
The latest report on the source rectification of electric vehicles: as of June, a total of 134,000 companies have been investigated and 15.5 million fines have been imposed

author:Electric vehicles around the world

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Recently, the inspection and rectification of electric vehicles in various places has been wave-by-wave, due to the large number of electric vehicle user groups, the inspection of electric vehicles has caused the disgust of many car owners, and many people are asking: why not check the electric vehicle manufacturers? Actually, the real situation is like this.

The latest report on the source rectification of electric vehicles: as of June, a total of 134,000 companies have been investigated and 15.5 million fines have been imposed

As of the beginning of June, the local market supervision departments have investigated 134,000 electric vehicle production and sales enterprises, interviewed 16,000 production and sales enterprises, ordered 4,220 enterprises to rectify, and suspended or revoked 201 electric bicycle CCC certification certificates. It also filed and investigated 3,673 cases of violations of laws and regulations, fined and confiscated 15.5 million yuan, and transferred 29 cases to judicial organs.

The latest report on the source rectification of electric vehicles: as of June, a total of 134,000 companies have been investigated and 15.5 million fines have been imposed

From the above data, it can be seen that the special investigation of electric vehicle enterprises is large-scale and large-scale, and it is the rectification of potential safety hazards in the whole chain, including quality spot checks and standardized charging charges. The purpose is to improve the quality of electric vehicles, reduce safety accidents, and let owners ride with peace of mind during riding.

The latest report on the source rectification of electric vehicles: as of June, a total of 134,000 companies have been investigated and 15.5 million fines have been imposed

It is reported that there are currently three new national standards for electric vehicles waiting to be implemented, namely "Safety Technical Specifications for Lithium-ion Batteries for Electric Bicycles", "Safety Technical Specifications for Electric Bicycles", and "Electrical Safety Requirements for Electric Bicycles". These three standards are more stringent and meticulous than before, which is a major test for electric vehicle manufacturers, forcing electric vehicle manufacturers to implement according to the standards and indirectly improve the quality of electric vehicles.

The latest report on the source rectification of electric vehicles: as of June, a total of 134,000 companies have been investigated and 15.5 million fines have been imposed

This investigation puts forward higher requirements for lithium batteries, because many electric vehicle safety accidents are related to lithium batteries, requiring separate tests of single batteries and battery packs, and single batteries to do acupuncture and overcharge detection, which has high requirements for the quality of lithium batteries, and it seems that some lithium battery manufacturers may have to fall.

The requirements for electric vehicles, the speed and weight have not changed, but the weight of the plastic parts of the body is not more than 3 kg, that is, the plastic parts on the electric vehicle can not be too much, return to the essence of the electric bicycle, make the electric bicycle thinner, and not make the electric bicycle like a small electric motorcycle. Of course, there is also the 42295 electric vehicle charging safety standard, which allows charging to operate under the standard and reduces the safety hazards caused by improper charging.

The latest report on the source rectification of electric vehicles: as of June, a total of 134,000 companies have been investigated and 15.5 million fines have been imposed

The strict inspection of electric vehicles is mainly to work on "safety", so that electric vehicle production and sales enterprises can produce and sell under stricter safety standards, and improve the safety standards and quality of electric vehicles, but not how much safety can be played in actual riding.

Under the requirements of ensuring the quality and safety of electric vehicles, it is more important for car owners to consciously abide by traffic rules in riding, and now many car owners have run red lights, reverse and change lanes at will, and some car owners have modified electric vehicles, resulting in excessive speed, which are important factors for unsafe riding.

The latest report on the source rectification of electric vehicles: as of June, a total of 134,000 companies have been investigated and 15.5 million fines have been imposed

The author believes that the safety of electric vehicles should start from two aspects, one is to strictly control the product quality of electric vehicle manufacturers, require them to produce according to the specified standards, and require electric vehicle sales enterprises not to sell inferior products, which from the source to ensure the safety of electric vehicles.

The second is that the owner must abide by the traffic rules during riding, even if the electric car is fine, he may drive illegally, and there may be traffic accidents. It is rare to have a vehicle disintegration and frame fracture during riding, but there are many safety accidents caused by running red lights, and there are many unauthorized modifications to electric vehicles, such as installing awnings to increase motors, which can easily cause electric vehicles to roll over or overspeed during riding, which should be avoided as much as possible.

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