
What scares the United States most about China is not the size of its economy, but these three superpowers

author:The wind rises, and the fragrance of flowers overflows

China, an ancient civilization with a long history of 5,000 years, is not only famous for its huge economic scale and rapid infrastructure development, but also for its profound cultural heritage and unique national spirit, showing extraordinary national cohesion, strategic planning and concentrated breakthrough. These three capabilities, like genes, are inherited in the blood of the Chinese nation and have become a powerful driving force for China to move forward.

First, national cohesion is one of China's most striking features. This cohesion stems from the profound cultural traditions and historical experience of the Chinese nation. In the long history of China, whether in the face of foreign aggression or internal division, the Chinese nation has always been able to unite as one and jointly respond to challenges. This cohesion is not only reflected at the national level, but also permeates every family and community, and becomes a solid foundation for supporting social development. In modern society, this cohesion translates into firm support for national development goals and the common pursuit of national rejuvenation.

What scares the United States most about China is not the size of its economy, but these three superpowers

Second, strategic planning is a key factor in China's ability to occupy an advantageous position in global competition. China's strategic planning power is reflected in its long-term planning for national development and its keen insight into the international situation. From the Five-Year Plan to the Belt and Road Initiative, China has always been able to formulate a development strategy that suits its national conditions according to the needs of the times. These strategic plans not only focus on economic construction, but also cover political, cultural, social and other aspects, forming an all-round and multi-level development pattern.

Moreover, concentrating on breakthroughs is an important guarantee for China's major achievements in the fields of science and technology, economy, and so on. This concentrated breakthrough power is reflected in China's ability to concentrate resources and forces to achieve breakthroughs in key areas in a short period of time. From two bombs and one satellite to manned spaceflight, from high-speed railways to 5G communications, China has realized the transformation from following to running in parallel and even leading in many fields. Behind this concentrated breakthrough is the efficient decision-making and strong execution of the Chinese government, as well as the hard work and selfless dedication of hundreds of millions of people.

What scares the United States most about China is not the size of its economy, but these three superpowers

However, these three capabilities do not exist in isolation, but rather reinforce and integrate with each other. National cohesion provides a solid social foundation for strategic planning, and strategic planning points out the direction for concentrated breakthroughs, and the success of concentrated breakthroughs further enhances national cohesion. This virtuous circle has enabled China to maintain a stable development trend in a complex and volatile international environment.

In terms of economic scale, China has become the world's second largest economy, and its huge market and abundant resources have made important contributions to global economic growth. In terms of infrastructure construction, China's achievements in the construction of high-speed railways, highways, bridges and ports have attracted the attention of the world, providing strong support for economic and social development. In terms of manufacturing, China is known as the "factory of the world", and its perfect industrial chain and efficient production capacity have provided a large number of high-quality products and services for the world.

What scares the United States most about China is not the size of its economy, but these three superpowers

What's more, China's development is not limited to the economic sphere. In terms of scientific and technological innovation, China is gradually moving from imitation to innovation, from following to leading. In terms of cultural inheritance, China is striving to combine traditional culture with modern civilization and promote Chinese culture to the world. In terms of international cooperation, China actively participates in global governance, promotes the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, and makes positive contributions to world peace and development.

In short, China's development is a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable process. In this process, national cohesion, strategic planning and concentrated breakthrough play a vital role. It is the organic combination of these three capabilities that enables China to show its unique charm and strong strength on the world stage. In the future, as China continues to deepen reform and expand opening-up, these three capabilities will be further developed and improved, injecting more powerful impetus into China's development.

What scares the United States most about China is not the size of its economy, but these three superpowers

China's development trajectory and progress have benefited from its clear national strategic plan and phased goal setting. Among them, the "Two Centenary Goals" and the "Three-Step" Strategic Plan are important milestones in promoting national development and social progress.

The "three-step" strategic plan is a phased development goal since China's reform and opening up. As a first step, by 1990, the gross national product will double that of 1980 and the problem of food and clothing for the people will be solved. In the second step, by the end of the 20 th century, the gross national product will double again, and the people's living standards will reach a moderately prosperous level. Third, by the middle of the 21 st century, the per capita GDP will reach the level of a moderately developed country and basically achieve modernization.

The implementation of this strategic plan has not only promoted rapid economic growth, but also promoted all-round social progress. In the economic field, China has become the world's second largest economy, and has made remarkable achievements in manufacturing, scientific and technological innovation, and infrastructure construction. In the social field, the people's living standards have been markedly improved, and social undertakings such as education, public health, and culture have developed in an all-round way. On the international stage, China actively participates in global governance, promotes the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, and makes important contributions to world peace and development.

