
The University of Science and Technology of China officially announced: the enrollment of LLM in 2025 will be suspended, and candidates are sad!

author:A primer on the system

Recently, the 2025 postgraduate entrance examination has entered a white-hot period, and students have already decided on relevant colleges and majors before preparing for the exam. Because the preparation methods, test preparation books, and reference books of different colleges and majors are completely different.

In fact, most of the postgraduate entrance examinations every year are games of luck. Hard work is important, accounting for more than 70% of the postgraduate entrance examinations. But luck has at least 30% of the seats, and this 30% of the proportion may determine whether you will succeed or lose all of your chances. For example, from June to September every year, graduate colleges and universities will announce their enrollment plans for the new year. There are many students who are still preparing for the exam, and they actually heard the news that the target major of the target university has been suspended.

Recently, the School of Public Affairs of the University of Science and Technology of China announced the announcement of the 2025 master's degree enrollment program, among which the LLM was directly cancelled, which made many students sad.

The University of Science and Technology of China officially announced: the enrollment of LLM in 2025 will be suspended, and candidates are sad!


As we all know, the University of Science and Technology of China is one of the top 985 and C9 universities in mainland China and one of the five universities in East China, and is known as the closest place to science and technology. The University of Science and Technology of China has made significant contributions to the progress of national scientific research with a simple academic style and strong students. As the treasure of Anhui Province, it can contribute the strength of the whole province to promote the development of USTC.

At the undergraduate enrollment stage, USTC does not admit any liberal arts students. At the graduate level, liberal arts students can apply for some majors, such as the well-known Master of Laws, Master of Business Administration, Master of Journalism and Communication, and so on.

With the enrollment reform of the college, USTC has silently canceled the enrollment of many liberal arts majors. For example, the Master of Arts will be cancelled in the 2022 admissions stage. This year, the University of Science and Technology of China has also officially announced that it will cancel the enrollment of LLM in 2025 and change it to an intellectual property major.

The University of Science and Technology of China officially announced: the enrollment of LLM in 2025 will be suspended, and candidates are sad!


The University of Science and Technology of China only recruits non-law students, and the annual enrollment quota is fixed at about 30~40 students. As a science and engineering school, coupled with the inherent impression of most candidates and parents, this leads to the small number of LL.M. students in USTC every year, and the admission score is not high, which has become the favorite object of many people. In the past few years, the University of Science and Technology of China University of Science and Technology can enter the re-examination with a score of 340 for the Master of Laws, which is not a high score for the re-examination as one of the five universities in East China.

Most of the students who apply for the Master of Laws degree at USTC also know that the teaching of law is not strong, and the Master of Laws is not valued. But what it wants is the title of USTC, after all, after graduation, at the school level of USTC, it is incomparable to other colleges and universities to apply for the selection and transfer of students and the introduction of talents.

However, starting from 2025, USTC will stop recruiting students for LL.M. and change to an intellectual property major. The subjects of the examination are Ideological and Political Theory, English 1, Intellectual Property Management, and Intellectual Property Comprehensive. USTC's Master of Laws will become history, and enrollment for this professional master's degree will be stopped. The latest major in intellectual property is an academic master's degree.

The University of Science and Technology of China officially announced: the enrollment of LLM in 2025 will be suspended, and candidates are sad!


The LLM questions are uniformly issued across the country: no matter what kind of school they apply for, all candidates use the same paper. This time, it was changed to a master's degree in intellectual property, and the University of Science and Technology of China will solve the questions, which is consistent with the enrollment of academic master's students.

It is precisely because of the small number of students enrolled in academic master's programs, the fact that the content of the examination is set by the school, and the situation of the re-examination fluctuates greatly, that many candidates who are ready to miss the LL.M. of USTC are sad. It's hard to imagine the situation of some candidates who have worked hard to prepare for the exam and have to choose another institution again......

This year, USTC will stop recruiting students for LLM: this part of the flow of people will lead to other universities, such as Anhui University in the province, Hefei University of Technology, etc., and the number of applicants for LLM will skyrocket. #考研#

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