
Wu Jinyan's decency slapped Wang Xingyue's face, netizens: I don't understand how to say goodbye, no wonder I can't be popular

author:Entertainment Circle
Wu Jinyan's decency slapped Wang Xingyue's face, netizens: I don't understand how to say goodbye, no wonder I can't be popular

Text\Entertainment Circle

Editor\Entertainment Circle

Today we are going to talk about the ending of the recent super popular drama "Ink Rain Clouds"! On June 29th, Wu Jinyan released a truly decent farewell benefit, which is like a blockbuster reappearance!

Wu Jinyan's decency slapped Wang Xingyue's face, netizens: I don't understand how to say goodbye, no wonder I can't be popular

She was wearing a cheongsam with a super national style, holding a guqin in her hand, not only showing her exquisite piano skills, but also reinterpreting the classic scenes in the play vividly, as if bringing the audience back to the time when the plot climaxed.

Wu Jinyan's decency slapped Wang Xingyue's face, netizens: I don't understand how to say goodbye, no wonder I can't be popular

It's not just the actors' performances, it's a real tribute to the character, to the work. Wu Jinyan used her way to bid farewell to this role with her heart, without deleting or changing, showing her acting skills and respect for the plot. Netizens praised one after another: "This is professional!" This is the attitude of acting with heart! "Sister Wu, it's too stylish, that's what it's called art."

Wu Jinyan's decency slapped Wang Xingyue's face, netizens: I don't understand how to say goodbye, no wonder I can't be popular

Such a farewell not only made the audience feel the real existence of the character, but also made people deeply admire her professionalism and dedication. In an entertainment industry full of idol packaging and marketing bombardment, seeing such sincerity and affection is like finding a clear stream that warms people's hearts.

Wu Jinyan's decency slapped Wang Xingyue's face, netizens: I don't understand how to say goodbye, no wonder I can't be popular

Wu Jinyan's move is not only a farewell, but also a high embodiment of art and professionalism. She used practical actions to prove to everyone that an excellent actor must not only have outstanding acting skills, but also have a deep understanding and sincere emotions of the work and role.

Wu Jinyan's decency slapped Wang Xingyue's face, netizens: I don't understand how to say goodbye, no wonder I can't be popular

Wu Jinyan's wonderful performance in a recent video! She was attentive to the end, she didn't cut it at all, and said goodbye to everyone perfectly. Sister Wu's performance is simply a perfect combination of art and professionalism!

Wu Jinyan's decency slapped Wang Xingyue's face, netizens: I don't understand how to say goodbye, no wonder I can't be popular

She held a guqin and wore a national-style cheongsam, which not only showed her superb piano skills, but also vividly interpreted the classic scenes in the play. Look at her graceful posture, the sound of the piano is as melodious as spring water, as if every note is an expression of her affectionate farewell to the character.

Wu Jinyan's decency slapped Wang Xingyue's face, netizens: I don't understand how to say goodbye, no wonder I can't be popular

Netizens were full of emotion after watching it: "Sister Wu's acting skills are really online!" "This kind of professional attitude makes her more and more awesome in my heart!" Everyone unanimously appreciated her professionalism and sincere interpretation of the role.

But at this time, Wang Xingyue and his team made a big storm. They actually released a never-before-revealed footage, revealing an unexpected BE ending, which simply shocked the audience!

Wu Jinyan's decency slapped Wang Xingyue's face, netizens: I don't understand how to say goodbye, no wonder I can't be popular

This kind of operation has attracted a strong wave of opposition, and netizens have angrily denounced: "Is this to break up our CP?" "Don't engage in this kind of bloody plot that hurts the audience's feelings!" Wang Xingyue's team's approach was not only fiercely criticized by the audience, but also accused of destroying the beautiful plot fantasy in people's hearts.

Wu Jinyan's decency slapped Wang Xingyue's face, netizens: I don't understand how to say goodbye, no wonder I can't be popular

In the entertainment industry, the emotional connection of the audience is crucial, and once it touches their sensitive nerves, the consequences can be unimaginable. Wu Jinyan said goodbye to the audience in her way, showing the attitude and quality that a true artist should have, while Wang Xingyue's team's approach seemed a little out of control and irresponsible.

Wu Jinyan's decency slapped Wang Xingyue's face, netizens: I don't understand how to say goodbye, no wonder I can't be popular

"What the hell is Wang Xingyue doing?!" "It's okay, but you have to have a tragic ending?" Netizens are quite dissatisfied with this, thinking that this operation lacks emotional intelligence and does not understand the psychological expectations of the audience at all.

This debate about the ending is not only a conflict between the audience and the crew, but also a contest between artistic creation and the audience's feelings.

Wu Jinyan's decency slapped Wang Xingyue's face, netizens: I don't understand how to say goodbye, no wonder I can't be popular

Wu Jinyan used her unique way to respect the audience's preferences and emotional connections, but she really worked hard at home! Her farewell benefit is simply an artistic feast, uncut and uncut, perfectly demonstrating her sincere emotions and professional attitude towards the role.

Wu Jinyan's decency slapped Wang Xingyue's face, netizens: I don't understand how to say goodbye, no wonder I can't be popular

On the other hand, Wang Xingyue's team, they made a big move. Released a never-before-seen ending screen in an attempt to generate more discussion and attention through this unconventional approach, but it turned out to be counterproductive!

Wu Jinyan's decency slapped Wang Xingyue's face, netizens: I don't understand how to say goodbye, no wonder I can't be popular

Netizens shouted angrily: "Is this going against the sky to change your life?" "Don't make such a sad drama!" Wang Xingyue's team's approach not only attracted a strong opposition, but also made people feel that they did not consider the audience's emotions enough, which was simply playing with fire and setting themselves on fire.

Wu Jinyan's decency slapped Wang Xingyue's face, netizens: I don't understand how to say goodbye, no wonder I can't be popular

The controversy over the ending of "Between the Ink Rain and Clouds" is not only a debate on the direction of the plot, but also a deep reflection on artistic expression and audience expectations.

Regardless of the ending, there are supporters and opponents, but as an artist, the most important thing is to respect the audience's emotions and understanding of the work. Say goodbye to the character and the work in a dignified way to earn true respect and recognition.

Wu Jinyan's decency slapped Wang Xingyue's face, netizens: I don't understand how to say goodbye, no wonder I can't be popular

In this wave of impetuous entertainment industry, we really need more actors like Wu Jinyan who have a heart for the role and the audience! Stop the teams that don't care about anything for the hype.

Wu Jinyan's decency slapped Wang Xingyue's face, netizens: I don't understand how to say goodbye, no wonder I can't be popular

I hope that in the future, we can see more entertainment works that can really move people's hearts and convey positive energy, so that everyone can not only be happy, but also feel the charm and warmth of art!

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