
The wife found out that her husband had secretly changed his name, and there was a big fight, and 8 years later the husband became the head of the country

author:Remembrance of people

Everyone in the world knows that Wang Ganchang is a meritorious scientist of China's "two bombs and one satellite", but they do not know that he once had a "family turmoil" with his wife. One day in 1956, Wang Ganchang's wife Wu Yueqin accidentally discovered that her husband had changed his name to "Wang Jing". The alarm bell suddenly sounded in her heart, could it be that her husband was having an affair? A heated argument ensued. Wang Ganchang was silent in the face of his wife's questioning, which deepened Wu Yueqin's doubts.

In the days that followed, Wang Ganchang often went on mysterious business trips and was in a hurry. Whenever Wu Yueqin asked, he always flickered. During this period, Wu Yueqin's heart was full of grievances and uneasiness. It wasn't until 8 years later in 1964 that a documentary revealed the truth, and it turned out that her husband was silently doing earth-shattering things for the country!

What kind of secret is hidden behind this "family turmoil"? Why did Wang Ganchang change his name? What the hell is he doing that he can't tell his wife? Let's uncover this little-known historical past.

Wang Ganchang's early life and academic achievements

Everyone knows that Wang Ganchang is a pioneer of nuclear physics in China, but they do not know that his childhood was spent in poverty and misery. In 1907, Wang Ganchang was born in a poor family in Changshu, Jiangsu. My father died when I was 4 years old, and my mother died 9 years later. The little Wang Ganchang became an orphan, but fortunately his grandmother raised him.

Although my grandmother was poor, she knew the importance of reading. She saved money for Wang Ganchang to go to school. Who would have thought that this poor child would be a reading material! Wang Ganchang worked hard and achieved excellent results, and he was also well-known in the township. In 1925, 18-year-old Wang Ganchang was admitted to Tsinghua University and became the pride of Changshu County.

At Tsinghua University, Wang Ganchang was like a fish in water, hungry for knowledge. Not satisfied with what he learned in class, he often soaked in the library and flipped through various physics books. After graduating, he stayed on to teach and became one of the youngest teaching assistants at Tsinghua University.

However, Wang Ganchang was not satisfied with this. He is eager to study abroad and learn the most cutting-edge physics knowledge. In 1930, he was admitted to the opportunity to study abroad at the Jiangsu government expense, and went to the Wilhelm Royal Institute of Chemical Research of the University of Berlin in Germany to study for graduate studies.

In Germany, Wang Ganchang had the privilege of studying under the famous female nuclear physicist L. Meitner. Meitner was one of the few female physicists in the world at the time, and her rigorous academic attitude deeply influenced Wang Ganchang. Under Meitner's tutelage, Wang Ganchang eagerly learned about nuclear physics and soon made a name for himself in this field.

In 1932, Wang Ganchang proposed an experimental idea that could discover neutrons. However, the instructor at the time did not trust the young Chinese student and refused to provide him with a test site and equipment. Who knows, the British scientist Chadwick conducted experiments according to Wang Ganchang's ideas, and actually discovered neutrons! Chadwick won the Nobel Prize, but Wang's contribution was buried.

The wife found out that her husband had secretly changed his name, and there was a big fight, and 8 years later the husband became the head of the country

This experience made Wang Ganchang realize that as a Chinese scientist, he must have his own experimental conditions and research platform. In 1934, after graduating from his doctorate, he resolutely returned to China and taught at Shandong University and Zhejiang University.

At Zhejiang University, Wang Ganchang pioneered higher education in China. He pioneered a course in nuclear physics in the Department of Physics, making China's higher education one of the most advanced in the world. His classes were often packed, attracting not only physics students, but also students from other departments.

Wang Ganchang's teaching method is unique. He is not satisfied with reading from the textbook, but encourages students to think independently and question boldly. Under his influence, a group of outstanding young physicists came to the fore, including the Chinese scientist Tsung-Dao Lee, who later won the Nobel Prize.

Although the experimental conditions in China are limited, Wang Ganchang has not given up scientific research. He published a paper on neutrino detection in the American journal Physical Review. As soon as this paper was published, it immediately attracted the attention of physicists around the world. American scientist Allen has successfully verified the neutrino detection method according to Wang Ganchang's suggestion. As a token of appreciation, Aaron named this method the "Wang-Aaron Method".

However, fate always seems to play a joke on Wang. Another scientist discovered the existence of neutrinos based on Wang's paper, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize. This is the second time Wang Ganchang has missed the Nobel Prize.

