
How to arrange your child's summer vacation? These opening methods are for your reference→

author:Shanghai Changning

With the advent of summer vacation, in order to let the children spend a safe and fulfilling holiday, many residential areas in Xinjing Town, with the strong support of multiple functional departments of the district and town, have joined hands to build units and open public welfare summer nursery classes at the doorstep, which not only alleviates the practical difficulties of parents' "difficult care", but also injects new vitality into the children's summer life.

The 7th summer nursery school will be held from July 8 to August 23 this year, continuing to provide warm and considerate care services for children in grades 1 to 5. At the same time, the general party branch of Pingtang residential area also actively responded to the voice of residents, and joined hands with the party branch of the urban management mobile squadron of the co-construction unit to hold the first short-term public welfare summer nursery school, the first phase of which lasted for five days (July 1 to July 5), and was open to primary school students in grades 1 to 5 in the residential area.

How to arrange your child's summer vacation? These opening methods are for your reference→

2023 Green Eight Joy Chi Xuan Summer Nursery School

During the summer nursery period, in addition to providing basic childcare services such as meals and volunteer care, the green eight and Pingtang residential areas also actively connected with various resources, combined with the children's age characteristics and interests, carefully planned a series of colorful activities and courses. From painting and calligraphy to reading and sharing, and going out to visit, children can learn new knowledge in a relaxed and happy atmosphere.

How to arrange your child's summer vacation? These opening methods are for your reference→
How to arrange your child's summer vacation? These opening methods are for your reference→

Tianshan Xingcheng Residential Area also opened "Little Calligrapher" and "Little Painter" interest classes every Wednesday and Thursday afternoon in July and August, and invited Zhang Shangwei, president of the Xinjing Town Calligraphy Association who lives in the community, and Li Rongguang, "Uncle of the Magic Brush", as volunteer tutors to teach calligraphy and painting skills to children aged 7-15, so that children can feel the charm of art at their doorstep.

How to arrange your child's summer vacation? These opening methods are for your reference→
How to arrange your child's summer vacation? These opening methods are for your reference→

The abundant activity courses meet the diverse needs of children and have received unanimous praise from parents. Parents have said that this kind of summer service that combines education and childcare not only solves the problem of parents' care, but also enriches the children's summer vacation life. "Now I not only have a place to go, but I can also learn so much, which is very reassuring and happy."

How to arrange your child's summer vacation? These opening methods are for your reference→
How to arrange your child's summer vacation? These opening methods are for your reference→

The picture comes from Xinjing Town

Written by: Cheng Qinghui

Editor: Li Bingqian

Editor-in-charge: Wang Bo

*Please indicate the source of the reprint from "Shanghai Changning"

How to arrange your child's summer vacation? These opening methods are for your reference→

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