
Orphans are not alone, and the village-based team encourages young men to pursue their police dreams

author:Jimu News

Jimu News reporter Wu Changhua

"Uncle Guo, I'm back!" On the morning of June 27, the young man Xiao Xiang came to the station of the village-based team as promised and warmly greeted Guo Jiansheng, the leader of the village-based team.

"How do you read a few books for the police recruitment exam? Have faith? Guo Jiansheng asked.

"I think it's okay, it's not difficult." Xiao Xiang said with a shy smile.

This scene happened in Blast Furnace Qian Village, Wangjiahe Street, Huangpi District, Wuhan City, and Xiao Xiang, a student of Three Gorges University, returned to his hometown on the second day of summer vacation.

Orphans are not alone, and the village-based team encourages young men to pursue their police dreams

Task force members talk with Xiao Xiang (first from right).

"I want to be a police officer too, okay?"

In September 2021, Guo Jiansheng, an instructor from the Wuhan People's Police Training College, came to Blast Furnace Qian Village to serve as the leader and first secretary of the village-based work team.

"Xiao Xiang is an orphan, he has just been admitted to the Three Gorges University, and he will not be able to come back until next year's winter vacation." The village cadres told Guo Jiansheng that Xiao Xiang was an orphan who was raised by his aunt and uncle, and had been receiving help and funding from the village, and was also the target of the counterpart contact of the village-based work team.

Orphans are not alone, and the village-based team encourages young men to pursue their police dreams

Guo Jiansheng (middle) and members of the task force had a heart-to-heart conversation with Xiao Xiang (first from left).

During the Spring Festival in 2022, Guo Jiansheng and the members of the work team began to care about and pay attention to Xiaoxiang's growth after a door-to-door condolence, and got in touch with Xiaoxiang's teachers to learn about Xiaoxiang's life and learning in school.

"We found that although Xiao Xiang lost his parents since he was a child, he is smart and studious, modest and cautious, with good morals, and is a good seedling." On June 30, Guo Jiansheng told a Jimu News reporter that in addition, Xiaoxiang has good physical fitness and athletic talent.

"In addition to arresting bad guys and registering a household registration, what else do the police do?" As the exchanges deepened, Xiao Xiang, who was curious about the police profession, asked Guo Jiansheng for advice. Guo Jiansheng gave lectures, introduced the various responsibilities undertaken by the public security organs, and told the heroic story of the special police hero Tan Jixiong.

"I want to be a police officer too, is that okay? How? Xiao Xiang asked.

Guo Jiansheng told Xiao Xiang that first of all, it is necessary to establish the ideal of serving the people, correct the attitude, be excellent in character and learning, and also study the professional knowledge of applying for the people's police examination in a targeted manner, and strive to stand out in the examination, so that he can hope to join the police barracks.

Subsequently, Guo Jiansheng specially contacted Zhou Dan, the captain of the "Warrior Commando" of the special police detachment of the Wuhan Municipal Public Security Bureau and the national model of the patriotic police, and his team members.

"From primary school to university, the good policy of the state to help students and intellectuals has turned into spring breeze and rain, caring for the healthy and thriving growth of this seedling, and our team in the village and the village 'two committees' are passing the baton of love to help, so that he is not an orphan, and is always bathed in the warm sunshine of the party and the government." Guo Jiansheng told reporters.

"You have to believe in yourself, you can do it!"

Guo Jiansheng introduced that over the years, he has maintained telephone and WeChat contact with Xiao Xiang, and learned that Xiao Xiang studied diligently in school, had good grades, participated in the school's lion dance team, and actively worked and studied. In the summer of 2022, he found a job as a part-time swimming coach, and during the winter vacation and Spring Festival in 2023, he has been working part-time at Shennongjia Ski Resort.

On February 7, 2023, before Xiao Xiang was ready to return to school, he walked into the courtyard of the resident team in the village again.

"This is a set of the latest people's police recruitment examination study materials, specially prepared for you. You have to believe in yourself, you can do it! "In the small courtyard, a begonia is budding and waiting to be released. Guo Jiansheng, the leader of the village-based work team, had a heart-to-heart talk with Xiao Xiang, explained the ways and procedures for applying for the people's police examination, and encouraged him to continue to work hard.

Xiao Xiang said: "The care and help of my uncle have further strengthened my belief in choosing a career as a police officer. I must study harder, complete my studies well, take a good path in life step by step, strive to achieve my wishes, and actively give back to the society. ”

Orphans are not alone, and the village-based team encourages young men to pursue their police dreams

Members of the task force encourage Xiao Xiang (second from right) to apply for the People's Police Examination

Early in the morning of August 16, 2023, Xiao Xiang came to the site of the village-based team again to report on the recent situation of study and life. He said that this time, he took advantage of the short break of working as a part-time coach in the summer vacation to go back to the village to visit his uncle and aunt.

Just like their relatives returning from afar, the team members put down their work, served sweet and delicious chilled watermelon, brewed cool barley tea to quench their thirst, and sat around the table with Xiao Xiang. The conversation box opened, as if there was an endless topic to talk about. Xiao Xiang is about to enter his third year, and in the face of some confusion in his future employment and life, the task force on the one hand encourages him to study, train and live with peace of mind, and on the other hand, helps him clarify his thinking, make a good life plan, and formulate a plan to continue to strive for the study and prepare for the civil service examination as soon as possible.

Guo Jiansheng told Xiao Xiang that he had helped him contact the training teacher of the civil service examination, provided him with free pre-exam training, and would also provide him with the latest full set of preparation materials, so that he could familiarize himself with the content of the exam as soon as possible and prepare in advance.

After two hours of heart-to-heart communication, Xiao Xianghe's mood suddenly brightened. He said: "Please rest assured Uncle Guo, I will give full play to my strengths, redouble my efforts, and write wonderful answers for my future with practical actions, so as to repay the society and serve the country." ”

On June 27 this year, the day after Xiao Xiang returned to his hometown from summer vacation, he came to the team station as scheduled. At that time, our eyes lit up when we saw his tall figure standing in the sun. We were all relieved to feel that the young man had grown much stronger, jokingly saying that he looked like the young warrior of the proton group in the movie "Fengshen". Guo Jiansheng talked about Xiaoxiang, and his love was overflowing.

Guo Jiansheng also told Xiao Xiang that even if he didn't pass the exam once, don't be discouraged, you can apply for the auxiliary police exam first, and continue to prepare for the exam while working. Xiao Xiang nodded seriously.

(Source: Jimu News)

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