Despite this, Wang Ganchang was not discouraged. He knows very well that scientific research is not for fame and fortune, but for the purpose of exploring the truth and contributing to the progress of mankind. He continued to work hard and made one breakthrough after another in the field of nuclear physics.

Mysterious name change and family conflicts

On an ordinary day in 1956, Wu Yueqin sorted out the documents at home as usual. Suddenly, an unfamiliar document caught her attention. After a closer look, she was surprised to find that this was actually a new identity certificate from her husband Wang Ganchang, with the word "Wang Jing" written on it.

Wu Yueqin was suddenly struck by lightning. She and Wang Ganchang have been married for many years and have never heard that her husband is going to change his name. This sudden discovery filled her heart with doubts and uneasiness. That night, she decided to confront her husband in person.

"Ganchang, why did you change your name?" Wu Yueqin asked bluntly.

Facing his wife's questioning, Wang Ganchang looked a little flustered. He hesitantly said, "It's just a work need, it's not a big deal." "

Wu Yueqin was unrelenting: "What job needs to be renamed?" What exactly are you doing? "

The wife found out that her husband had secretly changed his name, and there was a big fight, and 8 years later the husband became the head of the country

Wang Ganchang was silent for a moment, and then said firmly: "Yueqin, please believe me, I can't tell you about this now. But I assure you that everything I do is justified and for the country. "

Far from calming Wu Yueqin's doubts, this explanation deepened her uneasiness. A heated argument ensued. Wu Yueqin questioned whether her husband was having an affair, while Wang Ganchang repeatedly pleaded but could not reveal the truth.

The quarrel became the fuse, and in the days that followed, Wang's behavior became more mysterious. He often came home late at night, sometimes for days on end. Whenever Wu Yueqin asked him where he was going, Wang Ganchang was always vague, only saying that he needed to work.

Once, Wu Yueqin found a train ticket in Wang Ganchang's clothes pocket, and the destination was a place she had never heard of. When she pressed about it, Mr. Wang simply said that he was on a business trip, but declined to give more details.

As time went by, Wang Ganchang traveled more and more frequently, and each time he was in a hurry. His originally warm home seemed to have become a temporary hotel in his eyes. And Wu Yueqin became more and more sad in her heart, and she felt more and more that her husband might have betrayed her.

The conflict between husband and wife is deepening. Wu Yueqin began to doubt her marriage, and she didn't understand why her once-loving husband had become so strange. She tried to track Wang Ganchang, but every time she lost track of him somewhere.

Wang Ganchang also felt deep in his heart. He understands his wife's doubts and pain, but he cannot disclose the content of his work due to the need for confidentiality. Every time he saw his wife's worried eyes, he felt a pang of heartache, but he knew that for the good of the country, he had to keep it a secret.

This tense family atmosphere lasted for a long time. Wu Yueqin has filed for divorce many times, but Wang Ganchang always tries his best to keep it. He promised to spend as much time as possible with his family, but in reality, his work is only getting busier.

Once, Wang Ganchang did not return home for a month. When he finally returned, Wu Yueqin found that he had lost a lot of weight and his face had become pale. She prepared a hearty dinner for her husband in distress, but Wang Ganchang hurriedly ate a few bites before going out again.

"What the hell are you doing? Why can't you tell me? Wu Yueqin asked again.

Wang Ganchang looked at his wife's anxious eyes and said softly, "Yueqin, please give me some more time." I promise you, one day you will know the truth. "

In this way, the couple spent eight long years in suspicion and confusion. Wu Yueqin never knew what her husband was doing, why he changed his name, and why he was always on a mysterious business trip. She can only languish with loneliness and doubt, looking forward to the day when the mystery will be solved.

The wife found out that her husband had secretly changed his name, and there was a big fight, and 8 years later the husband became the head of the country

Wang Ganchang, on the other hand, struggles to balance the responsibilities of the family and the state. He is well aware that the work he is participating in is related to national security, and there must be no leakage in the slightest. But at the same time, he was deeply guilty of not being able to confess to his wife and not being able to give her the love and companionship she deserved.

During this period, Wang Ganchang's heart was full of contradictions and struggles. He has to devote himself to the country's major scientific research projects, and at the same time strive to maintain a precarious marriage. This double pressure made him suffer, but he always stuck to his choice.

The truth was revealed, and it turned out to be a state secret

One day in 1964, Wu Yueqin turned on the TV as usual, ready to watch the news. Suddenly, a special story caught her attention. In the picture, a group of scientists in white coats are conducting an experiment. One of the figures, she is very familiar with - it is her husband Wang Ganchang!

