
Behind the ban on electric vehicles in Sanyuanli: the sword refers to the transformation of the old city, and the ancient wisdom of the "four steps".

author:Dharma Academy Dragon Gate Array

The latest action in Sanyuanli: go into the house to carry out measurements.

It is reported that after Sanyuanli banned electric vehicles from entering the village, a detailed survey of villagers' opinions is now being carried out, and the house-to-house measurement is aimed at clarifying the property rights of each household.

Behind the ban on electric vehicles in Sanyuanli: the sword refers to the transformation of the old city, and the ancient wisdom of the "four steps".

It turns out that banning electric vehicles is only one part of the story.

If true, this move may mark the prelude to the transformation of the old city has officially begun, at this time the doubts of netizens are gradually solved, it turns out that the previous ban on electric vehicles is only one part of the whole plan.

Behind the ban on electric vehicles in Sanyuanli: the sword refers to the transformation of the old city, and the ancient wisdom of the "four steps".

A 20-year plan to renovate the old city.

So, what is the whole plan? Originally, when the fire broke out in Sanyuanli and the subsequent ban on electric vehicles, everyone mistakenly thought that it was to set a model for community management of electric vehicles across the country.

Behind the ban on electric vehicles in Sanyuanli: the sword refers to the transformation of the old city, and the ancient wisdom of the "four steps".

However, as more details were revealed, the real intention behind it gradually became clear - that is, to promote the 20-year-long old city renovation plan of Sanyuanli.

Behind the ban on electric vehicles in Sanyuanli: the sword refers to the transformation of the old city, and the ancient wisdom of the "four steps".

How to make landlords, merchants, and tenants retreat? It's a difficult problem.

It is obviously unrealistic to ask tenants to relocate voluntarily, and landlords are naturally reluctant to cut off rent. If landlords are to be willing to accept demolitions, they will need to solve the problem of high demolition costs.

Behind the ban on electric vehicles in Sanyuanli: the sword refers to the transformation of the old city, and the ancient wisdom of the "four steps".

The ancient four-step process, if there is any similarity, is purely coincidental.

How to solve the problem? Only wisdom. At this point, it may be necessary to learn from the wisdom of the ancients, the strategy of the 36 strategies, to find a solution that makes the tenant leave voluntarily and the landlord readily accepts it, and the cost is reasonable. The following four steps are purely imitations of ancient practices, and if there are similarities, it is purely coincidental.

Behind the ban on electric vehicles in Sanyuanli: the sword refers to the transformation of the old city, and the ancient wisdom of the "four steps".

Step 1: Start a fire.

In ancient times, when merchants were reluctant to relocate for various reasons, a "small fire" became the best "borrowing knife".

Behind the ban on electric vehicles in Sanyuanli: the sword refers to the transformation of the old city, and the ancient wisdom of the "four steps".

A fire, if not caused any casualties, is enough to throw the market into chaos, and if forced to close the market, merchants often choose to move out voluntarily in the face of an unknown future.

Behind the ban on electric vehicles in Sanyuanli: the sword refers to the transformation of the old city, and the ancient wisdom of the "four steps".

Step 2: No means of transportation.

Behind the ban on electric vehicles in Sanyuanli: the sword refers to the transformation of the old city, and the ancient wisdom of the "four steps".

In ancient times, after fires, the government quickly issued a notice prohibiting the entry of vehicles. This move killed two birds with one stone, and the tenants had no choice but to evacuate, quit their leases one after another, and the business of the business plummeted and was forced to close down.

Behind the ban on electric vehicles in Sanyuanli: the sword refers to the transformation of the old city, and the ancient wisdom of the "four steps".
Behind the ban on electric vehicles in Sanyuanli: the sword refers to the transformation of the old city, and the ancient wisdom of the "four steps".

Step 3: Measure.

In ancient times, after the entry of vehicles was prohibited, the government began to check the opinions of the villagers, enter the house to measure, and find out the property rights of the house. By collecting the opinions and housing information of the villagers, we can prepare for the subsequent demolition work, and at the same time let the villagers feel the urgency of the demolition.

Behind the ban on electric vehicles in Sanyuanli: the sword refers to the transformation of the old city, and the ancient wisdom of the "four steps".
Behind the ban on electric vehicles in Sanyuanli: the sword refers to the transformation of the old city, and the ancient wisdom of the "four steps".

Step 4: Demolition.

Eventually, with the gradual withdrawal of tenants, there were few tenants, detailed information about the property was fully grasped, and the landlord had little bargaining power left. At this time, it is an excellent time to conduct dimensionality reduction negotiations. The whole project will be quietly carried out, so that the original dilapidated village will be rejuvenated with new vitality and vitality.

Behind the ban on electric vehicles in Sanyuanli: the sword refers to the transformation of the old city, and the ancient wisdom of the "four steps".
Behind the ban on electric vehicles in Sanyuanli: the sword refers to the transformation of the old city, and the ancient wisdom of the "four steps".

The above four parts of ancient times, such scenes full of wisdom, are constantly staged in the long river of history.

Behind the ban on electric vehicles in Sanyuanli: the sword refers to the transformation of the old city, and the ancient wisdom of the "four steps".

Guangzhou Sanyuanli, the future is better.

Turning our attention to reality, whether it is the ban on electric vehicles in Sanyuanli Village in Guangzhou or its measures to renovate the old city, behind it is the pursuit and longing for a better future for the city.

Behind the ban on electric vehicles in Sanyuanli: the sword refers to the transformation of the old city, and the ancient wisdom of the "four steps".

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