
In the event of a war in China, remember to bring these five things with you as soon as possible, and you may be able to save your life

author:Liu Sanshui chatted about things
In the event of a war in China, remember to bring these five things with you as soon as possible, and you may be able to save your life

Before, everyone thought that this was a peaceful era, and the possibility of war was not high. However, this kind of thinking is wrong, because the international situation has become more and more unstable in the past two years, and various wars have occurred frequently.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the Russia-Ukraine conflict have not ended until now, while the United States and its allies are setting fires everywhere in the world. Therefore, some experts believe that the third world war is actually not far away.

So if war does break out, how can we, ordinary people, avoid it? In fact, it is very difficult to hide. In times of war, all ordinary people have to do is to save their lives as much as possible.

So if we want to save our lives, we need to make more preparations. Once the war breaks out, you have to run quickly with five things, and it is best to hide in the mountains and forests for a while.

In the event of a war in China, remember to bring these five things with you as soon as possible, and you may be able to save your life

So what are these five things? What is their role? Let's take a look at it now.

1. Compress the biscuits

The first thing to say is definitely compressed biscuits.

In the event of a war, agricultural production and the supply of goods may be affected. Although the mainland's comprehensive national strength is very strong, and almost no country can hit China's own territory, who can guarantee that there will be no nuclear war?

If there is a nuclear war, it will mean that the agricultural production system of mankind could collapse completely. Then it is impossible to eat fresh food.

In such a situation, all kinds of emergency foods that can be stored for a long time will be very important, and may even become a hard currency for future economic exchanges. Including a variety of military canned goods as well as compressed biscuits.

In the event of a war in China, remember to bring these five things with you as soon as possible, and you may be able to save your life

And compared to military cans, compressed biscuits are more important. Because compressed biscuits have very obvious advantages over other foods.

Compressed biscuits are particularly convenient to carry, each compressed biscuit is not of great mass and is not large in volume. But compressed biscuits contain a lot of nutrients, because compressed biscuits themselves are a type of food that is specially used in emergency situations.

Compressed biscuits are also very common in the military. Once the army is out on a harsh combat mission, there is no way to eat a hot meal, and compressed biscuits are the best food to help soldiers replenish their physical strength.

In the event of a war in China, remember to bring these five things with you as soon as possible, and you may be able to save your life

In order to make compressed biscuits have more nutrients, the design and manufacturer of compressed biscuits condense a large number of nutrients into one biscuit. Therefore, compressed biscuits contain both carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and various minerals.

In most cases, a palm-sized compressed cookie is enough to meet an adult's daily calorie needs.

And the compressed biscuit itself is very dry, so it will have a strong feeling of satiety when eating, and you will not be hungry for a long time after eating a compressed biscuit.

Not to mention that the compressed biscuits are all vacuum-packed, and some preservatives will be added to them. The shelf life of most compressed cookies is counted in years.

Then in times of war, when the supply of materials is unstable and there is not even much food, compressed biscuits are really important. Stock up on some compressed biscuits to save your life when you need it.

In the event of a war in China, remember to bring these five things with you as soon as possible, and you may be able to save your life

Even if war doesn't break out, we should stock up on a small amount of emergency food like compressed biscuits at home. In the event of a natural disaster such as an earthquake or flood, which causes water and electricity outages, there are compressed biscuits, at least you won't be hungry.

2. Emergency first aid kit

With compressed cookies out of the way, let's talk about emergency first aid kits. This is also very important, because during war, it is very difficult for us to protect ourselves from injury.

Moreover, during the war, the supply of medicines was cut off and the medical system collapsed. Minor injuries and illnesses that seem to us to be sparse and ordinary can also kill people, including colds.

In the event of a war in China, remember to bring these five things with you as soon as possible, and you may be able to save your life

And in case you encounter a wild beast in the process of escaping, or are scratched or bruised in a complex jungle environment, you also need an emergency first aid kit.

If there is no way to get emergency first aid, such as disinfecting, then the wound may become inflamed and infected, and if it does, the infection will become too severe, and it may even lead to amputation.

Therefore, the basic emergency first aid kit is very important, and these first aid kits often have an alcohol wipe in them, which can help us disinfect the wound; There will also be gauze that can be used to pack wounds, and there are even emergency kits with needles and threads that allow us to stitch up the wound in an emergency.

In the event of a war in China, remember to bring these five things with you as soon as possible, and you may be able to save your life

At the same time, when we prepare an emergency first aid kit, we can also stuff some medicines that we often use, such as cold medicines, anti-allergy medicines, etc.