In the picture, Wang Ganchang is in high spirits, explaining something to other scientists. Wu Yueqin was surprised to find that her husband's hair had turned gray and there were a few more wrinkles on his face. Over the years, although she has been able to see her husband every day, she has never really noticed the changes in him.

As the report deepened, Wu Yueqin finally understood the shocking secret behind her husband's mysterious behavior over the years. It turns out that Wang Ganchang has been involved in China's nuclear weapons research program, which is one of the top state secrets.

The report mentions that China's first atomic bomb has been successfully exploded. This news shocked the world and made Wu Yueqin suddenly realize. She finally understood why her husband had always been mysterious all these years, why he had changed his name, and why he often came home late at night.

That night, Wang Ganchang returned home. He saw his wife sitting in front of the TV with a complicated expression. Wang Ganchang stepped forward and gently held his wife's hand: "Yueqin, I'm sorry, I've been hiding it from you for so many years. "

Wu Yueqin burst into tears: "Ganchang, I finally understand." I understand all the hard work you have worked on over the years and the sacrifices you have made for the country. "

Wang Ganchang sighed deeply: "Yueqin, I've been trying to tell you the truth all these years, but this is related to state secrets, and I can't say it." Every time I see your suspicious eyes, I feel very painful. "

Wu Yueqin wiped away her tears and said firmly: "Ganchang, I'm proud of you. You have made such a huge contribution to the country, and I should support you. "

From this moment on, the misunderstanding between the couple for many years was finally cleared up. Wu Yueqin no longer doubts her husband, but wholeheartedly supports his work. She began to understand the reason why her husband was away from home for a long time, and why he changed his name to "Wang Jing".

The wife found out that her husband had secretly changed his name, and there was a big fight, and 8 years later the husband became the head of the country

However, the truth doesn't mean life is easy. On the contrary, as China's nuclear weapons research has deepened, Wang Ganchang's work has become busier. He often had to spend months at remote research sites, sometimes even once every six months.

But this time, Wu Yueqin chose to understand and support. She began to pack her husband and prepare his favorite foods. Every time Wang Ganchang goes on a business trip, she will carefully prepare the clothes and daily necessities he needs. Although the separation still makes her feel lonely, she knows that her husband is doing important things for the country.

In 1965, China successfully developed its first hydrogen bomb. This news shocked the world again and made Wang Ganchang's work even busier. He spent almost the entire year at the research base and rarely had the opportunity to go home.

Despite this, Wu Yueqin still insisted on writing letters to her husband every day. In her letters, she recorded in detail the affairs of the family, so that her husband, who was far away, could feel the warmth of home. Although Wang Ganchang couldn't reply to the letter in time, he would carefully read every letter from his wife every time he went home, with a relieved smile on his face.

In 1966, the Cultural Revolution broke out. The political campaign brought disaster to many scientists, but Wang Ganchang received special protection because of his involvement in nuclear weapons research. However, he still had to be more cautious. During this period, he was almost completely cut off from the outside world, and it became extremely difficult to even call home.

Wu Yueqin showed extraordinary courage and wisdom during these difficult days. She bravely faced all kinds of doubts and criticisms, and firmly defended her husband's reputation. She told everyone that Wang Ganchang was doing important work for the country, and although she could not disclose the details, she believed that her husband was innocent.

In 1968, China successfully launched its first artificial satellite. This achievement made the people of the whole country rejoice and inspire, and also made Wang Ganchang and his wife finally breathe a sigh of relief. Although he was still busy at work, Wang Ganchang began to have more opportunities to return home.

Every time he goes home, Wang Ganchang will bring some small gifts. Sometimes it's a peculiar stone from a research base, sometimes it's a precious work of science. Although these gifts were not expensive, they were full of his apologies and gratitude to his wife.

With the passage of time, the relationship between Wang Ganchang and Wu Yueqin not only did not fade due to the long-term separation, but became deeper. They have learned to cherish every time they spend together, and they have become more understanding of each other's efforts and sacrifices.

In the early 1970s, China's nuclear weapons research entered a new phase. Although Wang Ganchang is old, he still insists on working on the front line. Whenever he returned home exhausted, Wu Yueqin always silently prepared hot water and delicious meals for him, supporting her husband's career in her own way.

