
What is the level of strength of Allah in Lebanon? One sentence to give you the answer: North Korea is his master

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What is the level of strength of Allah in Lebanon? One sentence to give you the answer: North Korea is his master

Text: Zhang Runchen



On April 8, 2009, 30 Americans filed a lawsuit in U.S. federal court, alleging North Korea's support for Allah's rocket attack in Lebanon. The DPRK should bear the loss of life and property caused by this attack. The 30 Americans believe that North Korea should pay at least $100 million in compensation...

What is the level of strength of Allah in Lebanon? One sentence to give you the answer: North Korea is his master

(North Korean Army)

1. North Korea? Allah?

The accusers said they were Americans, but in fact they had lived in Israel for a long time, and all of them were Jews. According to the "American Jews," the North Korean government has long supported Allah in Lebanon and has trained and equipped Allah fighters, and North Korea was behind Allah's two attacks in northern Israel in July and August 2006.

The two attacks killed 43 Israeli citizens, injured 4,262 and damaged property amounted to $1.4 billion, while Allah Lebanon fired at least a thousand rockets into Israel. In other words, in fact, in 2006, Israel's "Iron Dome" was already in fact "in name only"...

What is the level of strength of Allah in Lebanon? One sentence to give you the answer: North Korea is his master

(Allah Lebanon)

The core evidence of the 30 Americans who filed the lawsuit is that the core components of the rocket launched by Allah came from North Korea. This information was confirmed by the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad. In the Wikipedia entry, North Korea, Iran and Syria are "countries that provide support to Allah."

On July 29, 2014, Agence France-Presse reproduced an official statement by the North Korean government, interestingly saying that the Pyongyang authorities categorically denied rumors that they supported Allah in Lebanon. North Korean officials said that the rumors were "pure fabrication" and were completely nonsense concocted by the United States to isolate North Korea internationally.

The reason why Pyongyang issued such a statement is because earlier, the British "Daily Mail" revealed information obtained by EU intelligence services that Hamas is buying missiles and communications equipment from North Korea! Hamas has even paid a deposit for this, and the US federal court judge who was involved in the "Allah rocket attack" in 2009 also said:

What is the level of strength of Allah in Lebanon? One sentence to give you the answer: North Korea is his master

(Korean People's Army)

"It can be confirmed that North Korea has provided high-grade weapons and equipment to Allah Lebanon, which is sponsored and supported by Tehran and advocates armed struggle against Israel!" So is the U.S. Federal Court's message credible? I am afraid that there is still a certain degree of credibility, because the relationship between Pyongyang and Tehran is indeed very unusual.

In 2015, when North Korea experienced a very severe drought, the South Korean government said that as long as North Korea took the initiative to ask for help, then South Korea was willing to do its best to help North Korea.

What is the level of strength of Allah in Lebanon? One sentence to give you the answer: North Korea is his master

(North Korea and Iran)

However, the North Korean side has never said anything about this, but not long after, the North Korean embassy in Iran chose to ask the Iranian Red Crescent Society for help. The Iranian side was also very ambiguous, saying that it was willing to provide disaster relief and thanked "North Korea for its help to Iran during the Iran-Iraq war."

It can be seen that the DPRK-Iran relations were already very close during the Iran-Iraq war, and Allah and Hamas, which are supported by Iran, naturally belong to North Korea to a certain extent. And North Korea supports Allah, which has even been confirmed by the United Nations. In 2013, the North Korean ship Cheongchongang was detained in the Panama Canal.

What is the level of strength of Allah in Lebanon? One sentence to give you the answer: North Korea is his master

(Allah Lebanon)

The ship was nominally a cargo ship carrying sugar, but in fact the staff of the United Nations Security Committee found two MiG-21 fighter jets and missile core components in a cargo box full of sugar, which may have come from Cuba, and the destination of the "Cheongchon Gang" is unknown, indicating that North Korea is indeed engaged in a little international arms dealing.

In January 2024, the Director of the Royal Armouries Museum, Jonathan Brown. Ferguson said Hamas is using weapons made in North Korea and China, and that the flow of these weapons is likely to be through North Korea. According to rumors, the Lebanese Allah tunnels were actually built with the help of North Korean military advisers, and the Lebanese Allah army was also trained by North Korea.

And the Korean People's Army is from China, so it understands everything...

What is the level of strength of Allah in Lebanon? One sentence to give you the answer: North Korea is his master

(Comparison of the two authentics)

However, this news has never been confirmed, because few Western media have been able to penetrate the tunnels in Lebanon's Allah-controlled areas to search for evidence, and Allah's top brass and Pyongyang have always denied military cooperation between the two sides. But what can be confirmed is that the North Korean side is at least providing weapons support to Allah.

So how powerful is this Lebanese Allah that is rumored to be a god?

Second, the strength is strong

What is Israel's greatest fear? If this question were asked today, 80 percent of Israelis would have said missiles and rockets. In this Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Israel has proved with its own strength how incapable it is... And the armed missiles and rockets in the Middle East pose a great threat to Israel's population core.

What is the level of strength of Allah in Lebanon? One sentence to give you the answer: North Korea is his master

(Allah Lebanon)

Hamas's "hand-rubbed" rockets alone pose a huge threat to Israel, not to mention Allah's military-standard missiles. How many rockets are there in Lebanon? The exact number is known only to the Arc of Resistance itself, and according to the forecasts of American think tanks, this number is at least above 130,000!

