
Von der Leyen led the EU to reject the proposals of Macron and Scholz. Netizen: The United States has won again

author:Negative view @Sima Dong

Abstract: On June 29, 2024, at the just-concluded EU summit in Brussels, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz suffered a setback when a series of proposals aimed at revising the EU's long-term policy priorities were almost all rejected, a rare event that underscores deep divisions and tensions within the EU. Netizen: The United States has won again. Some netizens also mentioned: Do you know why the UK is leaving the EU?

Watch the earlier video: Macron and Scholz join forces to pressure the United States


Video source: Professor Zhang Ji

The attempt by France and Germany to "hijack" the EU summit has been frustrated, and the escalation of internal contradictions has caused concern in the EU

Brussels, 29 June 2024 – French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz faced an unprecedented challenge to their assertive posture at the just-concluded EU summit, with a series of proposals aimed at revising the EU's long-term policy priorities almost completely rejected, a rare event that underscores deep divisions and tensions within the EU.

Von der Leyen led the EU to reject the proposals of Macron and Scholz. Netizen: The United States has won again


According to Bloomberg News, in the key meeting on the 27th, the leaders of France and Germany tried to force their policy proposals in the final stage of the summit, which not only failed to achieve their wishes, but angered many member states. An EU diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity, pointed out that the broad opposition to the proposal from the two economies was unusual and reflected a rift in the spirit of cooperation within the bloc.

Von der Leyen led the EU to reject the proposals of Macron and Scholz. Netizen: The United States has won again


Danish Prime Minister Mette Fraseriksen expressed widespread dissatisfaction after the summit, saying countries had "no intention or ability" to reconsider the policy text that had been deeply discussed. Behind these remarks is the wariness and antipathy of EU countries towards France and Germany trying to seek a breakthrough at the EU level in their domestic political predicament.

Von der Leyen led the EU to reject the proposals of Macron and Scholz. Netizen: The United States has won again

Fraser Rickson

In particular, President Macron's unfavorable situation in the domestic elections seems to have affected his influence on the EU stage. Faced with the dismal results of the European Parliament elections, Macron announced early domestic parliamentary elections, intending to regain his strength by actively campaigning. However, further setbacks predicted in the polls could prompt the rise of the far-right party, Marine Le Pen's National Rally (NA), which has undoubtedly exacerbated feelings of instability within the EU.

Von der Leyen led the EU to reject the proposals of Macron and Scholz. Netizen: The United States has won again

Le Pen

At the same time, Chancellor Olaf Scholz hinted after the summit that he had discussed French politics with Macron, but did not disclose specific details, leaving a lot of speculation about the status and future direction of German-French cooperation.

Von der Leyen led the EU to reject the proposals of Macron and Scholz. Netizen: The United States has won again

At a time when the EU is facing a series of complex challenges, including the energy crisis, economic recovery, migration issues, and geopolitical tensions, the internal strife and anachronistic actions of France and Germany have undoubtedly cast a shadow over the EU's unity and decision-making capabilities. Analysts warn that if the EU's two pillars fail to effectively coordinate their positions and jointly address the challenges, it may pose a serious threat to the EU's overall stability and future development. The discordant notes of the summit have become an urgent issue that EU leaders must face up to and address.

If the EU is a company, the two major shareholders have no decision-making power, and they are coerced by a group of small shareholders who want nothing to run in an unknown direction, and when the major shareholders lose control of the company, the company is not far from falling apart.

Von der Leyen led the EU to reject the proposals of Macron and Scholz. Netizen: The United States has won again

As a unique political and economic union of 27 member states, the EU's decision-making mechanism is designed from the ground up to balance the interests of large and small countries, ensure that all member states have a voice, and avoid being dominated by a single or a few large countries. While this structure helps to uphold the Union's principles of diversity and equality, it does bring its own set of challenges, especially in terms of rapid crisis response and major reforms. Here are some of the main issues the EU is currently facing and the trends that may lead to dismemberment:

  1. Inefficient decision-making: Decision-making in the EU often requires consensus or a limited majority agreement among member states, which leads to a slow decision-making process and difficulty in responding quickly to emergencies in a context of a growing diversity of member interests.
  2. East-West rift: Economic differences, differences in values, and differing attitudes towards migration, especially between Eastern and Western European countries, make decision-making difficult, such as the conflict between countries such as Poland and Hungary and the European Union over the principles of the rule of law.
  3. North-South economic imbalances: Economic imbalances within the eurozone, such as the slow economic recovery following the debt crisis in southern European countries, contrasted with the prosperity of northern European countries, exacerbating friction among member states.
  4. Rise of populism and nationalism: The growing power of populism and nationalism in several EU countries challenges the EU's core values and integration processes, such as the growth of far-right parties in France.
  5. Brexit Effect: The UK's exit sets a precedent for other EU member states and could fuel Brexit sentiment in other countries, especially those dissatisfied with EU policies.
  6. Refugees and migrants: The ongoing refugee crisis is testing the EU's unity, and differences over how to distribute refugees, border control, and foreign policy have deepened internal tensions.
  7. Fiscal and budgetary disputes: Debates over the EU budget, common debt, and how fiscal responsibilities should be shared equitably have exposed conflicting interests among member states.
  8. Security and defense divergence: In the face of external threats and security challenges, member states have disagreed on strengthening mutual defense cooperation and dependence on NATO, which has influenced the EU's security strategy.
  9. Deepening Economic and Monetary Union: Despite calls for a deepening of the economic and monetary union in the aftermath of the eurozone crisis, including the establishment of a banking union and a fiscal union, actual progress has been limited, reflecting the hesitation of member states to cede sovereignty.

If these challenges are not properly addressed, they could further weaken the EU's cohesion and increase centrifugal forces among member states, which in turn could lead to a higher risk of fragmentation in the Union. However, the EU has also faced and successfully overcome many crises in its history, showing some resilience and potential for reform.

Von der Leyen led the EU to reject the proposals of Macron and Scholz. Netizen: The United States has won again

Netizens hotly discussed:

  • You know why the UK is leaving the EU, right?
  • The EU does not have a truly independent state, and the United States has the final say on major foreign policies.
  • When France and Germany cannot dominate the EU, the European Commission will be a mess.
  • The nobles who are no longer beautiful, and the followers who look up to people.
  • It depends on whether the leaders of Germany and France have tempers, and they withdraw from the EU in a fit of rage, and the EU without Germany and France is equivalent to dissolution.


Disclaimer: Personal opinion, for reference only.

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