
In a confrontation with Trump, Biden was incoherent, and the South Korean president also got into trouble and stepped down early

author:Jay said military
In a confrontation with Trump, Biden was incoherent, and the South Korean president also got into trouble and stepped down early

The picture shows Biden and Trump debating

The topic of this issue, after 4 years, is on stage again, Biden and Trump are full of tricks, some lie, some are incoherent! The president of South Korea has also taken matters into account, and he will step down ahead of schedule if he is not even.

At 21 o'clock in the evening of June 27, local time, the U.S. presidential election ushered in the first candidate debate, and the current U.S. President Biden, who had been fighting a "war of words" in the air, and former President Trump finally stood on the same podium and faced each other face-to-face.

Unlike previous debates, this time there was no live audience, and the entire debate was broadcast live to thousands of households in the United States. According to the decision to toss a coin before the debate, Biden stands on the right side of the TV screen with Trump on the left, Biden makes his closing remarks first, and Trump is the last speaker in the debate.

The first debate will be difficult for the incumbent president in general, and especially for Biden, who is already 81 years old. The 90-minute debate was 40 minutes and 12 seconds for Trump and 35 minutes and 41 seconds for Biden, according to CNN. The American media is very rigorous, accurate to the second, the two of them spoke for nearly 76 minutes, excluding the middle of the advertisement, pause time, basically filled 90 minutes.

In a confrontation with Trump, Biden was incoherent, and the South Korean president also got into trouble and stepped down early

The picture shows Trump at the debate

This is not an easy task for the two old people who are nearly 160 years old together, I have to say that the two of them have done their best for the presidency, Biden is 81 years old this year, and his physical condition is obviously worse than Trump's, and according to US media reports, Biden also caught a cold that day, and his voice was hoarse when he spoke, which is indeed quite dedicated.

In the past, Biden often wandered in speeches, even talked nonsense, and fell many times in the process of getting on the plane, and his performance in this debate was also not good.

The debate was summarized by the US media as Biden's incoherent speech and Trump's lies. In the debate, Biden and Trump mainly talked about the economy, immigration, trade and other topics, and the two opened with the economy. As soon as the moderator came up, he asked both sides: What do the two have to say about the economic situation in the United States after Biden became president compared with the Trump administration?

In a confrontation with Trump, Biden was incoherent, and the South Korean president also got into trouble and stepped down early

The picture shows Americans queuing up to receive unemployment benefits

Obviously, the moderator asked a sharp question that was extremely detrimental to Biden. Biden replied by saying, "When Trump's term ended, many Americans lost their jobs, while the rich enjoyed tax cuts, and I myself led the economic recovery in the United States." ”

Trump, on the other hand, said: "Under his leadership, America's economic achievements were the envy of everyone until the pandemic hit." It can be seen from the answers of the two that Biden dumped the blame for the deterioration of the economy on Trump, and Trump threw it on the new crown epidemic.

The two men also exchanged fierce personal attacks, and when Biden was asked what he thought of Trump's remarks, he said, "I've never heard so much gibberish in my life." ”

In a confrontation with Trump, Biden was incoherent, and the South Korean president also got into trouble and stepped down early

The picture shows Biden going to Camp David to prepare for the debate

However, the debate was generally dominated by Trump, with Biden answering multiple questions incoherently and giving disorganized answers. Mr. Trump replied more smoothly, but was pointed out that he had lied during the debate.

The Associated Press said that Trump's answers on issues such as the economy, abortion and NATO defense spending did not match the reality, and the New York Times directly pointed out that Trump lied 26 times, so it is no wonder that Biden will fall behind.

In this regard, there is a sentence that Biden said in an interview after the debate: "It's so hard to debate with a liar, Trump is telling a big lie."

This debate is the earliest debate between the candidates of the two parties in the history of the United States, and it is also a debate worthy of great attention. Trump is a sign of populism in the United States, and although it seems unreliable because of the "nonsense", it also means that the American people are disappointed with the traditional political elite, and now Trump is riddled with lawsuits, facing multiple charges and even facing heavy prison sentences, but in the context of the populist epidemic in the United States, these accusations may become a plus for Trump.

For the American people, they are also making trouble now, whether it is Trump or Biden, it is not their ideal answer, but there is no more choice, only to pull out the tallest of the short.

In a confrontation with Trump, Biden was incoherent, and the South Korean president also got into trouble and stepped down early

The picture shows Yoon Suk-yeol

Overall, this debate will be unfavorable to Biden, and South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol on the other side has also been in big trouble recently. On June 26, the "National Consent Petition" to impeach Yoon Suk-yeol has been submitted to the South Korean National Assembly Law Department, as of 16 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, more than 200,000 people have signed, according to the relevant procedures of the South Korean Congress, as long as the petition is approved by more than 50,000 people within a month, it can be submitted to the Standing Committee, and the number of people who signed the petition to impeach Yoon Suk-yeol exceeded 200,000 in just a few days, how did he provoke the South Korean people?

On April 11, South Korea held a midterm election in which Yoon's ruling party was defeated, winning only 108 of the 300 seats in the National Assembly. At that time, some media pointed out that Yoon Suk-yeol was likely to be impeached, and since he became the president of South Korea in 2022, Yoon Suk-yeol has not made any achievements in governing the country, not only has he not improved South Korea's international status, but he has also made no achievements in the economy, and he is not as good as in handling foreign relations as under Moon Jae-in.

In this impeachment petition, some people said that during Yoon Suk-yeol's tenure, South Korea's economy, diplomacy, people's livelihood and other fields fell into a "total collapse", even if he was severely criticized by the people in the parliamentary election, Yoon Suk-yeol did not have the idea of changing the ruling line, so the South Korean people did not want to watch him continue to govern and push South Korea into crisis.

In a confrontation with Trump, Biden was incoherent, and the South Korean president also got into trouble and stepped down early

The picture shows the plenary session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea

However, there are still two steps before the formal impeachment of Yoon Suk-yeol, according to the procedure, after the impeachment petition is submitted to the full parliament, more than half of the current members need to propose, and two-thirds of the current members agree, before the impeachment process can be officially initiated, and then the South Korean court will do the final trial, if more than two-thirds of the judges agree, Yoon Suk-yeol will officially step down.

For now, the conditions for impeaching Yoon Suk-yeol are not sufficient. But the bigger problem is that the impeachment process may brew a new round of shock in South Korean politics, and how the situation will develop next depends on how Yoon Suk-yeol makes a move.

Now that Yoon Suk-yeol has been jointly impeached by 200,000 people, and Biden is fighting Trump, the status of these two presidents has been challenged to a certain extent, which is a judgment of self-ability for Biden and Yoon Suk-yeol, as the saying goes: "Sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat." "If you don't work hard, you'll be overtaken by other competitors.

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