
5 child stars who were killed by their parents: they were injected with somatostatin, they were imprisoned for sleeping powder, and one of them has passed away

author:Sprite speaks

There are a group of bright child stars in the entertainment industry, and their stories are impressive. Deng Minghe, a former drama prodigy, was taken away by leukemia when he was only 8 years old; Wang Xinyi, a former star teenager, was imprisoned for committing a crime at the age of 21; And Xiao Xiaobin, who was once a household name, was reduced to working as a cleaner during the summer vacation at the age of 18.

The life trajectories of these child stars are like shooting stars, short and dazzling, but then quickly falling, and what happened to them makes people sigh: what caused these supposed hopeful lives to die so early? Their story may shed light on a harsh reality, a heavy allegory of childhood, dreams, and reality.

5 child stars who were killed by their parents: they were injected with somatostatin, they were imprisoned for sleeping powder, and one of them has passed away

Under the bright lights of the entertainment industry, the debut of child stars is accompanied by a dazzling aura, however, behind this aura, there is a pressure that is not easy to detect.

Ji Baoru's debut is an inevitability in an accident. When she was five years old, she was accidentally discovered because of an advertisement, and later became famous in one fell swoop with her clear and sweet children's voice singing for "Thousands of Miles to Find Mother".

However, while giving hope to her family, she herself does not know what fate will be.

Wang Xinyi's star journey began by chance. At the age of nine, he played the childhood male lead in "Dolphin Bay Lovers", a role that immediately caught the attention of a wide audience.

5 child stars who were killed by their parents: they were injected with somatostatin, they were imprisoned for sleeping powder, and one of them has passed away

However, this sudden fame turned his life upside down, and it also became the fuse for his rebellion and loss of control in the future.

Deng Minghe's story is like a sad fairy tale. When he was only three years old, he showed an amazing talent for opera, as if the bloodline of five generations of singers in the family had been perfectly inherited in him.

At the age of five, he appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala and conquered the national audience with the image of "New Year's Doll" However, fate seemed to favor this little genius extraordinarily, but ruthlessly took his life.

5 child stars who were killed by their parents: they were injected with somatostatin, they were imprisoned for sleeping powder, and one of them has passed away

participated in the show "Where Are You Going, Dad" at a young age, and her over-age maturity made the audience unforgettable, but it couldn't help but make people worry about how she should spend her childhood.

It seems that the debut of these child stars is very glamorous, but in fact, there is a deep crisis behind it. These children have taught us that the joy of fame often comes at a high cost, and some can even wipe out childhood and even precious lives.

Under the spotlight, these children are prematurely burdened with undeserved responsibilities and pressures, and their childhood is quietly lost without knowing it, leaving behind only endless bitterness and remorse.

5 child stars who were killed by their parents: they were injected with somatostatin, they were imprisoned for sleeping powder, and one of them has passed away

Behind the flashing lights and applause, the child stars paid an unimaginable price. Their childhood passed inadvertently, leaving behind only endless bitterness and regret.

Xiao Xiaobin's experience was the most shocking. His father arranged a never-ending performance for him, and it became his daily routine to appear in variety shows, participate in commercial performances, and give interviews. On the surface, he lived an enviable life, but in reality, the young child was under much more pressure than he was years old.

Once, he fell into a coma due to overwork on the set, a heart-wrenching image that reveals the cruel reality faced by child stars, and the long-term overconsumption has not only affected his physical health, but also seriously delayed his studies.

5 child stars who were killed by their parents: they were injected with somatostatin, they were imprisoned for sleeping powder, and one of them has passed away

What happened to Ji Baoru is outrageous. At the age of 13, it became a turning point in her life, in order to maintain her image as a "child star", her family forcibly injected her with growth suppression injections against her will, a decision that completely changed the trajectory of her life.

Her height was forcibly fixed at 149cm, a number that she could not shake off for the rest of her life, a practice that not only violated her bodily autonomy, but also cruelly deprived her of her future.

Wang Xinyi's story reflects the other extreme. His sudden fame left him at a loss, and he became rebellious and perverse due to a lack of proper guidance. At the age of 12, he began to have "deep communication" with female fans, which not only shows his precociousness, but also shows the emptiness and confusion in his heart.

5 child stars who were killed by their parents: they were injected with somatostatin, they were imprisoned for sleeping powder, and one of them has passed away

His out-of-control behavior is not only a personal problem, but also a microcosm of the poor protection of child stars in the whole society.

Aralei's experience is very distressing. She started hanging Wia at the age of four, which was very challenging and dangerous for a young child. What's even more poignant is that she even spent her birthday in the crew.

This day should be full of joy and warmth, but it is occupied by work and responsibility, behind her fairy tale of "to support the family", is a child's premature responsibility and lost childhood.

5 child stars who were killed by their parents: they were injected with somatostatin, they were imprisoned for sleeping powder, and one of them has passed away

Deng Minghe's story is the most distressing. His life was short-lived, and at its most glorious moment, it was taken by a merciless disease. He left us at the age of 8, leaving behind only the endless regrets and thoughts of the world.

It is rumored that during the rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala, he has developed symptoms such as fever, but he has not received enough attention and treatment, and this tragic ending makes people question: in the pursuit of success, are we neglecting the most precious life and health?

The experiences of these child stars brutally reveal a reality: entering the entertainment industry too early can cost them a normal childhood, withstand pressure beyond their age, and even pay the price of their health and lives.

5 child stars who were killed by their parents: they were injected with somatostatin, they were imprisoned for sleeping powder, and one of them has passed away

We should take a warning from their stories to cherish every child's childhood and give them the protection and love they deserve.

