zhou Xun's acting skills are undoubted, but they also say that it is a bit far-fetched for her to win the aftermath with "Lin Kan".

This drama was indeed broadcast smoothly at that time, and it was not surprising that he would not be convinced by winning the award.

But in fact, Zhou Xun's performance in the play is very delicate and silky, without any traces of performance.

Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

Some people say that this award should be given to Tang Yan, because "Flowers" can't both "see the emperor" and "see the queen", so they can only give up Tang Yan to protect Hu Ge.

But in all fairness, "Miss Wang" played by Tang Yan has indeed subverted the previous image, and her acting skills have also improved a lot, but there are indeed shortcomings in taking "after-view".

Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it


"The nomination is affirmative, no matter who wins the award, it is worth celebrating, Sansheng is fortunate to be the starring role of "Flowers", I still have a long way to go, we will continue to see you in the rivers and lakes!"
Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

After all, Zhou Xun's title of "Three Golden Queens" is here, so although there is controversy, it is not big.

And the biggest controversy in the audience was the "Emperor of Vision" award, and after Hu Ge won the award, the audience called Taishui.

Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

The reason why the audience reacted so much is actually not unfounded.


As early as a month ago, the organizer made the shortlist of all the awards public, and netizens continued to controversy about the Shidi Award.

Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

However, the biggest voice is between Fan Wei and Hu Ge, and the acting skills of these two are undoubted, so the result is very exciting.

Before the lottery, everyone thought that Fan Wei was bound to win, but as soon as the results were announced, Hu Ge was the emperor.

Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

After all, Magnolia still couldn't escape the complaints of "Shanghai Magnolia", so all kinds of harsh voices began to pour in.

Fan Wei's acting skills in "The Long Season" are obvious to all, and he also won the honor of actor abroad.

Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

But he lost to Hu Ge from Shanghai Opera in Shanghai, so some netizens complained:

"Isn't this the game of the Shanghai Circle? Fan Wei lost because he was not from Shanghai......"

Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it
Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

There are also some people who believe that Hu Ge's acting skills in "Flowers" are incomparable.

Elegant with ruffian, the character of Mr. Bao is portrayed into three points, and the second emperor is simply deserved.

Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it
Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

It is undeniable that "Flowers" is really good, and Hu Ge is not only responsible for traffic in the play, but his acting skills are indeed online.

But in "The Long Season", Fan Wei interpreted the "Wang Xiang" of two generations and two temperaments deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

In the face of different characters, it is necessary to react differently, and to reflect the complex psychology of characters in different eras, but if it feels like it is almost hot, it will not achieve the expected effect.

Fan Wei's acting skills completely make the character of "Wang Xiang" full of life-like colors, lyrical and simple.

Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

Fan Wei also said:

"I was the most tired filming of this scene, this character has too many things on his mind, you can't be too externalized, you have to hide."

Whether it is the speculation of the character's psychology or the dedication to the work, Fan Wei is worthy of the title of "Emperor of Vision".

Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

In such a comparison, Hu Ge's acting skills in "Flowers" are a little unsatisfactory.

So from the announcement of the results to the present, netizens have said:

"Fan Wei's defeat is the biggest unfairness of this year's Magnolia Award."
Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it
Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

Fan Wei did not win the award, which became uneasy for everyone that night, and Hu Ge won the award was expected and unexpected.

Unexpectedly, the audience thinks that Fan Wei's acting skills completely crush Hu Ge, and it is inevitable that Fan Wei will regard the emperor.

Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

There are two reasons for this:

The first Fan Wei was absent from the award ceremony, Hu Ge was from Shanghai Opera, and the audience had already thought that he was "guaranteed".

Second, Hu Ge has been favored by Shanghai more than once, and a certain Sichuan-Chongqing dialect movie starring Hu Ge won the Japanese championship in Shanghai at the box office.

Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

Therefore, the audience has long decided that as long as Hu Ge does not make mistakes, then he must have a part of the Emperor Award.

In fact, if Magnolia sees the emperor as a "double yolk egg" this time, the audience's reaction will not be so big.

Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

After all, Fan Wei contributed epic acting skills in "The Long Season", which is so good that it is difficult not to feel regretful.

However, Fan Wei's acting skills, in fact, no longer need to use a magnolia to prove it, and the audience has its own certainty in their hearts.

And Hu Ge also said in the backstage group interview:

"Shanghai is my blessed land, but I think that whether it is the Shanghai International Film Festival or Magnolia, although the venue is Shanghai, I think these two awards are for the whole country and the world."
Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

Netizens think that this is in response to netizens' questions about "Hu Yulan", but netizens think:

"There's a feeling of wanting to cover it up."
Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

In any case, the result has been born, and no amount of doubt can make up for it, and "Flowers" is not over here......


With 9 nominations and 5 awards, "Flowers" is undoubtedly the biggest winner of this year's Magnolia Awards.

Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

In terms of influence, popularity, and visual effects, "Flowers" is indeed much higher than other TV series.

As a production company, except for CCTV, the others are all TV series of Shanghai companies, and the story of Shanghai Tang is told, "Flowers" will inevitably shine at this Magnolia Award.

Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

Among the shortlists, 9 of the Magnolia Awards were nominated for "Flowers", which can be said to have given enough face.

It is also expected that there will be 5 awards, so netizens believe that this Magnolia Award will inevitably be unfair in line with the principle of "fertilizer and water do not flow into the fields of outsiders".

Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

The list of nominees involves many works, but among the many outstanding actors in many works, "Flowers" was selected.

In addition to the 5 awards won by "Flowers", there are only supporting actresses, supporting men, after-scenes, directors and screenwriters.

Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

You must know that there are only 10 awards for domestic TV dramas, and "Flowers" accounts for 5, which means that it is difficult for other TV dramas to be evenly divided.

No wonder some people say that the "unspoken rules" of the entertainment industry are vividly reflected at the Magnolia Awards at this time.

Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

"Flowers" has become the biggest winner, but this year's Magnolia Award is scolded miserably.

No one expected that it would take nearly 30 years to finally become a credible Magnolia Award, and it would be "completely revealed".

There are too many grievances and injustices in this Magnolia Award, and it is no wonder that the audience called it "too watery".

Magnolia became a "demon mirror", and after Fan Wei was out of the game, the defense-breaking person understood it

After the official released the list of winners, he was scolded too hard and didn't dare to comment and repost, which is really miserable!


Editor丨Small town gossip king

Image source network, invasion and deletion, plagiarism must be investigated!

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