
The attitude of our ambassador towards the showdown between Europe and the United States is not important, and the Taiwan authorities will deal with it as a rebel regime

author:Fat Fu's cabin

Since taking office, Lai Qingde has been subjected to many strong countermeasures from the mainland, but he is still sticking to his established line of "pragmatic Taiwan independence worker." Not only did he directly seek the solidarity of the US side when meeting with the US congressional delegation, hoping that the United States would not allow Chinese mainland to draw red lines at will; He also openly declared that only "true peace can be achieved by military strength" and that he "will not succumb to the coercion of Chinese mainland."

You must know that the mainland has already defined Lai Qingde, and the harshness of the wording has never been seen before, calling him "a book that forgets his ancestors and cuts off his roots, which is not only ashamed of his ancestors, but also a sinner of the Chinese nation."

Compared with Tsai Ing-wen, Lai Qingde's "Taiwan independence" stance is more stubborn, his personality is more stubborn and conceited, and the "Lai Qingde line" will be more harmful in the future. The "independence of Taiwan" promoted by it.

On the eve of his assumption of power, Lai Qingde made a high-profile announcement that he would promote three major tasks, including the so-called "rebuilding the country", "transforming society", and "cleansing people's hearts". It has exposed its willingness to be a pawn of external forces to "use Taiwan to contain China", does not hesitate to sacrifice the lives and well-being of the people on the island, and tries its best to cater to the US side as a "porcupine" and build a "fortress", turning Taiwan into a "powder keg" and a "mine island", which will only push Taiwan increasingly into a dangerous situation of war and war.

The attitude of our ambassador towards the showdown between Europe and the United States is not important, and the Taiwan authorities will deal with it as a rebel regime

And now Lai Qingde's actions can already be expected on the eve of taking office, and just recently, Chinese Ambassador to France Lu Shaye attended a symposium on the 60 th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France and delivered a speech. He bluntly mentioned the historical orientation of the Taiwan issue and the characterization of the DPP authorities.

Ambassador Lu Shaye said that Taiwan's current state of partition is actually a "legacy of the civil war" in the 40s of the last century.

He then further said that in a certain sense, "China's civil war has not ended, and the regime in Taiwan is a rebel regime in China's territory, and we have the right to expel them at any time and regain the right to govern Taiwan."

It should be noted that the diplomatic ambassador's remarks can be regarded as a kind of voice made by China to the outside world, that is, a showdown between Europe and the United States, and Lai Qingde's actions and remarks are not important, and since the mainland has already defined the Taiwan authorities, then the Taiwan authorities will only have one way, that is, to be treated as a rebel regime.

The attitude of our ambassador towards the showdown between Europe and the United States is not important, and the Taiwan authorities will deal with it as a rebel regime

To place the legitimacy of Taiwan's existence in the status quo of partition and to regard Taiwan as a separatist and rebel regime in the civil war stage is to completely deny the basis of Taiwan's discourse.

In 1950, the Third Field Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army organized 650,000 troops to assemble along the coasts of Zhejiang and Fujian to prepare to recover Taiwan.

Our army lacks the actual combat experience of organizing a joint landing of the modern army, navy, and air force, and also lacks the equipment conditions to face a strong enemy's intervention in the Taiwan campaign, and is forced to postpone the plan to recover Taiwan indefinitely, and this delay is more than 70 years!

Obstructing the reunification of a country is the greatest evil, and it is also the most insidious and vicious way to interfere with the rise of a country. It is precisely because of the obstruction of the United States that the two sides of the strait have been separated until now. The United States has also continued to interfere with China's reunification on the grounds that it must not change the status quo, and this status quo itself has been created by the United States.

The reason why Tsai Ing-wen and Lai Qingde dare to openly pursue Taiwan independence is because they conclude that the United States will not give up China's Taiwan. They are pursuing Taiwan independence in order to pander to the United States.

The attitude of our ambassador towards the showdown between Europe and the United States is not important, and the Taiwan authorities will deal with it as a rebel regime

In 2011, during a visit to Thailand, Hillary Clinton solemnly announced: "The United States will return to Asia." The strategic goal of the United States after its return to Asia is to readjust its strategic orientation from the pursuit of regional strategic balance to the pursuit of absolute strategic superiority. On the surface, the United States is trying to achieve the goal of "sharing" development opportunities in Asia on the basis of weighing the interests of all parties. Harnessing Asia's growth and dynamism is central to America's economic and strategic interests." The underlying intention is to create a U.S.-led regional security mechanism under the multilateral balance of power in Asia, "to ensure that there is no challenge or confrontation with the United States on the Asian continent, and the most important thing is to reduce China's influence in the region." ”

Because of its important geopolitical position and delicate political relationship with China, Taiwan has always been an important pawn in the Asia-Pacific strategy of the United States, and Brzezinski made it clear in his "Big Chessboard": "That is not for a divided Taiwan, but for the geopolitical interests of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region." As early as World War II, the United States focused on striking Taiwan as a pawn, so after the United States announced its return to the Asia-Pacific region, Taiwan, China, became an important force for the United States to contain and blockade Chinese mainland.

The attitude of our ambassador towards the showdown between Europe and the United States is not important, and the Taiwan authorities will deal with it as a rebel regime

Since taking office, the Biden administration has continued to implement the policy of "using Taiwan to contain China", focusing on strengthening cooperation and collusion between the United States and Taiwan in the fields of politics, security, economy and trade, diplomacy, science and technology, culture, and "international space", and comprehensively enhancing the "substantial" relationship between the United States and Taiwan. Looking at the formulation and implementation of the Biden administration's Taiwan policy, it can be found that on the one hand, it wants to use the "Taiwan card" to achieve its strategic plan to suppress China's development, contain China's rise, and maintain the global hegemony of the United States; On the other hand, it is necessary to prevent the situation in the Taiwan Strait from getting out of control, let alone drag the United States into a disastrous Sino-US conflict.

