
If you have an electric car at home, you should pay attention, and the new regulations will be implemented on July 1, and the strict investigation will begin

author:Lone Star Alone

Family, there's a big event in the near future! On July 1 the new e-bike rules will come into effect, and this is no joke and could cause trouble if we don't pay attention to the accident!

Let's start by talking about why there are such new rules. In fact, it's just for the peace of all of us. Now there are more and more cars on the road, and e-bikes are running everywhere, and if there are no rules, it is dangerous!

1. Helmet - life protection cover

You see, the new regulations say that you must wear a helmet when driving an e-bike on the road. It's not nonsense, it really saves lives! Many cities on the mainland have already begun to implement this regulation. You don't believe it, there was a news a few days ago that a female student who took an exam 622 had a traffic accident because she was not wearing a helmet and was unconscious! How painful!

If you have an electric car at home, you should pay attention, and the new regulations will be implemented on July 1, and the strict investigation will begin

The new national standard helmet launched by the state in 2023 is a good thing, and it must be a high-quality helmet that is qualified by 3C certification. Don't worry about the price. In fact, it is really not expensive, but the protection effect is the benchmark! It's worth spending this money to buy a peace!

2. License plate - identity mark

Let's talk about this license plate. 48-volt e-bikes must be given a green card, 60-volt mopeds must be blue, and 72-volt and above e-bikes must be yellow. If an electric car without a license plate is caught by a police officer on the road, they will be fined!

Just like some time ago in Guangzhou, some citizens rode unlicensed shared electric bicycles. If not, they will be punished by the police. So, we shouldn't take any chances. We should get a license as soon as possible!

If you have an electric car at home, you should pay attention, and the new regulations will be implemented on July 1, and the strict investigation will begin

3. Provisions on manning - the line of defense for children's safety

And this man-carrying rule is also for the good of the children. According to the new regulations, only one child can be carried in a car and children under the age of 6 must be equipped with a safety seat. Many people have doubts that the state advocates second and third children. If there are two children going to school, what about another?

In fact, the stipulation is dead, and man is alive. We can consider other methods, such as twice, or building a partner with neighbors and friends to help each other with the children. In short, peace and security cannot be ignored because of convenience.

If you have an electric car at home, you should pay attention, and the new regulations will be implemented on July 1, and the strict investigation will begin

Fourth, the age limit - waiting to grow

Electric bikes under the age of 16 cannot be ridden and electric bikes under the age of 18 cannot carry people. In addition, electric motorcycles must have a motorcycle driver's license. It is strictly forbidden to drive an electric bicycle under the influence of alcohol. These rules are for the safety of our children. After all, they are young and do not have enough skills to deal with emergencies.

Some people say that the family has no money to buy a car, children under the age of 16 cannot ride electric bicycles, and electric vehicles cannot take children, so how can children aged 8 - 16 go to school? It's a real conundrum, but we can consider other options, such as taking the bus, riding a bike, or parents picking them up.

Some people also asked, can I ride a shared electric car without a license? The answer is no! Shared electric vehicles must also comply with regulations.

If you have an electric car at home, you should pay attention, and the new regulations will be implemented on July 1, and the strict investigation will begin

Fifth, the issue of electric vehicle sharing

Some people mentioned sharing electric vehicles, saying that they didn't even have rearview mirrors, which was not more unsafe. This is indeed a problem. It is hoped that relevant enterprises can pay attention to making shared electric vehicles safe and reliable.

If you have an electric car at home, you should pay attention, and the new regulations will be implemented on July 1, and the strict investigation will begin

6. Voices of netizens

As soon as the new regulations came out, netizens discussed a lot. Some people think that this rule is good and can make the road safer; There are also people who think that too many rules are too cumbersome. But in any case, the starting point is for everyone's good.

If you have an electric car at home, you should pay attention, and the new regulations will be implemented on July 1, and the strict investigation will begin

We must understand that this provision is not intended to embarrass us, but to protect the safety of our lives and property. If something happens, it's too late to regret it.

Family, the new regulations are about to be implemented, we must pay attention, it's time to wear a helmet, it's time to get a license plate, we must follow the rules, and don't cause trouble for ourselves.

If you have an electric car at home, you should pay attention, and the new regulations will be implemented on July 1, and the strict investigation will begin

After that, I would like to say that while the new regulations may cause us some inconvenience, this is temporary. As long as we all follow the rules, the road will be safer and the travel will be more secure. Let's welcome this new change together and work hard for a better life!

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