
Dark Weekly: NetEase is really good at playing, Warcraft is coming, and the Dark Immortal linkage will immediately follow!

author:17173 Game Network

The new weekend is coming, and this week the "World of Warcraft" nostalgic server will be launched, and the official server launch time is also confirmed on August 1st, I believe many players are very happy. Of course, "Diablo" also has new actions, and "Diablo Immortal" will also be linked to "World of Warcraft".

Dark hot news

"Diablo Immortal" × "World of Warcraft" linkage will be launched on July 4

"Diablo Immortal" × "World of Warcraft" linkage opened, launched on July 4, two epic IP linkage, celebrating the return of Warcraft! The demons in the darkness are on the rise, and the evil forces of Diablo are growing stronger. Perhaps, it's time to take some unconventional means and stop the plot of the Dreadlord with the help of mysterious forces from beyond the Sanctuary.

On June 27, the "World of Warcraft" national server that countless Blizzard fans have been looking forward to officially returns. is also a classic IP under Blizzard, and on the occasion of the return of the national server, "Diablo Immortal" and "World of Warcraft" have joined hands to bring a unique linkage to the majority of players, just to celebrate the return of the Frozen Throne. The collaboration between the two classics will kick off on July 4, a moment the world has waited too long.

Diablo 4 may soon add the weapon "Frostmourn"

According to the World of Warcraft website Wowhead, they have discovered two new "Frostmourn" models in the PTR servers of Diablo 4 Season 5, which means that the legendary weapon of the Lich King in World of Warcraft may be coming to Diablo 4 with a crossover. The Lich King's helmet and Frostmourn's echoes have previously appeared in Diablo 4, but this time it is possible that Frostmourn will actually become a real weapon.

Dark Weekly: NetEase is really good at playing, Warcraft is coming, and the Dark Immortal linkage will immediately follow!

Diablo 4's fifth season will add a new meat pigeon mode, new items, and more, and weapon types will be expanded in the new season. Season 5 recently launched on PTR servers and will run on PC until July 2, while the official version of Season 5 will go live on August 8.

Diablo 4 is the best game released by XGP

Microsoft is happy that Diablo 4 is doing so well on XGP. Recently, Matt Booty, head of Microsoft's Xbox Game Studios, said that Diablo 4 is the best-performing game in XGP history in terms of the amount of time users spend in the game.

Dark Weekly: NetEase is really good at playing, Warcraft is coming, and the Dark Immortal linkage will immediately follow!

In addition, Matt Butty said that Xbox exclusive games will not disappear, and more exclusive games will be launched in the future. Microsoft always puts players first, hoping to remove barriers and bring players together on different devices. This strategy not only improves the gaming experience for all, but also contributes to building an inclusive, inclusive gaming society.

Matt Butty emphasized that promoting cross-platform games is not incompatible with launching exclusive games. They will release more Xbox exclusives in the future, and for a limited time, they will be available to other platforms such as PlayStation.

Diablo Immortal's rune system is ready for battle

Runes, a classic item in the Diablo series of games, have been officially added to Diablo Immortal after the 2nd anniversary 3.0 version [Abyss Eater] update.

In the face of the surging demons, the righteous in the maelstrom of evil need more powerful forces to fight against them! Now, the new rune system that has attracted the attention of players has officially arrived, which will surely open up players' game ideas, bring richer gameplay, create more possibilities, and increase the chances of victory for the warriors of the Sanctuary against fear.

Dark Weekly: NetEase is really good at playing, Warcraft is coming, and the Dark Immortal linkage will immediately follow!

After the launch of the new version of Diablo Immortal [Abyssal Eater], players will be able to obtain new item runes in the game. There are currently 15 different types of runes, and as time goes by, more and more runes will be online, which players can purchase through the bazaar, or collect nightmare essences through the two major gameplay methods of [Hell Fortress] and [Hell Trace], and exchange them for random runes from Yorak. In addition, players who defeat monsters in various gameplay methods such as dungeons, immortal secret realms, and wild jungles also have a chance to obtain runes.

Dark Weekly: NetEase is really good at playing, Warcraft is coming, and the Dark Immortal linkage will immediately follow!

Once the runes are obtained, players can mount them on their primary equipment to get a powerful boost to help them defeat powerful enemies. On the one hand, runes can increase the basic attribute bonus of the main equipment, and on the other hand, runes can also add 1-3 magic attributes to the equipment. Players can choose the appropriate rune attributes according to their own BD genre, improve their suppressive power in PVP or PVE, and fully enjoy the fun of battle.

Diablo Immortal is here

Diablo Immortal version 3.0 [Eater of the Abyss] is online, Diablo uses the power of the World Stone to distort time and space, the terrifying Hell overlaps with the Shelter, and the calamity strikes again! Countless demons have sprung up from the abyss, and the four most powerful of them have penetrated deep into the sanctuary, spreading fear among the people. Storm Eater Ainlag summons raging lightning, Dementor's Breath Yusma hides in the deep mist, Frostsilver Mirror Zeklund wields the power of ice, and Tidal Cancer Mosagu harnesses the tide. The four demon gods have different abilities, bringing endless nightmares and calamities.

