
44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend went on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

author:Brother Long takes you to play the game
44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend went on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

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Brother Long will take you to play a game

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Hey gossip lovers! Today I will bring you a fresh and hot entertainment news.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend went on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

On June 28, 2024, in a hotel in Budapest, Europe, a netizen happened to meet Chen Sicheng and his girlfriend Ruan Ju on a date! These two have been dating for almost two years, and their relationship is quite stable.

Are you curious about the details of their relationship? Ruan Ju's figure also sparked discussions, and compared with Chen Sicheng's ex-wife Tong Liya, the difference is not small.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend went on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

And their performance on social media, as well as their respective career developments, are also quite eloquent.

As for whether this pair will enter the marriage hall in the future, let's guess together!

On June 28, 2024, in a hotel in Budapest, Europe, a seemingly ordinary chance encounter caused a thousand waves in the entertainment industry.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend went on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Netizens accidentally bumped into the scene of Chen Sicheng and his girlfriend Ruan Ju on a warm date here.

The picture in the photo is impressive.

Chen Sicheng quietly followed behind Ruan Ju, and Ruan Ju's image sparked a lot of discussion.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend went on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

She was dressed in a tight knit sweater, and the clothes that were supposed to show off the line of her body made her look tiger at the moment.

The blue baseball cap on her head added a bit of youthful vitality to her, but the platform shoes under her feet and the striding stride of the meteor inexplicably revealed a little arrogance.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend went on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

When this netizen first saw the couple wearing sunglasses and eating breakfast in a low-key manner, his heart was full of doubts and he didn't dare to be sure.

It wasn't until Chen Sicheng took off his sunglasses and revealed that familiar face that netizens dared to believe it.

This discovery, like a boulder thrown into a calm lake, instantly stirred up countless ripples on the Internet and attracted the attention of many people who eat melons.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend went on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Speaking of the relationship between Chen Sicheng and Ruan Ju, it was not a momentary impulse.

The two have been dating for nearly two years, and the last time they were photographed in the same frame was in July 2023.

But during this time, their relationship was always stable.

In addition to his busy work, Chen Sicheng always tries to find time to accompany Ruan Ju, and this concern is by no means a show.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend went on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

And Ruan Ju, who is only 24 years old, is at a beautiful age of youth, and many people speculate that she may be full of longing and expectation for marriage at this stage.

When it comes to Ruan Ju's figure, it is indeed in stark contrast to Chen Sicheng's ex-wife Tong Liya.

Ruan Ju is much shorter than Chen Sicheng, even if he wears platform shoes, he is still a lot shorter.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend went on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

The slightly strong back makes people sigh.

As for Tong Liya, she once generously revealed in an interview that she was only 85 pounds when she was the heaviest.

Such strict body management is really admirable.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend went on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Judging by the clues on social media, Ruan Ju's social software shows that his IP is in Austria, which is undoubtedly strong evidence that they are enjoying their vacation time in Europe.

Let's talk about work, Ruan Ju has never starred in Chen Sicheng's movies, perhaps she prefers to work silently behind the scenes.

Speaking of which, I have to mention the relationship between Chen Sicheng and Tong Liya.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend went on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Although the two have divorced, they still get along like relatives.

The picture of taking their son to the event together is still fresh in people's memories, and this harmonious scene fully demonstrates Chen Sicheng's high emotional intelligence.

At present, what everyone is most concerned about is whether Ruan Ju and Chen Sicheng will enter the palace of marriage hand in hand.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend went on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Although the two have never officially announced their relationship publicly, it can be seen from the little details of their relationship that the relationship is stable and intimate.

Maybe they just don't want their private lives to be the topic of public hype, and they just want to enjoy the relationship quietly.

Moreover, Chen Sicheng's figure has never appeared on Ruan Ju's social software, which is enough to show their low-key and cautious attitude towards feelings.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend went on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Netizens expressed their opinions and argued endlessly.

Some people pointed out sharply that with such a large age gap, this relationship may not be able to maintain for a long time.

They believe that the huge age difference can lead to a misalignment of life concepts and life goals, and eventually lead to parting ways.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend went on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

There are also people who feel with great expectations that true love can cross the age gap.

As long as the two treat each other sincerely, understand and tolerate each other, they can overcome all difficulties, achieve positive results, and write a beautiful love story.

There are also some people who have their brains open, speculating whether Ruan Ju wants to use Chen Sicheng's rich resources in the entertainment industry to pave the way for his acting career? However, judging from the current situation, there seems to be no clear indication that she has such intentions.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend went on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

She may be more focused on her own growth and development, and carve out her own world in the entertainment industry in a unique way.

In the entertainment industry, which is full of temptations and variables, emotional matters are always confusing and elusive.

But in any case, we should respect their personal choices and privacy space.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend went on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Celebrities are also ordinary people, and they also have their own world of joys, sorrows, and emotions.

Just like Chen Sicheng and Ruan Ju, maybe they are just trying to pursue their own pure happiness in a complicated world.

How the relationship between Chen Sicheng and Ruan Ju will develop, and whether it can achieve positive results in the future and enter the sacred hall of marriage, everything is still unknown.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend went on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

We can only pay attention silently with anticipation and wait and see.

I also hope that they can stick to the sincerity in their hearts in the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry, walk through the wind and rain hand in hand, and welcome a better future together.

I wonder if you dear readers have any unique opinions on this? Do you think they will eventually achieve positive results and stay together for the rest of their lives?

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