
Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" has advanced liver cancer, and his girlfriend calls for a donation of 2 million? Weigh ready for a liver transplant!

author:A tricycle driver

Brother Gluten fell, and his girlfriend reached out to ask for money? 2 million surgery fees fell from the sky, and netizens were angry: Squeeze the last drop of oil? How should this account be calculated?

Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" has advanced liver cancer, and his girlfriend calls for a donation of 2 million? Weigh ready for a liver transplant!

Internet celebrity gluten brother suddenly suffered from advanced liver cancer, and overnight he went from a street celebrity to a seriously ill patient in the ICU. This Jianghu artist, who once brought joy to everyone, is now lying on the hospital bed, life and death are uncertain. Just when everyone was lamenting what happened to him, a storm about donations quietly arose, adding a bit of blood to this tragic drama.

Girlfriend or "vampire"?

As soon as Brother Gluten entered the ICU, a woman who claimed to be his girlfriend jumped out and asked for more than 2 million in surgery fees. As soon as this "girlfriend" who has never met appears, it makes people feel that something is not quite right:

  1. She doesn't have the surname Cheng, and she is not the same surname as Brother Gluten;
  2. She is the legal representative of an MCN company;
  3. The donation account number is hers, not that of Brother Gluten or his family.

The mystery of the identity of this "girlfriend" can't help but make people think about it. Could it be that Brother Gluten is seriously ill and wants to take the opportunity to squeeze out his last drop of oil?

Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" has advanced liver cancer, and his girlfriend calls for a donation of 2 million? Weigh ready for a liver transplant!

Love or calculation?

The "girlfriend" explained that because Brother Gluten's children are underage, he uses his own account. But netizens are sharp-eyed and can see the problem at a glance:

  1. Brother Gluten's children don't look small, how can they all be underage?
  2. Brother Gluten has relatives, why don't you use your relatives' accounts?
  3. How can a "girlfriend" who is not related by blood control this money?

**Where is this true love, it is clearly a naked calculation!**Netizens have complained: This "girlfriend" is afraid that she wants to eat out of the house!

Charity or business?

Brother Gluten is also an Internet celebrity, how can he have no savings at all? Even if you really need help, you should go through formal channels, rather than letting a "girlfriend" whose identity is a mystery come forward to ask for money. Where is this fundraising, it is clearly doing business!

What's even more chilling is that Brother Gluten is now unable to take care of himself, who knows if he really wants to raise donations? Could it be that the people around you take the opportunity to make a profit? This kind of behavior of taking advantage of people's danger is really despicable.

Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" has advanced liver cancer, and his girlfriend calls for a donation of 2 million? Weigh ready for a liver transplant!

Life-saving money or inheritance?

Brother Gluten is already in the advanced stage of liver cancer, even if he raises 2 million, I am afraid he will not be able to escape the doom. Rather than prolonging the suffering of a dying man, this money should be used to save more lives with hope.

If you really want to donate, you should also go through formal channels, be open and transparent, and accept supervision. Otherwise, it is not known whether this money is life-saving money or a "legacy" in the eyes of some.

Human or animalistic?

What happened to Brother Gluten was an embarrassing tragedy. But this donation turmoil has made people see the ugliest side of human nature. Some people took advantage of the fire to rob, some people fell into the well, and some people watched coldly. In this game of life and death, what we see is not sympathy and pity, but naked calculation of interests.

So finally, I would like to ask: if you are a fundraiser, what do you think about this?

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