
A guide to survival in an air-conditioned room on a hot day

author:Qingbaijiang Housing Construction

#夏天健康吹空调6个建议# In the hot summer, although it is cool in an air-conditioned room, the human body may experience symptoms such as dizziness, headache, loss of appetite, and joint pain in a closed air-conditioned environment for a long time. #建议换季开空调前对空调彻底清洁#, turn on the air conditioner after 10 minutes of entering the house, the temperature is controlled at about 26 degrees Celsius, and 1 long-sleeved is always available... More suggestions, please poke ↓↓ (People's Daily)

A guide to survival in an air-conditioned room on a hot day
A guide to survival in an air-conditioned room on a hot day
A guide to survival in an air-conditioned room on a hot day
A guide to survival in an air-conditioned room on a hot day
A guide to survival in an air-conditioned room on a hot day
A guide to survival in an air-conditioned room on a hot day

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