
Tong Liya asked Liu Yifei: How much did the rose clothes cost? Liu Yifei replied absolutely

author:It's almost class

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"The Story of Rose" is obvious to all, and the ratings have reached new highs. The key to why this drama is so popular is that it shows the image and characteristics of modern women and brings a lot of positive energy to the audience. As the heroine, Liu Yifei's "rose" image is the essence of the entire series.

The character of Rose has a rich and wonderful life experience from school to work, to love, marriage and children. She is strong, independent, positive, and at the same time gentle and tender, which is the epitome of typical contemporary urban women. The audience can see their own shadow in her and empathize. No wonder everyone flocks to this drama and is full of praise. You see, there are roses everywhere in society, which also proves from the side how charming this work is.

However, viewers may not know that there are more interesting stories behind the scenes. Have you ever wondered how Rose designed her costumes at different stages from youth to middle age in the play? It's a big project...

Tong Liya asked Liu Yifei: How much did the rose clothes cost? Liu Yifei replied absolutely

The reason why "The Story of Rose" is so popular is that in addition to the attraction of the plot itself, the dress of the roses played by Liu Yifei in the play at different ages is also indispensable. It's a big project, from school uniforms to professional attire to ladies' outfits, all styles of clothing are carefully designed and matched, and the details reflect the style characteristics of different age groups.

For example, Rose's school uniform style when she was young showed a youthful and energetic temperament; When it comes to the workplace stage, the formal suit highlights her ability and neatness; When she got married and had children in the later period, those noble and elegant dresses and long skirts showed her kind and calm side. It can be said that each set of clothes appropriately sets off her character traits in different periods, making this character more three-dimensional and plump, giving people a real and credible feeling.

And to do this, of course, it takes a lot of effort from the crew. It is said that they have repeatedly selected, checked at all levels, and have very strict requirements for the color, style, material and other aspects of each set of clothes, in order to perfectly interpret the role. So what the audience sees is only the tip of the iceberg, but there is hard work behind it. It's not worth it, because it is these good intentions that make the character of Rose more attractive and make the whole show more fascinating. Everywhere you look, you can hear people discussing the clothes in the play, and you can see how good the effect is...

Tong Liya asked Liu Yifei: How much did the rose clothes cost? Liu Yifei replied absolutely

Here's an interesting fact that you may not know yet. It turned out that when actor Tong Liya attended the event with Liu Yifei, she curiously asked Liu Yifei an interesting question.

Tong Liya asked Liu Yifei: "How much did the rose clothes cost?" As a layman, she may not be able to imagine the sheer expense of producing a drama. After all, the costumes in the play are not as simple as a few ordinary daily dresses, but everything from school uniforms, work clothes to lady's clothes, etc., which can be described as full of tricks.

Tong Liya asked Liu Yifei: How much did the rose clothes cost? Liu Yifei replied absolutely

The cost of these garments alone is not a small amount. Not to mention that in order to perfectly fit the plot and character characteristics, each set of clothes is painstakingly selected by the staff. From fabrics to cuts, from colors to styles, everything is the result of repeated consideration. With such a workload, how can it not cost a lot of money?

So Tong Liya's question actually reflects the ignorance of ordinary audiences about behind-the-scenes work. But after all, she is an insider, and she knows more or less about it. It was only a moment of curiosity that would raise such a naïve question. It is worth mentioning that Liu Yifei's answer is too witty...

Tong Liya asked Liu Yifei: How much did the rose clothes cost? Liu Yifei replied absolutely

In the face of Tong Liya's innocent question, Liu Yifei's answer was too witty. She said with a smile: "Each set is carefully selected by the crew, the price is not important, the important thing is to show the charm of the character."

In a simple sentence, it speaks the essence of making a series. Indeed, the key to an excellent film and television work is not how much it costs, but whether it can show the charm of the characters to the fullest. No matter how much money there is, if the character is mediocre and boring, it will lose the meaning of existence.

Tong Liya asked Liu Yifei: How much did the rose clothes cost? Liu Yifei replied absolutely

Therefore, when the crew chooses costumes, the focus is naturally not whether the price is expensive or not, but whether the character traits can be properly interpreted. For example, the character of Rose needs different dresses at different ages, and each set must be carefully designed to perfectly meet the needs of the plot.

Liu Yifei's words can be said to be very professional and wise, showing her understanding and professionalism of the actor's profession. She never focuses on money and fame, but focuses on using her own efforts to play the role very well. It is this kind of dedication and dedication that has made her stand tall in the film and television industry and won the love of countless audiences.

Tong Liya asked Liu Yifei: How much did the rose clothes cost? Liu Yifei replied absolutely

But having said that, the manpower, material and financial resources invested by the crew in the production process are naturally not to be underestimated. If you want to create a good work, you must spend a lot of money. But it's all worth it, because once a good work comes out, it can not only get a double harvest of word-of-mouth ratings, but also bring positive influence and power to the audience...

Liu Yifei's words touched on the key points of film and television production. Although money is important, it is more important to show the charm of the character perfectly. After all, a confusing character with a flat personality, no matter how much money is spent on packaging, it is difficult to move the audience's heart.

Tong Liya asked Liu Yifei: How much did the rose clothes cost? Liu Yifei replied absolutely

In contrast, a charismatic character image, although it does not cost much to produce, can keep the audience fascinated and impressive. Take the rose character in "The Story of Rose" as an example, her strong, independent, positive, gentle and virtuous personality traits reflect the unique charm of contemporary urban women, which makes the audience addicted.

This is the key to the show's great success. What's the use of extra money if the characters aren't brilliant enough? At present, all major video platforms are burning money to produce online dramas, but the audience's response is always mediocre, just because the quality of the film is too poor.

Tong Liya asked Liu Yifei: How much did the rose clothes cost? Liu Yifei replied absolutely

On the other hand, "The Story of Rose", although the investment is limited, it has put a lot of effort into patiently carving the image of the characters, so it can win unanimous praise from everyone. Many viewers are praising this drama, and the charm of the characters in the play is widely recognized, which shows how worthwhile the production team's intentions are.

In the future, I believe that more and more film and television practitioners will realize that they should not focus entirely on investment, but should devote their main energy to script creation and character building. Only in this way can we truly create a classic, win word-of-mouth, and win ratings. The charm of the character is the key to success, and any film and television practitioner should keep this sentence in mind...

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