These medications are also necessary if you have an underlying medical condition, so an emergency first aid kit is just as important as food.

3. Strong flashlight

The two to be mentioned below are a flashlight and a lighter. The function of a flashlight is to increase our chances of survival in a dim environment.

In the event of a war in China, remember to bring these five things with you as soon as possible, and you may be able to save your life

Nowadays, people don't need to carry flashlights when they go out, because almost all lighting systems exist in cities, towns and villages.

But once a war breaks out, the power supply system collapses, and even we have the need to survive in the wilderness, a flashlight is necessary.

The wilderness at night is very dangerous in itself, and most humans are now so physically degraded that it is impossible to play head-on with animals. The threat posed by some carnivores to humans is very significant.

In the event of a war in China, remember to bring these five things with you as soon as possible, and you may be able to save your life

In such cases, there is a flashlight, especially a strong flashlight, which can both serve as a light and drive away the beast when necessary. Some beasts will flee when stimulated by bright light.

But at the same time, when we prepare a strong flashlight, we should also prepare as many batteries as possible. Because in the wilderness, you can't expect to charge a flashlight.

In the event of a war in China, remember to bring these five things with you as soon as possible, and you may be able to save your life

If you can, you can prepare a special power-saving flashlight at home as a backup.

And in the event of some geological disasters, the strong flashlight can also be used, for example, the water and power outages caused by heavy rain, the strong light flashlight can also ensure safety.

Fourth, lighters

Lighters are equally important. Most modern people do not know how to drill wood for fire, nor do they have the ability to survive in the wild, and at the same time, human stomachs have long been accustomed to eating all kinds of cooked food.

In the event of a war in China, remember to bring these five things with you as soon as possible, and you may be able to save your life

So in such a situation, if you throw human beings into the wilderness and go to the wilderness to survive. Even if you can catch some prey by instinct, if you don't have fire, you can't eat it, and there may be a lot of germs and parasites in these prey.

Lighters can help us make fires. As long as there is a fire, you can cook, you can have food.

In the event of a war in China, remember to bring these five things with you as soon as possible, and you may be able to save your life

Moreover, in a dangerous jungle environment, fire is also something that many beasts are afraid of. If there is a fire, the surrounding beasts will not dare to approach the human camp, so the lighter must be prepared.

If possible, have a few more lighters on hand, as the lighters themselves are gas. If the gas runs out, the lighter will be useless.

If you really can't, you can also learn the technique of drilling wood for fire. Even drilling wood for fire is relatively inefficient, but it can also save people's lives at critical moments.

In the event of a war in China, remember to bring these five things with you as soon as possible, and you may be able to save your life

5. Salt

The last one to talk about is salt. Once a war breaks out and you want to go out to the wild to survive, you must bring salt, because it is difficult for us to find natural salt in the natural environment.

Salt is also necessary to maintain the operation of the body, and if the human body is severely deficient in salt, it will cause rapid consumption of physical energy. However, in the process of escaping from the famine, eating a mouthful of salt can effectively replenish physical strength.

In the event of a war in China, remember to bring these five things with you as soon as possible, and you may be able to save your life

In peacetime, salt can be seen everywhere in the vegetable market, one or two yuan a bag, which is not very precious, but this is based on the fact that the current human industrial system is very perfect, and salt can be made in large quantities in a scientific way.

However, during the war years, it would have been difficult to start the industrial machinery to produce salt as before.

Sixth, these things are also necessary

In addition to the five products we have told you today, there are also some things that you can bring, such as sugar. Sugar is also a great way to nourish your body when you need it.

In the event of a war in China, remember to bring these five things with you as soon as possible, and you may be able to save your life

If you have enough space in your vehicle when you run away, you can also choose to bring some mineral water. Although water is the source of life, there may also be bacteria, viruses, or parasites in the water.

In the wilderness, there is no electricity, no appliances, no way to boil water. If you drink natural water, you may not be able to stand it with your modern body, and you may get diseases, such as digestive diseases.

Then bring some pure water and mineral water in advance, which can also increase your probability of survival during the war.

In the event of a war in China, remember to bring these five things with you as soon as possible, and you may be able to save your life


In most cases, we don't need to worry about war. After all, China is a very powerful country, and almost no country dares to start a war against China, including the United States.

Moreover, China is still a nuclear power, and a strong nuclear force can ensure that no matter what the circumstances, China can be as stable as Mount Tai. Unless a nuclear war breaks out, if it does, it will be impossible to run if you want to.

No matter what kind of war breaks out, we must believe in the country, and the country will not give up on us.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, the authorities will try their best to restore order in the country and save the suffering people.

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