Later life and scientific research contributions

In 1978, with the advent of reform and opening up, China's scientific research environment gradually improved. Although Wang Ganchang is in his old age, he still maintains a strong enthusiasm for scientific research. This year, he was appointed vice president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and began to use his talents on a broader platform.

The wife found out that her husband had secretly changed his name, and there was a big fight, and 8 years later the husband became the head of the country

Wang's focus has shifted from nuclear weapons research to the peaceful use of nuclear energy. He actively promoted the construction of China's nuclear power plants and made important contributions to the formulation of China's energy strategy. Thanks to his efforts, China's first nuclear power plant, the Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant, was officially connected to the grid in 1991, marking a new era of peaceful uses of nuclear energy in China.

At the same time, Wang Ganchang has not forgotten his original intention of scientific research. He continued to work in the field of theoretical physics, especially in particle physics and condensed matter physics. In 1980, he proposed the famous "Wang Ganchang model", which provided a new theoretical framework for explaining some complex nuclear phenomena, and attracted wide attention in the international physics community.

In 1982, Wang Ganchang was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which was the highest affirmation of his years of scientific research work. That night, Wu Yueqin specially prepared a sumptuous dinner to celebrate. During the banquet, Wang Ganchang was full of emotion: "Yueqin, without your support and understanding for so many years, I would not have been able to achieve today's achievements. "

Wu Yueqin smiled and said, "This is the honor you deserve." I just did what a wife is supposed to do. "

As he grew older, Wang Ganchang began to devote more to the popularization of science and the cultivation of talents. He often gives lectures at major universities, telling young people about the development of China's nuclear industry and encouraging them to contribute to the scientific and technological cause of the motherland.

In 1985, Wang Ganchang founded the "Wang Ganchang Physics Prize" to reward young scientists who have made outstanding contributions to the field of fundamental physics research. This award soon became one of the most authoritative awards in the field of physics in China, and was known as the "Nobel Prize in Physics in China".

In family life, Wang Ganchang and Wu Yueqin finally have more time together. Every morning, the two of them would walk together, chat, look back on the past, and look forward to the future. Wang Ganchang often sighed: "Yueqin, we can finally live like an ordinary couple." "

In 1987, in order to commemorate the 50th anniversary of their acquaintance, Wang Ganchang specially took Wu Yueqin to revisit the campus of Peking University, where they first met. The two old men walked hand in hand in the familiar campus, recalling the bits and pieces of the year, with happy smiles on their faces.

However, the scientist's sense of mission has always driven Wang Ganchang to continue his work. Even in his 80s, he still insists on reading the latest scientific research papers every day and paying attention to international cutting-edge scientific and technological trends. He often said: "There is no such thing as retirement in science, as long as the mind is still sober, we must contribute our own strength to the scientific and technological development of the motherland." "

In 1992, Wang Ganchang won the highest national science and technology award, which is the highest praise for his lifelong scientific research work. At the award ceremony, Wang Ganchang, who is 87 years old, delivered an enthusiastic speech, calling on the whole society to attach importance to basic scientific research and cultivate more talents for China's scientific and technological innovation.

In his later years, Wang Ganchang did not stop exploring science. He continues to follow the latest developments in the fields of particle physics and nuclear physics, and from time to time he offers his own opinions. In 1995, he also participated in the planning of China's first large-scale particle accelerator, pointing out the direction for the development of high-energy physics research in China.

In 1998, Wang Ganchang ushered in his 93rd birthday. At the birthday party, he announced an important decision to donate all his life savings to education, which will be used to support science education in poor areas. This decision was fully supported by Wu Yueqin.

The wife found out that her husband had secretly changed his name, and there was a big fight, and 8 years later the husband became the head of the country

Wang Ganchang said: "We have been fighting for the cause of science all our lives, and now it is our greatest wish to do our part to train the next generation of scientists." "

On March 10, 2001, Wang Ganchang passed away in Beijing at the age of 95. His loss is deeply saddened by the nation. At the memorial service, countless scientific research workers expressed their desire to inherit the legacy of Academician Wang Ganchang and continue to struggle for China's scientific and technological cause.

After the death of her husband, Wu Yueqin decided to continue to promote the development of the "Wang Ganchang Physics Prize". She said: "This is the unfinished business of Ganchang, and I will continue to do it so that more young people can make achievements in the field of physics." "

The husband and wife are deeply affectionate and love each other

The love story of Wang Ganchang and Wu Yueqin can be called a good story in the Chinese scientific community. From their acquaintance at Peking University in 1937 to the death of Wang Ganchang in 2001, the two stayed together for 64 years, and together they experienced the most turbulent and glorious years in China's modern history.