Ambassador Lu Shaye said that for the purpose of maintaining its world hegemony and maintaining its "first island chain" to contain China, the United States has connived at and supported Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities in their pursuit of "Taiwan independence," continuously increased arms sales to Taiwan, and instigated "Taiwan independence" forces to "seek independence by force," thus undermining the prospects for peaceful reunification between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, resulting in the current tense situation in cross-strait relations.

This is the point that the United States has always used to oppose China's reunification, and this is the reason why the United States supports Taiwan independence in the international community, and the United States uses the hegemony of public opinion to advocate that China cannot unilaterally change the status quo in the Taiwan Strait. Both sides of the strait must agree to change in order to be reunified, and then the United States supports Taiwan independence, and the United States uses this set of bandit logic to counter the reunification of Taiwan, and this set of bandit logic cannot be accepted by the Chinese, so we say that no matter how much Taiwan's territorial sovereignty belongs to China, we cannot refute the United States, this is insoluble, the solution can only jump out of this logical trap, redefine Taiwan independence, the Taiwan issue is no longer simply a sovereignty issue, but an anti-human rights rebel government and the central government, and Taiwan has become a dual legitimacy to protect sovereignty and human rights.

This speech is of great significance, marking a major shift, as it is the first time that the mainland has defined the regime on the island of Taiwan as a rebel regime. This has never happened before. In the past, it was generally vague, such as addressing the Taiwan authorities. Now, this fuzzy space is completely lost.

The attitude of our ambassador towards the showdown between Europe and the United States is not important, and the Taiwan authorities will deal with it as a rebel regime

This can also explain the opinion on punishing Taiwan independence issued by the mainland some time ago, that if a Taiwan independence element is not in a case, he can be tried in court, and the maximum sentence can be the death penalty, which means that once he is identified as a Taiwan independence element, after being tried by the court, he can be arrested worldwide, and even if the cross-strait conflict intensifies, he can directly go to the island and arrest people.

Whether it is Lu Shaye's showdown with Europe and the United States this time, or his previous opinion on punishing Taiwan independence, this means that the country already has the strength and confidence to crack down on Taiwan independence elements, and also has effective means to crack down on Taiwan independence elements, and the military, trade, and high-tech fields are no longer afraid of provocations and threats from the United States and the West, and have perfected a unified legal environment in terms of law.

Interpreting the strength displayed behind the law, for the "Taiwan independence" forces, it is definitely a heavy blow to the heart, and it will definitely make the Taiwan independence elements psychologically collapse.

From the occasion of 2022, the PLA has achieved normalization of the siege of the island, 6 warships have been deployed around the island, to achieve 24-hour normalized deployment, compared with the Air Force fighter cruise, the regular patrol of the Navy ships around the island will increase the ability to grasp the situation around the island of Taiwan, and can deal with emergencies in the first time, in the case of multi-ship shifts, it is equivalent to allowing the PLA to achieve a 24-hour grasp of the combat situation in all directions of the island of Taiwan. Once there is a change in the Taiwan Strait, Chinese fighters can immediately seize air supremacy and blockade China's Taiwan by force under the escort of warships cruising north and south.

The attitude of our ambassador towards the showdown between Europe and the United States is not important, and the Taiwan authorities will deal with it as a rebel regime

Secondly, it is the implementation of the strategy of poor Taiwan, from August 2022, after the military exercises around Taiwan, various policies to benefit Taiwan began to tighten, especially after entering 2023, and this can be said to be a heavy blow to Taiwan's economy, Taiwan's dependence on China in trade is much higher than that of the United States, in 2021, Taiwan's exports to China and Hong Kong accounted for 42% of Taiwan's total export value, and the United States accounted for only 15%. It can be said that the strategy of impoverishing Taiwan is hitting Taiwan hard.

The attitude of our ambassador towards the showdown between Europe and the United States is not important, and the Taiwan authorities will deal with it as a rebel regime

Therefore, the mainland is gradually suspending the ECFA, which can be said to be a snake fight, especially this time, directly announcing the suspension of 134 tariff concessions, while China's Taiwan Mainland Affairs Council expressed strong protest and dissatisfaction, and brazenly stated that the mainland will bear the relevant consequences.

With the mainland's characterization of the Taiwan authorities, this also means that the mainland's actions against Taiwan will not be limited to this, and since the Taiwan authorities do not want peaceful reunification, then the mainland will directly install a rebel regime to deal with it, and directly "one country, one system."

When Lu Shaye, as ambassador to France, made these remarks, he was actually making a showdown with the West, hoping that Western countries would not intervene in China's civil war and would not be used as a gun by the United States.

The Taiwan Strait issue has always been an important bilateral issue between China and the United States, and this is the norm. However, once the Taiwan Strait issue begins to warm up between China and Europe, as well as between China and ASEAN, then the Taiwan Strait issue will enter an abnormal state. Once the United States is going to pull other countries into the Taiwan Strait, then China will be unkind.

China has made clear its firm position, and whoever wants to intervene in China's civil war will interfere with China's rejuvenation, and whoever will be China's hostile force, and this is China's red line.

Now it is because the mainland wants to liberate peacefully, so it did not take action immediately. If Taiwan wants to take a risk, and the West has to continue to intervene, then the sequel to the War of Liberation must be broadcast, and the opportunity for peace is not not given, but that none of you cherish it.

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