The implementation of the "three-step" strategic plan reflects the efficient decision-making and strong execution of the Chinese government. By concentrating on big things, China has achieved a transformation from following to running alongside and even leading in many fields. For example, in the field of scientific and technological innovation, China has successfully implemented major scientific and technological projects such as manned spaceflight and lunar exploration projects. In the field of infrastructure construction, China has built the world's largest high-speed railway network and expressway network; In the field of poverty alleviation, China has lifted nearly 100 million rural poor people out of poverty, creating a miracle in the history of human poverty reduction.

At the same time, the "three-step" strategic plan also reflects China's deep understanding of its own national conditions and scientific grasp of the law of development. At different stages of development, China has continuously adjusted and optimized its strategic planning in accordance with changes in the domestic and international situation to ensure the continuity and stability of national development. The flexibility and foresight of this strategic planning provide a strong guarantee for China's sustainable development.

In short, China's "Two Centenary Goals" and "Three-Step" Strategic Plan are important guidelines for China's development. Through clear phased goals and step-by-step implementation, China has effectively promoted national development and social progress, laying a solid foundation for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In the future, as China continues to deepen reform and expand opening up, this strategic plan will be further implemented and developed, providing more powerful support for China's prosperity and people's happy life.

Benefiting from the advantages of the socialist system as a whole, China has demonstrated an extraordinary ability to concentrate on major tasks in its governance and development. This institutional advantage has enabled China to achieve rapid breakthroughs in important projects, major projects and high-tech fields, which has not only promoted the rapid development of the country, but also led the world in many fields.

First of all, China's national institutional advantages are particularly evident in the field of infrastructure construction. By pooling resources and strength, China has built the world's largest high-speed rail network, highway network, and urban subway system in a short period of time. China's high-speed railway technology has become a calling card for international cooperation, not only to achieve rapid intercity connections in China, but also to bring high-speed railway technology to the world through international cooperation projects such as the "Belt and Road" initiative. In addition, China's infrastructure projects such as bridge construction and port construction have repeatedly broken world records, demonstrating China's strong strength in infrastructure construction.

Second, in terms of major engineering projects, China's national institutional advantages also play a key role. For example, China's South-to-North Water Diversion Project and West-East Gas Transmission Project are both major national projects with large scale and complex technology. These projects not only solve the problem of unbalanced regional development, but also provide strong support for the sustainable development of the country. In the process of implementing these major projects, the efficient decision-making and coordination capabilities of the Chinese government have been fully reflected, and the close cooperation of governments at all levels and relevant departments has ensured the smooth progress of the projects.

Third, in the field of high technology, China's national institutional superiority also plays an important role. China has made a series of major breakthroughs in high-tech fields such as aerospace, deep-sea exploration, supercomputing, and artificial intelligence. China's manned space program and lunar exploration program are important manifestations of the country's scientific and technological strength. China's deep-sea exploration technology is also making breakthroughs, and the successful application of deep-sea manned submersibles such as Jiaolong and Deep-Sea Warrior marks a significant improvement in China's deep-sea exploration capabilities. In the field of supercomputing, China's "Tianhe" series of supercomputers has won the championship of the world's top 500 supercomputers for many times, demonstrating China's leading position in the field of high-performance computing. In the field of artificial intelligence, China is also accelerating the pace of development, promoting the innovation and application of artificial intelligence technology through policy support and industry-university-research cooperation.

In addition, China's national institutional advantages are also reflected in its continuous investment in scientific and technological innovation and talent training. The Chinese government attaches great importance to scientific and technological innovation, continuously increases investment in scientific and technological research and development, promotes the reform of the scientific and technological system, and stimulates the innovation vitality of scientific researchers. At the same time, China is also vigorously cultivating scientific and technological talents, and has cultivated a large number of high-quality scientific and technological talents through various channels such as higher education and vocational education, providing solid talent support for the country's scientific and technological innovation.

In short, thanks to the advantages of the socialist system, China has achieved rapid breakthroughs in important projects, major projects and high-tech fields, and is at the forefront of the world. This institutional advantage has not only promoted China's rapid development, but also made important contributions to the development of the world. In the future, as China continues to deepen reform and expand opening up, this institutional advantage will be further brought into play, injecting more powerful impetus into China's development.