In 1937, 20-year-old Wang Ganchang and 19-year-old Wu Yueqin met at Peking University. At that time, Wang Ganchang was a student in the Department of Physics, while Wu Yueqin was studying in the Department of Chinese. The two met because they participated in the school's literary club together. Although Wang Ganchang majored in physics, he also had a strong interest in literature. He often discussed poetry and poetry with Wu Yueqin, and the two soon developed a good feeling.

However, their path to love was not all smooth sailing. In July 1937, the Lugou Bridge Incident broke out and Beijing fell. In order to continue their studies, Wang Ganchang and Wu Yueqin had to go south separately. Wang Ganchang moved to Southwest Associated University in Kunming, Yunnan Province, while Wu Yueqin went to Chongqing with her family.

The separation did not cool the feelings of the two. On the contrary, through the exchange of letters, their feelings grew deeper. In those days when communication was inconvenient, every letter was hard to come by. Wang Ganchang and Wu Yueqin cherish every opportunity to communicate, describe their lives and studies in detail, encourage each other, and look forward to the future together.

In 1941, Wang Ganchang got the opportunity to study at the University of Edinburgh in the United Kingdom. Before leaving, he made a special trip to Chongqing to meet Wu Yueqin. The two walked by the river in Chongqing and made a lifelong promise. Wang Ganchang said: "Yueqin, when I return from school, we will get married." Wu Yueqin nodded in agreement and said that she would wait for him to come back.

During his four years in the UK, Wang Ganchang devoted himself to study and research. Whenever he encountered difficulties or felt lonely, he would take out a photo of Wu Yueqin to cheer himself up. And Wu Yueqin, who is in China, has been silently supporting lovers in foreign countries. She often sent Wang Ganchang some Chinese specialties and handmade products, so that he could feel the warmth of home in a foreign country.

In 1945, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was won, and Wang Ganchang returned to China after completing his studies. After returning to China, he immediately married Wu Yueqin. Although the wedding was simple, the two had happy smiles on their faces. Wang Ganchang said at the wedding: "Yueqin, thank you for waiting for so many years. In the future, we will walk together. "

After marriage, Wang Ganchang devoted himself to scientific research, and Wu Yueqin became his strong backing. Whenever Wang Ganchang worked late at night, Wu Yueqin always silently prepared hot water and supper for him. She is well aware of her husband's heavy responsibilities and never complains about his busyness.

The wife found out that her husband had secretly changed his name, and there was a big fight, and 8 years later the husband became the head of the country

In the 1960s, Wang Ganchang participated in nuclear weapons research and could not return home for a long time. This is undoubtedly a huge test for the newly established family. However, Wu Yueqin, with her unique wisdom and strength, shouldered the burden of taking care of the family. Not only does she have to take care of her young children, but she also has to deal with all kinds of suspicions from the outside world. Despite this, she has always believed that her husband is doing important work for the country and has never wavered in her trust in him.

In 1964, China's first atomic bomb was successfully exploded, and Wang Ganchang's identity was finally revealed. Only then did Wu Yueqin know that her husband had been engaged in such an important job all these years. She is proud of her husband and understands his hard work over the years.

As they grew older, the relationship between Wang Ganchang and Wu Yueqin became deeper and deeper. They began to spend more time together, walking, chatting, and reminiscing together. Wang Ganchang often sighed: "Yueqin, without your support for so many years, I would not have been able to achieve today's achievements." "

In 1987, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of their acquaintance, Wang Ganchang specially took Wu Yueqin to Peking University again. The two old men walked hand in hand on the familiar campus, as if they had returned to the summer when they first met. Wang Ganchang said to Wu Yueqin affectionately: "Yueqin, in the past half century, we have gone through so many ups and downs hand in hand, and you will always be my best partner." "

Even in their later years, Wang Ganchang and Wu Yueqin still maintained a loving relationship. Every morning, they would walk together and support each other. Although Wang Ganchang is busy with work, he always finds time to spend with his wife. They watch the news together, discuss current events, and share moments in life.

In 2001, Wang Ganchang died of illness. At the last moment of his life, he held Wu Yueqin's hand tightly and said, "Yueqin, thank you for your company in this life." Our love will last forever. "

After Wang Ganchang's death, Wu Yueqin continued to promote the development of the "Wang Ganchang Physics Award" and fought for her husband's unfinished business. She often said: "This is my common wish with Ganchang, and I will continue to do it." "

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