
Fortunately, the advice of these four experts was not adopted, otherwise ordinary people would have been miserable by them

author:Not obsessed with finance

Specialists have always enjoyed a high social status in society. Ordinary people can avoid some risks by listening to the advice of experts. The decision-makers listen to the insights of experts to promote the sustainable development of society. In recent years, however, the status of experts has plummeted. Many netizens even suggested: It is better for experts not to make suggestions, otherwise they will mislead the country and the people.

Fortunately, the advice of these four experts was not adopted, otherwise ordinary people would have been miserable by them

The suggestions put forward by the following four experts are fortunately not adopted, otherwise ordinary people may be miserable.

First place: Tan Yaling

Fortunately, the advice of these four experts was not adopted, otherwise ordinary people would have been miserable by them

Tan Yaling is a well-known economist in China, and she once put forward a suggestion that aroused heated discussions from all walks of life. Tan Yaling once said: "Young people should give up careers with high salaries or good benefits, go to positions with less money to exercise, and carry forward the spirit of hard work." In fact, Tan Yaling's statement was still relatively popular in the 60s and 70s of the last century. What she means is that only young people who have gone through various experiences can become useful people in society in the future.

However, Tan Yaling's statement does not work at all in today's society, mainly for two reasons: one is that people go to high places, and water flows to low places. It is estimated that not many young people are willing to give up high-paying jobs and work hard in difficult jobs. Modern young people are completely different from the previous generation.

On the other hand, if young people give up their good lives and choose to work in difficult places, then what will they do to get married, buy a house, and have children? Therefore, Tan Yaling's suggestions are positive, but it is difficult to implement them in practice.

second place, Chen Wenling

Fortunately, the advice of these four experts was not adopted, otherwise ordinary people would have been miserable by them

Chen Wenling is an expert in economics. In the face of the problem of young people's reluctance to have children, she once said: children are long-term consumer goods, and they are still durable consumer goods that can bring long-term returns, so it is wrong for young people not to have children. In the opinion of expert Chen Wenling, after young people have children, although they have to invest all kinds of energy and financial resources at the beginning, when they are old in the future, the children can give back to their parents through support and care. So, it is a mistake for modern young people to choose not to have children.

In fact, Chen Wenling's statement is also difficult for young people to accept: First, Chen Wenling's comparison of having children to a "durable consumer goods with long-term returns" is wrong. Many parents raise their children with dedication and dedication, without thinking about what they will get in return in the future. It would be inappropriate to compare having children to "consumer durables with long-term returns".

Moreover, today's young people are not unwilling to have children, mainly due to factors such as the high cost of marriage, high housing prices, and large costs of raising babies.

third place, Huang Youguang

Fortunately, the advice of these four experts was not adopted, otherwise ordinary people would have been miserable by them

Huang Youguang is a distinguished professor at the School of Economics at Fudan University. He has proposed a 10-fold increase in oil prices to solve the problem of car exhaust pollution and traffic congestion. In Huang Youguang's view, automobile exhaust emissions and traffic congestion can be adjusted through the leverage of prices, as long as the oil price is raised, these two major problems will be solved.

However, if according to Huang Youguang's suggestion, the oil price will rise 10 times, not only people's travel costs will rise sharply, but also increase the logistics costs of all walks of life, and the prices of domestic commodities will rise sharply, and the cost of living of the people will also rise significantly.

In addition, in the face of the current situation of more men and fewer women in society, Huang Youguang also suggested: Implement "polyandry". And this suggestion has been criticized by netizens. The main reason is that "polyandry" is not acceptable to the Chinese people, and such a system is simply not feasible in China. In fact, with a little basic social common sense, it is unlikely that such a proposal will be made.

fourth place, Ding Zuohong

Fortunately, the advice of these four experts was not adopted, otherwise ordinary people would have been miserable by them

Ding Zuohong is not only the CEO of Yuexing Group, but also a senior economist. He once made a very unreliable suggestion: 60-79 years old is still middle-aged, and we should encourage the elderly group over 60 years old to re-enter the workforce. As for Zuo Hong's suggestion, many netizens said that it was not in line with the national conditions: first of all, the current workplace only recruits young people under the age of 35, and they are not willing to recruit 40 or 50 people, and if the elderly over 60 years old are encouraged to be re-employed, it is difficult for these companies to be willing to hire.

In addition, people aged 60-79 are not as energetic and physical as before, and many employers are worried that if something happens at work, the responsible enterprise will not be able to afford it. Finally, if all 60-79-year-olds are encouraged to go into work, it will crowd out jobs that belong to young people, and what if young people can't find jobs? Obviously, Ding Zuohong's suggestion is not only inconsistent with national conditions, but also unreliable at all.

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