130,000 rockets, if Allah throws off its arms and wants to fight with Israel, then give Israel ten "iron domes", they will not be able to stop so many rockets. And Allah can fight more than just rockets, Allah forces themselves are already very elite.

Don't look at Allah as an armed group, but it is more elite than the Lebanese government army, even compared to Israel's "IDF Heavenly Soldiers", and during the Syrian civil war, Allah even helped the Syrian government army train snipers.

What is the level of strength of Allah in Lebanon? One sentence to give you the answer: North Korea is his master

(General Secretary)

After the outbreak of the Syrian civil war, Allah decided to intervene in the civil war in 2013, and was one of the first foreign organizations to intervene in the Syrian civil war. And after the Lebanese Allah Party intervened in the Syrian civil war, it was like a heavenly soldier, from Qusayr to Deir ez-Zor, from the Free Army to the Islamic State, there was nothing they could not win, and Allah was the main force in the Syrian civil war.

And in 2019, seeing that the situation in Syria has stabilized, Allah directly withdrew its troops, and this pure help won the favor of Syrians. And in the confrontation area between southern Lebanon and northern Israel, Allah has built a massive tunnel system, and whether this tunnel system is effective or not, the Battle of Shangganling has proven to us.

Now that Allah has learned this set, the defense has increased by more than an order of magnitude. Israel's IDF certainly has a firepower advantage over Allah, but Allah's tunnel system can offset Israel's firepower advantage. Now the Palestinian Hamas has been able to play with the IDF for so long, in fact, because they have also learned this set of tunnel warfare tactics.

What is the level of strength of Allah in Lebanon? One sentence to give you the answer: North Korea is his master

In the long-term military friction with Israel, Allah mainly fought a set of sports warfare, in fact, to put it bluntly, it was a routine played by the Chinese and North Korean armies on the Korean battlefield 70 years ago. Sports warfare + cold guns and cold artillery, saying that this unit was not trained by the DPRK, no one really believes it, because the Iranian army is really not able to teach Allah this set of tactics, and they themselves can't fight it.

So where did such a bullish Allah come from?

3. Born in a small way, turn the tide

After the Fifth Middle East War, the Israeli army forcibly occupied Lebanon, and it could almost be said that Lebanon was on the verge of being slowly encroached upon by Palestine. But no one expected that a Allah party would emerge in Lebanon, and in fact, Allah was a guerrilla force from the beginning.

What is the level of strength of Allah in Lebanon? One sentence to give you the answer: North Korea is his master

(Rocket Attack)

When we look at Allah in Lebanon, we might think that it is religion that holds Allah together, just like the vast majority of armed groups and even countries in the Middle East. But what unites Allah is actually a party structure with party members as the grassroots structure, and the top level of Allah in Lebanon is the party secretary, not some caliph or something.

Lebanese Allah has political commissars and instructors, and the party members who fight the war charge first, treat prisoners preferentially, and do not attack any non-military targets; the most commendable thing is that Lebanese Allah does not engage in kidnapping, murder, and suicide attacks (it was also engaged in at first, and later changed its ways).

In Allah-controlled areas, there are public hospitals and clinics, as well as public schools, which are cheaper than private hospitals and schools in government-controlled areas, free for party members, and preferential for military personnel. And from 1982 to 2000, Allah and the Israeli IDF fought a guerrilla war for 18 years, just like our eight-year war of resistance, except that it was an eighteen years of war of resistance for them.

What is the level of strength of Allah in Lebanon? One sentence to give you the answer: North Korea is his master

(Allah Lebanon)

But eighteen years also have to fight! Israel's IDF was beaten bitterly in Lebanon, and the occupation of Lebanon even became a loss-making deal, but Allah fought a guerrilla war with them, which is different from all previous wars in the Middle East. Brigadier General Ezres, a member of the Israeli military who advocated the occupation of Lebanon by force, was even ambushed and killed by Allah during this period.

The death of the main military leader, combined with 18 years of enormous attrition in Lebanon, eventually led to the forced withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon in 2000, and Allah successfully won their 18-year war of resistance. This is also the first time since 1948 that the Arabs have beaten the Israelis out by purely military means!

You must know that even in the fourth Middle East war, in fact, Egypt could not defeat Israel in the end, and Israel was forced to withdraw from the Sinai Peninsula under the threat of Brezhnev. In the 2006 Lebanese-Israeli conflict, Israel wanted to repeat the fifth Middle East war, but was beaten by Allah with a 1:1 exchange ratio, the first real defeat in Israel's history.

What is the level of strength of Allah in Lebanon? One sentence to give you the answer: North Korea is his master

(Allah Lebanon)

Today, Allah in Lebanon has become a party with broad international influence. In the Colombian jungle, military advisers to the left-wing armed forces come from Allah in Lebanon, and in Venezuela and Bolivia, Allah diplomats have come in.

After the Palestinian-Israeli conflict broke out this time, many Latin American countries immediately expressed their condemnation of Israel, and it was not unrelated to Allah. Latin America is also an important area for Allah to raise funds, but it is also one of Allah's black spots. Allah in Lebanon has long been involved in drug trade networks in countries such as Colombia, and its main sales destination is the United States.

Perhaps for Allah, this is also a small revenge on the United States...


HU Yaohui. Allah and the Lebanese Civil War[J].Shandong Social Sciences,2009,(S1):65-66.)

LI Zijing. The origin, evolution and influence of Lebanese Allah's activities in Latin America[D].Northwestern University,2021.

The drought situation in North Korea is still severe, and the Iranian side has been asked for help. Xinhuanet, 2015-07-07

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