
The original family is too good, let Li Qingzhao: talented, lingering love, and bumpy life!

author:True as iron

Women of the Republic of China, I like Lin Huiyin the most, women of the Song Dynasty, and I like Li Qingzhao the most. In the vast history of China, she is full of talent, her love, lingering compassion, her life, ups and downs, known as "the first talented woman in the ages".

First, the talented women of the scholarly family have just grown up

The original family is too good, let Li Qingzhao: talented, lingering love, and bumpy life!

Li Qingzhao was born in a scholarly family in Zhangqiu, Qizhou. Her circle of friends is extremely high!

's father Li Gefei is Su Shi's proud protégé, born as a jinshi, and an official to the Ministry of Etiquette. He has a rich collection of books and is good at writing articles, especially good at words and chapters.

Her mother is the granddaughter of the champion Wang Gongchen and has a profound literary accomplishment. It can be said that Li Qingzhao's original family is unique.

Genetics can't deceive people, Li Qingzhao, who has been brilliant since childhood, has outstanding talents, and describes himself in the autobiographical essay "The Preface to the Golden Stone Record": "Sex couples are strong to remember", and he has an amazing memory of books.

Li Qingzhao's lyrics style is graceful and charming, her feelings are delicate and deep, and every word reveals her unique talent and keen insight.

The excessive care of her original family made her lack the frustration education that is indispensable in life. She used the ups and downs of her life to make up for this education. The sadness in it makes future generations sigh and makes my heart ache.

Second, the harmony with Zhao Mingcheng

The original family is too good, let Li Qingzhao: talented, lingering love, and bumpy life!

On that day, the sun was shining, and 18-year-old Li Qingzhao and 21-year-old Zhao Mingcheng tied the knot. Zhao Mingcheng was the son of Zhao Ting, the prime minister of the Northern Song Dynasty, and was a talented literati. He has a deep attainment in gold and stone science, and has similar interests with Li Qingzhao, and the husband and wife decided to work together to collect and sort out calligraphy and painting gold and stone.

Marriage at this time is not only a combination of love, but also a collision and blending of talents. Visit scenic spots together, taste food and wine, and recite poetry. I like to play intellectual games, such as using allusions to bet on books and pour tea. Whenever Zhao Mingcheng said an allusion, Li Qingzhao could always quickly tell its source, and even the pages and lines of the book. If she is right, she can pick up the teacup and take a sip, while Zhao Mingcheng is often defeated because he can't answer.

3. The ups and downs of the life of displacement

The original family is too good, let Li Qingzhao: talented, lingering love, and bumpy life!

Happiness and hardship are indispensable in life. In 1127 A.D., the Jin soldiers invaded, the Northern Song Dynasty perished, and the two emperors of Hui and Qin were captured.

The sudden disaster completely changed the life trajectory of Li Qingzhao and Zhao Mingcheng. Drifted to Jiangnan with refugees and suffered from displacement.

Their collections of paintings, calligraphy, gold and stone were plundered, and their homes were destroyed. Zhao Mingcheng also died of illness in this disaster, and she wandered alone in the south of the Yangtze River, living a difficult life.

Forced by life, the proud talented girl remarried Zhang Ruzhou. Zhang Ruzhou is a scumbag, just coveting her gold and stone cultural relics, and soon after marriage, he began to commit domestic violence against Li Qingzhao.

Zhang Ruzhou ignored Li Qingzhao's officialdom background. Li Qingzhao resolutely divorced. Zhang Ruzhou's crime of fraudulently obtaining an official position for personal gain was denounced. She was sentenced to two years in prison according to the laws of the Great Song Dynasty, but was rescued by relatives and friends.

Fourth, in his later years, he wrote books for self-entertainment and patriotic feelings

The original family is too good, let Li Qingzhao: talented, lingering love, and bumpy life!

In his later years, Li Qingzhao's fate was the same as that of the Song Dynasty, and he was lonely. She did not give up her love and pursuit of literature. He compiled the "Preface to the Golden Stone Record" and proofread and sorted out Zhao Mingcheng's posthumous work "Golden Stone Record". She expressed her deep nostalgia for her husband and concern for the fate of the country.

Li Qingzhao was a staunch patriot and wrote the poem "I want to send blood and tears to the mountains and rivers, and go to sprinkle a piece of soil in the East Mountain", expressing her strong desire to fight back against the invasion and regain the lost territory.

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