
Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy

author:Shadow under the moon 85555
Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy
Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy

Chemical Daddy's

Wonderful world

Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy




Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy
Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy
Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy

My dad was a chemical engineer.

He had the magic pen of Ma Liang, drawing pipes and valves, and within a few years, the tidal flats became Tallinn.

He has the persistence of Yugong to move mountains, endless attempts and arguments, turning the "impossible" into "possible", and making our clothing, food, housing and transportation more colorful.

So in my eyes, he is not only a father, but also a guide who leads me to explore the mysteries of science. His mysterious and interesting work not only gave me a deeper understanding of the world, but also brought many unique experiences to my life.

Today, I would like to share with you some stories about chemical dads, so that we can feel the magic of chemistry together.


Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy

Daddy's "Magic Soup"

Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy

Dad always likes to perform some little magic tricks on me. One day, he came to my room with two bottles of colorless and transparent liquid in his hands, and mysteriously told me that this was his special "magic soup".

My eyes widened in curiosity as he slowly mixed the two liquids together, and in an instant, the otherwise plain solution turned into a colorful liquid, as if there was a magic force in it.

I was stunned and thought that Dad was really the most amazing magician in the world. I didn't know until junior high school that it was his skillful mix of acid-base indicators and phenolphthalein test solution.

Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy
Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy


Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy

Dad's "don't understand" theory

Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy

At night, my stomach is rumbling, and I want my dad to make me a cup of milk powder to drink. Unexpectedly, my father took the opportunity to test me and asked me whether I should pour water or milk powder first.

Pour the water first! Dad was pleasantly surprised, praised me for being so smart, and said that I could install the column for him in the future, followed by some unintelligible words, such as "this homogenate has no bubbles, no agglomeration, and is more uniform......"

I thought to myself, I think my mother just poured water first, how can my father have so many complex theories that he doesn't understand.

Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy
Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy


Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy

Dad's "Magic Invention"

Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy

Today, I helped my mother clean up and turned out a big origami paper, which was framed around it. Mom said, "It's not origami, it's the cartridge of the air filter made by your dad." ”

I asked my dad, "What is this for?" Dad replied, "Lower the ...... of indoor PM2.5," and I asked, "Then why not use it?" Because is the air quality getting better now? ”

The mother on the side smiled and said, "What, Dad just tied the filter cartridge to the fan, and he still can't tie it ...... fast."

Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy
Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy


Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy

Daddy's "Song of the Elements"

Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy

When I was a child, I always pestered my dad to teach me to sing. That day, he taught me to sing a special song – the song of the periodic table.

"Hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine~" Although the lyrics are difficult to understand, I think it is the most beautiful melody in the world.

Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy
Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy


Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy

Dad's "Aroma Workshop"

Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy

I remember one time, my dad took out a mysterious little bottle. With a slight twist, the moment the cap is opened, the whole room is filled with a wonderful floral fragrance, as if you are in a botanical garden.

Dad smiled and explained that this was a spice that he synthesized with chemical elements, and my eyes widened and I was amazed at the magic of chemistry, which was able to imitate the magic of nature and create such a realistic natural atmosphere. I wondered if the taste of my favorite sweet candy could be created through chemistry.

Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy
Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy


Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy

Dad's "Scientific Answers"

Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy

Whenever I encountered a problem in life, my father was always able to solve it for me with scientific knowledge.

On that occasion, I accidentally spilled ink on my clothes, and he immediately cleaned it for me with acidic solvents from the laboratory. He always said that the problems in life can be solved with science.

Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy
Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy

Getting along with my chemical father made me feel the charm of science, and also made me understand that as long as you put your heart into it, there is no problem that cannot be solved.

Chemistry is not just a bottle and jar in the laboratory, it is also a way of life, a way of thinking. My chemical dad used his knowledge and wisdom to open a window to the world of science for me and let me see more possibilities.

On this special day, let us thank those fathers who have accompanied us with scientific knowledge, they are the brightest beacons on our life path. Happy Father's Day to them!

Explore the wonderful world of Chemdaddy

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