Parents play a vital role in the growth of child stars. However, under the temptation of fame and fortune, some parents have become the biggest obstacle to the healthy growth of their children.

Xiao Xiaobin's father is a typical "pusher", he not only pushed Xiao Xiaobin to the road of acting when he was only 2 years old, but also regarded him as a cash cow. After Xiao Xiaobin became famous, his father's behavior became more and more despicable.

5 child stars who were killed by their parents: they were injected with somatostatin, they were imprisoned for sleeping powder, and one of them has passed away

He squandered more than 18 million of Xiao Xiaobin's hard-earned money, as if the money was easy to come and go, and it should be easy to go, what is even more shocking is that he also took Xiao Xiaobin to take a risk to invest in the film and television industry, and as a result, he lost 3 million His irresponsible behavior not only exhausted Xiao Xiaobin's savings, but also buried the child's future invisibly.

Ji Baoru's family pushed the stereotype of "patriarchy" to the extreme, so much so that she was a neglected child until she discovered that she had the potential to make money. However, when she showed her ability to earn money, the family's attitude changed instantly, and they saw her as a hope to get out of poverty.

The huge contrast in this attitude reflects their utilitarian view of their children, however, what they did was to destroy Ji Baoru's decision to inject her with growth suppression injections at the age of 13 in the future, which is undoubtedly a great harm to the physical and mental health of a young girl, and this behavior has exceeded the bottom line of morality.

5 child stars who were killed by their parents: they were injected with somatostatin, they were imprisoned for sleeping powder, and one of them has passed away

Wang Xinyi's parents are typical "hands-off shopkeepers". After the son became famous, they seemed to only care about how much money he could make, and completely ignored his education and guidance.

Faced with the scandal of their son's "deep communication" with fans at the age of 12, they not only did not reflect on their own educational failures, but instead shifted the blame to fans, claiming that fans seduced their son.

This irresponsible attitude undoubtedly accelerated Wang Xinyi's degeneration and made him gradually move towards the road of crime without correct guidance.

What happened to Deng Minghe is really worrying. According to rumors, he developed symptoms such as fever during the rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala, but his family did not pay enough attention to this. This neglect may lead to delayed treatment of the condition, which can lead to irreparable tragedy.

5 child stars who were killed by their parents: they were injected with somatostatin, they were imprisoned for sleeping powder, and one of them has passed away

While we can't be sure of the veracity of this rumor, it undoubtedly reflects public concerns about the health of child stars.

The behavior of these parents reveals a worrying phenomenon: in the pursuit of profit, they use their children as a tool to make money, while ignoring their children's physical and mental health and normal growth.

Instead of paving the way for success for our children, their behavior has become an obstacle to our children's growth, which makes us have to think: in the process of pursuing success, have we forgotten the most basic responsibilities as parents? Are we neglecting what our children need most? These are questions that every parent needs to think about seriously.

5 child stars who were killed by their parents: they were injected with somatostatin, they were imprisoned for sleeping powder, and one of them has passed away

The glory of childhood did not pave a broad road to success for these child stars, but their lives suffered huge turning points and setbacks in adulthood, which made people sigh.

Xiao Xiaobin's story is poignant. Once a cutie on the screen, the 18-year-old had to work as a cleaner in the summer to earn tuition. Every day, he can only work hard in the stadium until late at night, earning only 347 yuan per night.

From a high-profile child star to an unknown manual laborer, such a gap makes people sigh at the impermanence of fate, and what is even more heart-wrenching is that due to the long-term delay in his studies, he finally failed to be admitted to university, and his life path suddenly fell into confusion.

5 child stars who were killed by their parents: they were injected with somatostatin, they were imprisoned for sleeping powder, and one of them has passed away

Ji Baoru's life turning point is like a drama, full of drama. At the age of 20, she resolutely chose to elope, as if she wanted to break free from the shackles of her original family and pursue her own happiness.

However, married life was not as good as she expected, her husband's cheating and unexpected death made her life even more difficult, and worse, among her three children, one suffered from depression and the other was addicted to drugs, which was undoubtedly the heaviest blow to her.

Wang Xinyi's life trajectory is all the way down. From an early age, he became a gangster, later joined a social gang, and at the age of 21 was sentenced to 17 years in prison for a felony. During a group fight, he hacked a teenager to death and was later arrested for drug use while on the run.

5 child stars who were killed by their parents: they were injected with somatostatin, they were imprisoned for sleeping powder, and one of them has passed away

The former child star embarked on the road of crime in this way, which is very regrettable.

The tragic experience of child stars is not only their personal misfortune, but also a warning to the whole society. It reveals the overexploitation of children in the entertainment industry and the serious lack of protection mechanisms for child stars in society.

We can't help but ask: why do parents let their 2-year-old children appear on screen? Why are 13-year-old girls forced to inject growth suppression injections? Why would a 4-year-old child risk his life to hang Wia? This reflects a social mentality of quick success and a neglect of children's rights.

5 child stars who were killed by their parents: they were injected with somatostatin, they were imprisoned for sleeping powder, and one of them has passed away

The experiences of these child stars show that there are no shortcuts to growing up. Pushing a child into the entertainment industry, while it may seem like a fast path to success, can actually be a trap that destroys childhood.

We need to establish better laws and regulations to protect the rights and interests of child stars, limit their working hours, and ensure that they have the right to education.

During this time, as parents, we should think deeply: childhood happiness and healthy growth are more important than fame and fortune. Let's work together to create a healthy and happy environment for every child to develop, so that childhood can return to its original form.

5 child stars who were killed by their parents: they were injected with somatostatin, they were imprisoned for sleeping powder, and one of them has passed away

Only in this way can we prevent more tragedies of "child stars who were killed by their parents".