Dark Weekly: NetEase is really good at playing, Warcraft is coming, and the Dark Immortal linkage will immediately follow!

Summons lightning to devour the storm and the power of destruction rages

Thunder and lightning, storm and storm! After unlocking Calamity Difficulty 1, players can challenge Diablo Immortal, one of the new Demon Gods, Eater of Storms: Aynrag. With wings on his back, Ainlag has a terrifying appearance and wields the power of furious thunder and lightning. In battle, he will summon countless thunderbolts, weave wires across the battlefield, and form a web of destruction that will strike at the player with a thousand powers!

Dark Weekly: NetEase is really good at playing, Warcraft is coming, and the Dark Immortal linkage will immediately follow!

The huge wings of Aynrag should not be ignored, and the swing will bring powerful thunderbolts. A large number of wide attacks, combined with the mechanic of randomly locking onto player attacks, make Aynrag's threat skyrocketing and overwhelming. Only by passing through the storm and lightning and experiencing the baptism of thunder can you defeat the Storm Eater and reap victory and supreme glory!

Dark Weekly: NetEase is really good at playing, Warcraft is coming, and the Dark Immortal linkage will immediately follow!

The dementor wears out hope, and the fog breeds darkness

Danger lurks and fog is thick! The Daedric that can also be challenged in Diablo Immortal's Calamity Difficulty 1 is [Dementor's Breath Yusma]. Hidden in the fog, Yusma spreads a deadly mist that incapacitates her opponents. When an enemy is enveloped in an ocean-like mist, Yusma will appear and deliver a fatal blow!

Dark Weekly: NetEase is really good at playing, Warcraft is coming, and the Dark Immortal linkage will immediately follow!

Yusma in the mist is a near-invincible being, and can only be fought against by using the blessed lights on the field to dispel the fog. But beware of apparitions that can confuse your eyes, blind your mind, and sharp spikes that are unguardable. As long as the mind is firm and the heart of justice is adhered to, all evil will be hidden, and Yusma and the fog of terror will be cleared!

Dark Weekly: NetEase is really good at playing, Warcraft is coming, and the Dark Immortal linkage will immediately follow!

The image of the ice is unpredictable, and the ancient beast is alive

Frost Behemoth, Mirror Revealed! Diablo Immortal's powerful Demon God Frostsilver Mirror Zeklund awaits players on Calamity Difficulty 2. This ancient beast has the power to turn ice into a mirror image, it can drive the Ice Mirror to attack and defend, use frost and ice crystals to launch a wide range of attacks on enemies, and even turn the earth into a cloud of ice, leaving the insailants in a dilemma!

Dark Weekly: NetEase is really good at playing, Warcraft is coming, and the Dark Immortal linkage will immediately follow!

Zekrund is strong, but it's not invincible! In battle, Zekrund can use the ice mirror to reflect light to protect himself, and can also fire ice lasers and condense ice storms, which can be described as both offensive and defensive. Only the most intelligent and brave adventurer will be able to sever Zecklund's connection to the Ice Mirror and crush its ambition to destroy the Sanctuary!

Dark Weekly: NetEase is really good at playing, Warcraft is coming, and the Dark Immortal linkage will immediately follow!

The tide surges, the waves rage, and the abyssal cancer descends

Abyssal Cancer, the tide is surging! In Diablo Immortal's Calamity Difficulty 3, adventurers will face the ultimate demon god, Tidal Cancer Mosagu, a demon crab from the abyss with a huge body, skillfully manipulating the power of water, and having two distinct combat forms. The crab legs that can be regenerated allow Mosa to sweep the battlefield with impunity, making it even more dangerous!

Dark Weekly: NetEase is really good at playing, Warcraft is coming, and the Dark Immortal linkage will immediately follow!

Controlling the power of the sea and the tides, Mosagu can turn gentle and supple water into a violent and dangerous bomb, teaching intruders a bloody lesson! Mosagu can also melt the poison on his body into the water, corroding the flesh of his enemies and destroying the will of his enemies. Brave and resolute adventurers, shatter Mosagus's carapace, destroy its regenerative power, and annihilate it once and for all!

Dark Weekly: NetEase is really good at playing, Warcraft is coming, and the Dark Immortal linkage will immediately follow!

The demon god destroys the world and resists endlessly! After the launch of Diablo Immortal's 2nd Anniversary 3.0 version [Abyssal Eater], in the face of the powerful demon gods who have invaded the sanctuary, only by uniting can we win! Defeating the dark forces from the abyss and writing miracles with justice and courage requires the strength of every brave man!