
Reminder: After the age of 70, you should take less walks and do more of these 2 things, many elderly people do not pay attention to them

author:Cutscenes in the small theater

As we age, the health of older people is becoming more and more of a concern. As a simple and easy way to exercise, walking has always been loved by the majority of elderly friends. However, with the deepening of medical research, some doctors remind us that after the age of 70, the elderly should appropriately reduce the frequency of walking, and pay more attention to the following two things.

Reminder: After the age of 70, you should take less walks and do more of these 2 things, many elderly people do not pay attention to them

Why should I take fewer walks after the age of 70?

As a low-impact exercise, walking is indeed a good form of exercise for young and middle-aged people. It can promote blood circulation, enhance cardiopulmonary function, improve immunity, etc. However, as we age, the physical functions of the elderly gradually decline, and the bones, muscles, joints, etc. will undergo degenerative changes. If you still insist on long, high-intensity walking, it may increase the risk of falls, fractures, and even adverse effects on your health.

Reminder: After the age of 70, you should take less walks and do more of these 2 things, many elderly people do not pay attention to them

According to a recent study, people over the age of 70 have an increased risk of falls by about 20% if they walk for more than 30 minutes a day. This is because the elderly have reduced bone density, weakened muscle strength, decreased joint flexibility, and walking for long periods of time can easily lead to fatigue and muscle strain. Therefore, doctors recommend that elderly people over 70 years old should appropriately reduce the frequency and intensity of walks to avoid unnecessary health risks.

Two things that should be taken seriously after the age of 70


Strength training to maintain muscle strength

As people age, their muscles weaken, which not only affects their ability to take care of themselves in daily life, but also increases the risk of falls and fractures. Therefore, seniors after the age of 70 should pay attention to strength training.

Strength training can be achieved with simple equipment or bodyweight training, such as lifting dumbbells, doing push-ups, sit-ups, etc. These exercises stimulate muscle growth and improve muscle strength. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, strength training for 20-30 minutes 2-3 times a week can effectively improve muscle strength and quality of life in older adults.

Of course, when the elderly are doing strength training, they must choose the appropriate training method and intensity according to their physical condition and exercise ability. Avoid overtraining that can lead to muscle strains or joint damage.

Reminder: After the age of 70, you should take less walks and do more of these 2 things, many elderly people do not pay attention to them


Cognitive training to delay brain aging

As we age, the brain function of the elderly will gradually decline, and problems such as memory loss and poor concentration will occur. Not only does this affect the quality of life of older adults, but it may also increase the risk of diseases such as Alzheimer's. Therefore, the elderly after the age of 70 should pay attention to cognitive training.

Cognitive training can be achieved in various ways, such as reading, writing, calculation, puzzles, etc. These trainings stimulate the connection and regeneration of neurons in the brain, improving the function and flexibility of the brain. According to a study by Harvard University, cognitive training for 20-30 minutes 3-5 times a week can significantly reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease in older adults.

Reminder: After the age of 70, you should take less walks and do more of these 2 things, many elderly people do not pay attention to them


Health is the most valuable asset of the elderly. As we get older, we should pay more attention to our physical health and mental health. I hope that today's sharing can arouse everyone's attention and attention to the health issues of the elderly.

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