
Huang Jingyu's ex-wife shouted in the air: Please let each other go! Otherwise, you have to take a screenshot and show your "current girlfriend"

author:Fish Music Ambassador

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife Wang Yuxin spoke out again, shouting in the air and causing a storm of public opinion: Is it true temperament or hype up a new drama?

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife shouted in the air: Please let each other go! Otherwise, you have to take a screenshot and show your "current girlfriend"

Recently, a sudden turmoil in the entertainment industry once again pushed the names of actor Huang Jingyu and his ex-wife Wang Yuxin to the forefront.

This time, it is no longer the emotional entanglement of the past, but Wang Yuxin's fierce remarks on social media, which directly pointed the finger at the harassment on the Internet and her private life!

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife shouted in the air: Please let each other go! Otherwise, you have to take a screenshot and show your "current girlfriend"

What's even more eye-popping is that she seems to have some "insiders" that are enough to shake the entertainment industry, and threatens to disclose the relevant information of her "current girlfriend" if she is harassed again, which immediately caused an uproar on the Internet.

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife shouted in the air: Please let each other go! Otherwise, you have to take a screenshot and show your "current girlfriend"

Cause: The shadow behind the honor

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife shouted in the air: Please let each other go! Otherwise, you have to take a screenshot and show your "current girlfriend"

The source of it all seems to be a recent achievement in Wang Yuxin's acting career - the successful finalization of the film festival award is an honor for any actor to celebrate.

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife shouted in the air: Please let each other go! Otherwise, you have to take a screenshot and show your "current girlfriend"

However, along with the honor came online violence against her personally.

Some radical fans, perhaps dissatisfied with her high profile, or out of their defense of Huang Jingyu, began to verbally attack and belittle her on social platforms, which seriously affected Wang Yuxin's normal life.

Shouting in the air, hidden mysteries

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife shouted in the air: Please let each other go! Otherwise, you have to take a screenshot and show your "current girlfriend"

In the face of continuous harassment, Wang Yuxin finally couldn't bear it anymore and sent a strong response through social platforms.

In the article, she stated that she had "refused to be interrupted and had any warnings," suggesting that these actions had seriously interfered with her life.

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife shouted in the air: Please let each other go! Otherwise, you have to take a screenshot and show your "current girlfriend"

What's even more explosive, she directly threatens that if these behaviors continue, she will have to take action, including but not limited to "screenshot your current girlfriend", and hints that there will be more "speechless follow-ups" that will be made public.

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife shouted in the air: Please let each other go! Otherwise, you have to take a screenshot and show your "current girlfriend"

This remark immediately sparked an infinite reverie among the public, and people speculated about who the "current girlfriend" was referring to, and what kind of secret the so-called "silent follow-up" hid.

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife shouted in the air: Please let each other go! Otherwise, you have to take a screenshot and show your "current girlfriend"

Netizens are hotly discussed, Reba lies down

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife shouted in the air: Please let each other go! Otherwise, you have to take a screenshot and show your "current girlfriend"

With Wang Yuxin's shouting, the comment area was quickly swiped by the name "Reba", and netizens speculated that this "current girlfriend" may be Di Lieba, who had cooperated with Huang Jingyu.

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife shouted in the air: Please let each other go! Otherwise, you have to take a screenshot and show your "current girlfriend"

Although there is no direct evidence for this speculation, it is enough to make the topic soar.

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife shouted in the air: Please let each other go! Otherwise, you have to take a screenshot and show your "current girlfriend"

At the same time, some netizens questioned whether Wang Yuxin's move was suspected of gaining popularity, after all, the "Golden Goblet Award for Best Actress" she claimed was actually the Asian Newcomer Award, and this kind of information deviation made some people question the authenticity of her remarks.

Hype or true temperament?

This sudden shouting in the air split public opinion into two factions.

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife shouted in the air: Please let each other go! Otherwise, you have to take a screenshot and show your "current girlfriend"

Some people believe that Wang Yuxin is using her true temperament to fight against online violence and bravely defend her rights and interests;

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife shouted in the air: Please let each other go! Otherwise, you have to take a screenshot and show your "current girlfriend"

Others suspect that there may be a deeper PR intention behind this, believing that the choice to speak at a specific point in time may be related to Huang Jingyu's upcoming new work, and it is suspected that it is a hype ploy jointly carried out by the two parties.


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