
"Singer 2024" Na Ying competes on stage with a veil covering her face due to shingles! The pictures are so scary!

author:Yu C

On this cold spring night, the stage of "Singer 2024" not only echoes the collision of melodies, but also witnesses the musicians' fearless pursuit of dreams.

In the eighth episode of this audio-visual feast, Na Ying and Tan Weiwei interpret what a true artist is in their own unique ways - singing with life and burning with love.

"Singer 2024" Na Ying competes on stage with a veil covering her face due to shingles! The pictures are so scary!

Disease does not stop the singer's road, Na Ying uses a veil to cover her face to perform "The Night of a Star"

On that challenging night, when the health crisis loomed silently like a dark cloud, Teacher Na Ying faced a double test of body and mind.

"Singer 2024" Na Ying competes on stage with a veil covering her face due to shingles! The pictures are so scary!

Herpes zoster, a disease that would be a good reason for ordinary people to step out of the spotlight, did not stand in her way.

This singer, who is well-known in the Chinese music scene, with extraordinary courage and determination, chose to stick to the indissoluble bond with the stage.

Instead of being swallowed up by the temporary haze, she took it as an opportunity to show the world the power of art and the resilience of life.

"Singer 2024" Na Ying competes on stage with a veil covering her face due to shingles! The pictures are so scary!

The moment she stepped on the stage, Na Ying was wearing an elegant long dress with light gauze half-covering her face, which was not only a respect for her physical condition, but also a novel attempt at artistic expression.

Under the light veil, a pair of eyes flashed with firmness and tenderness, as if silently speaking: "Music is my way of dialogue with the world, no matter the wind or rain."

"Singer 2024" Na Ying competes on stage with a veil covering her face due to shingles! The pictures are so scary!

This unique image quickly became the most moving scene of the night, and the audience felt a beauty that transcended illness and form while holding their breath.

With the slow flow of the melody of "A Star's Night", Na Ying's voice is like the brightest star in the night sky, passing through the thick clouds and shining directly into everyone's hearts.

"Singer 2024" Na Ying competes on stage with a veil covering her face due to shingles! The pictures are so scary!

This song not only carries her pure love and awe for music, but also an ode to the indomitable spirit of life.

Every note, every lyric, seems to be a loud echo of her confrontation with fate, which makes people all moved.

Through this song, Na Ying not only conveyed the power of music to the audience, but also vividly interpreted the true meaning of "art comes from life and is higher than life" with her own experience.

"Singer 2024" Na Ying competes on stage with a veil covering her face due to shingles! The pictures are so scary!

This feat is undoubtedly the highest interpretation of the title of "artist".

In Na Ying's body, we see how a true artist finds inspiration in adversity and shines in the face of challenges.

She proved that the value of art lies not only in the exquisite technique, but also in the courage and persistence to never give up expressing oneself and transmitting positive energy no matter when and where.

"Singer 2024" Na Ying competes on stage with a veil covering her face due to shingles! The pictures are so scary!

Na Ying's singing, like the brightest star in the night sky, reminds everyone that even in the darkest night, there is always a starlight to guide the way and illuminate the way forward.

Her story is an encouragement to everyone who has been challenged on their journey through life, proving that as long as there is light in our hearts, nothing can stop us from shining our own light.

"Singer 2024" Na Ying competes on stage with a veil covering her face due to shingles! The pictures are so scary!

Tan Weiwei's national rock style shocked the audience, and "Orchid Flowers" won the championship to show a new height of music

On the other hand, Tan Weiwei uses a new musical attempt to perfectly integrate tradition and modernity.

She gave the classic "Orchid Flowers" a new life to national rock, and the interweaving of electric guitar and traditional instruments inspired a refreshing auditory impact.

"Singer 2024" Na Ying competes on stage with a veil covering her face due to shingles! The pictures are so scary!

Tan Weiwei's interpretation is not only a reinterpretation of the song, but also a demonstration of cultural self-confidence, and she uses her own way to tell the world the infinite possibilities and profound charm of Chinese music.

This performance not only won her the crown of this show, but also won the hearts of countless music lovers.

"Singer 2024" Na Ying competes on stage with a veil covering her face due to shingles! The pictures are so scary!

The power of music and the responsibility of the artist

On the stage of "Singer 2024", what we see is not only a competition of skills, but also a deep understanding of music and infinite respect for art.

The performances of Na Ying and Tan Weiwei are the best interpretation of the word "singer".

They make us understand that real music is the transmission of emotions, the telling of stories, and the touch of the heart.

"Singer 2024" Na Ying competes on stage with a veil covering her face due to shingles! The pictures are so scary!

In the fast-paced modern society, this kind of music is even more valuable, reminding us that no matter how noisy the outside world is, the inner voice is always worth being heard.

"Singer 2024" Na Ying competes on stage with a veil covering her face due to shingles! The pictures are so scary!

The music never stops, and the dreams don't stop

The eighth issue of "Singer 2024" is not only a competition of music, but also a touch of the heart.

Na Ying's tenacity and Tan Weiwei's innovation are like two different rays of light, illuminating every corner of the music world.

Their stories are an inspiration to all dreamers, telling us that as long as there is love and perseverance, everyone can become the protagonist on the stage of their own life.

"Singer 2024" Na Ying competes on stage with a veil covering her face due to shingles! The pictures are so scary!

Let's hope that in the future, more musicians will be able to weave dreams with musical notes, convey power with singing, and jointly write a more brilliant chapter of Chinese music.

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