
Grief and indignation are out, and infighting breaks out in the 21st place in the world! The 35-year-old captain bombarded the coach: treachery!

author:Round kitten

Hello guys, I guess you must be a football fan, so you usually pay attention to the topic of football, right? So today, let's talk a little bit about the Danish national team, and I'm sure you'll be stunned and laughed when you hear it. However, there are a lot of distressing things in this story, so I hope you don't feel too sad after listening to it.

Grief and indignation are out, and infighting breaks out in the 21st place in the world! The 35-year-old captain bombarded the coach: treachery!

Let's talk about it first, this Danish team is really super powerful, and their strength should not be underestimated. One of them, Kjaer's big brother, who is almost 35 years old this year, but still keeps running on the pitch, his spirit is really worth learning from.

Grief and indignation are out, and infighting breaks out in the 21st place in the world! The 35-year-old captain bombarded the coach: treachery!

He is the spiritual leader of the Danish team and their captain, and his spirit is really worth emulating. Just recently, he didn't play a minute, which made him feel very uncomfortable, and his spirit is really worth learning from.

Grief and indignation are out, and infighting breaks out in the 21st place in the world! The 35-year-old captain bombarded the coach: treachery!

As soon as the game was over, he approached their head coach Ullmande and asked him directly why he didn't let him play, and his spirit is really worth learning from. Coach Julmander is a straight man who doesn't beat around the bush and says what he says about his players.

Grief and indignation are out, and infighting breaks out in the 21st place in the world! The 35-year-old captain bombarded the coach: treachery!

He directly told Kjaer that the reason why he didn't let him play was because he felt that Kjaer's current state was not good enough to bring more help to the team, which made Kjaer feel very uncomfortable, but he also understood that Coach Ullmande was for his good, not deliberately targeting him.

Grief and indignation are out, and infighting breaks out in the 21st place in the world! The 35-year-old captain bombarded the coach: treachery!

But hearing Ullmande's direct words, Kjaer's heart was so angry that he was about to break through the sky, and he said directly to Ullmande: "If you don't like my performance, then you can ask our head coach, I really have nothing to say here, I'm ready for everything, just wait to play." ”

Grief and indignation are out, and infighting breaks out in the 21st place in the world! The 35-year-old captain bombarded the coach: treachery!

Coach Ullmande's courage is admirable. He not only dared to face up to problems, but also dared to take responsibility. He believes that as a coach, making mistakes in the game is inevitable, but the key is how to learn from them and take steps to avoid making them again. His courage and determination are undoubtedly one of the important factors in his ability to lead the team to success.

Grief and indignation are out, and infighting breaks out in the 21st place in the world! The 35-year-old captain bombarded the coach: treachery!

Although his decisions may be controversial, as a coach, he must make decisions that are best for the team. He is well aware that in a game, every decision can have a significant impact on the outcome of the game. As a result, he will make decisions that are best for the team based on the actual situation in the game, rather than just personal preferences or emotional factors.

Grief and indignation are out, and infighting breaks out in the 21st place in the world! The 35-year-old captain bombarded the coach: treachery!

His decision-making ability and courage are undoubtedly one of the important factors in his ability to lead the team to success. As a team correspondent for Kalmar FC, it is important for me to share some information about Coach Jurmande. Coach Ullmande is not the kind of person who only talks nonsense.

Grief and indignation are out, and infighting breaks out in the 21st place in the world! The 35-year-old captain bombarded the coach: treachery!

He has an in-depth knowledge of the tactical setup of the game and is adept at getting the most out of his players. He has led the Danish team to many international competitions in the past, and they have all done very well. His coaching style is rigorous, detail-oriented, and expert at spotting and solving problems. Therefore, he did not let Kjaer play, it must have been well thought out, and he had his own considerations and arrangements.

Grief and indignation are out, and infighting breaks out in the 21st place in the world! The 35-year-old captain bombarded the coach: treachery!

As much as I know we should respect every coach's decision, sometimes a coach's decision doesn't always satisfy everyone, especially a veteran like Kjaer. His position in the team is very important and his opinion should be respected. However, as a professional athlete, we also have to understand that the result of the competition is the most important thing.

Grief and indignation are out, and infighting breaks out in the 21st place in the world! The 35-year-old captain bombarded the coach: treachery!

If the coach thinks we're not in good shape, then we should follow the coach's instructions and adjust our form and try to do well in the next game. In this European Cup, Denmark ended up losing 0:2 to Germany. Although this result has made many fans feel a little disappointed, we can't deny it

Grief and indignation are out, and infighting breaks out in the 21st place in the world! The 35-year-old captain bombarded the coach: treachery!

The performance of the Danish team is still commendable. They gave their best on the pitch and showed a very high level of competition. In particular, the young Eriksen, who came on in the final round of the group stage and became the most capped player in Denmark's history. Denmark coach Johan Kjaer and national women's football coach Simon Ullmande used to be ordinary football lovers.

Grief and indignation are out, and infighting breaks out in the 21st place in the world! The 35-year-old captain bombarded the coach: treachery!

But they have all achieved great success on the road to football, becoming the best in their respective fields. The experience of the two of them proves that as long as you are willing to work hard, train hard, and strive for your goals, nothing is impossible. Their stories also inspire more people to pursue their dreams and realize their own values.

Grief and indignation are out, and infighting breaks out in the 21st place in the world! The 35-year-old captain bombarded the coach: treachery!

Their success also gives us hope for Danish football and gives us confidence in the future of Danish football. Their success also gives us hope for Danish football and gives us confidence in the future of Danish football. Okay, that's all for today's sharing. Thank you for listening, and I hope you enjoy the story.

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