
How to choose the battery replacement of electric vehicles? Lead-acid is outdated, lithium battery has hidden dangers, and these two types have a long durability and life

author:New Energy Mobility Officer

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For car owners who drive electric vehicles, the biggest problem in terms of car use is the lack of battery life. Especially after the new national standard, the weight of the whole vehicle is limited, and the battery has also been reduced a lot. From the point of view of durability, it is not as good as before, and many car owners are curious about it, is there any durable and guaranteed battery life?
How to choose the battery replacement of electric vehicles? Lead-acid is outdated, lithium battery has hidden dangers, and these two types have a long durability and life

Lead-acid batteries are outdated, lithium batteries are unsafe, how to choose batteries?

In fact, lead-acid batteries are the mainstream choice in the market, and the durability of ordinary lead-acid batteries is the worst at present. Some insiders also said that lead-acid batteries are actually outdated. Lithium batteries, which are more durable than lead-acid batteries, are not a good choice for consumers to replace batteries due to safety issues. As for how to choose an electric vehicle battery, I will tell you the answer today. If you want a long battery life and a longer service life, you can take a look at these two categories.

How to choose the battery replacement of electric vehicles? Lead-acid is outdated, lithium battery has hidden dangers, and these two types have a long durability and life

The first: graphene batteries

In essence, graphene batteries are still lead-acid batteries, but it is precisely because of the gradual popularization of such batteries that ordinary lead-acid batteries are becoming less and less "welcome". In terms of safety performance, car owners can rest assured, because the stability of lead-acid batteries has long been verified.

How to choose the battery replacement of electric vehicles? Lead-acid is outdated, lithium battery has hidden dangers, and these two types have a long durability and life

Consumers who have compared ordinary lead-acid batteries and graphene batteries should find that there are differences between the two in terms of the number of cycles of charge and discharge and the service life. Of course, there is also a premise, that is, what you buy is a genuine graphene battery. There are also a lot of miscellaneous brands of graphene batteries in the market, but in fact, graphene elements are not added to the composition at all, and many consumers find that they are not durable at all when they use them, so they give graphene batteries the conclusion of "IQ tax". In fact, as long as it is a brand graphene battery, the service life and durability are better than ordinary lead-acid batteries.

The second: sodium-ion batteries

Although sodium-ion batteries were launched late, they are still highly recognized in the market. Compared with lithium batteries, sodium-ion batteries are safer, and compared with lead-acid batteries, sodium-ion batteries have better low temperature resistance, high temperature resistance, and battery life.

And now many leading electric vehicle brands are promoting sodium battery electric vehicles, as long as there is market demand, I believe that full popularization is only a matter of time. The performance of cycle charging and discharging can reach more than 2,000 times, and the battery does not have to be replaced frequently, and it is no problem to use it for more than 5 years.

How to choose the battery replacement of electric vehicles? Lead-acid is outdated, lithium battery has hidden dangers, and these two types have a long durability and life

Another point to remind the majority of car owners is that choosing a durable electric vehicle battery is one thing, and it is necessary to pay more attention to charging and riding habits. Good charging habits can make the EV battery more durable, and if the battery is properly maintained, it will be no problem to use the battery for 1-2 years longer.

For the battery replacement of electric vehicles in 2024, do you think there are any better options besides these 2 batteries? Feel free to leave a message.

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