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, China has undergone a magnificent transformation from poverty and backwardness to becoming the world's second largest economy and the largest manufacturing country. In just over 70 years, China has not only made remarkable achievements in terms of economic scale, but has also played an increasingly important role as a leader in international affairs.

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the country faced a series of challenges such as weak infrastructure, backward industrial base, and low level of science and technology. However, through unremitting efforts and correct development strategies, China has gradually established a complete industrial system and national economic system. In particular, the implementation of the reform and opening up policy has injected new vitality into China's rapid development. By attracting foreign investment, introducing advanced technology and management experience, China has rapidly integrated into the global economic system and become the world's factory.

In terms of economic development, China has adopted a series of effective measures, including implementing the Five-Year Plan, promoting coordinated regional development, and strengthening infrastructure construction. These measures have greatly contributed to sustained economic growth and overall social progress. China's total economic output has grown from 364.5 billion yuan in 1978 to more than 100 trillion yuan in 2023, becoming an important engine of global economic growth.

In the field of manufacturing, China has realized the transformation from low-end manufacturing to mid-to-high-end manufacturing through continuous technological innovation and industrial upgrading. China's manufacturing industry is not only the largest in the world in terms of scale, but also has made significant progress in quality, technology and brand. China's high-end manufacturing products and technologies such as high-speed railways, nuclear power, and communication equipment have gone global and become strong competitors in the international market.

In terms of scientific and technological innovation, China has increased investment in research and development, encouraged innovation, and cultivated a number of internationally competitive science and technology enterprises. China has made a series of major breakthroughs in supercomputers, quantum communications, artificial intelligence, biotechnology and other fields, providing strong scientific and technological support for the country's long-term development.

In international affairs, China actively participates in global governance and promotes the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. China is playing an increasingly important role in international organizations such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, and the G20. China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has promoted the economic development and regional integration of countries along the Belt and Road through infrastructure construction and international cooperation.

In addition, China has demonstrated its image as a responsible major country in addressing global challenges. In the fields of climate change, epidemic prevention and control, and poverty alleviation, China has actively participated in international cooperation and contributed Chinese wisdom and solutions to the solution of global problems.

In short, in the past 70 years or so, China has made a tremendous leap from poverty and backwardness to a global economic power. This achievement has been made possible by the correct leadership of the Chinese Government, the joint efforts of the people of the whole country, and the in-depth implementation of the policy of reform and opening up. In the future, as China continues to deepen reform and expand opening-up, China will make greater contributions to world peace and development while achieving its own development.

China's rapid development and all-round rise is undoubtedly one of the most significant changes in the global political and economic landscape in the 21st century. This change has not only reshaped the international balance of power, but has also caused concern in some countries, especially the United States. As a longtime global superpower, the United States has mixed emotions about China's rise, fearing that China could challenge its global leadership.

First, the rapid growth of economic power is an important sign of China's rise. China has become the world's second-largest economy, with a total GDP second only to the United States. As China's economy continues to grow, so does its influence in the global economy. China's foreign trade, investment and market size play a key role in the stability and development of the global economy. This growth in economic power has gradually increased China's voice in international affairs, which has attracted the attention of the United States.

Second, China's scientific and technological innovation capacity has been significantly improved. China has made a series of important breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, 5G communications, high-speed railways, aerospace science and technology, etc. Chinese tech companies are becoming increasingly competitive in the global market, with some companies even leading the U.S. in some areas. This kind of scientific and technological progress has not only promoted China's economic development, but also strengthened China's position in the international scientific and technological competition.

Third, China's military power is also growing. As its economic power grows, China has increased its investment in defense and military modernization. The level of modernization of China's navy, air force, and missile forces is constantly improving, and some military technologies have even reached the world's advanced level. This increase in military strength has made China play an increasingly important role in regional security affairs, and it has also caused strategic concern in the United States.

In addition, China's international influence is expanding. Through multilateral cooperation mechanisms such as the Belt and Road Initiative, China has become increasingly connected with other countries around the world. China's status and role in international organizations are also constantly improving, such as in the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, and the G20. China actively participates in global governance, promotes the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, and provides Chinese solutions to global problems.

However, China's rise is not intended to challenge the United States' global leadership, but to work with other countries to promote a more just and reasonable international order on the basis of peaceful development. China has always adhered to the path of peaceful development, is committed to achieving its own development through win-win cooperation, and at the same time contributing to global development.

China's rise is a peaceful rise and a rise committed to common development with all countries in the world. China's development is not only conducive to the well-being of the Chinese people, but also makes positive contributions to world peace and development. In the future, China will continue to adhere to the principles of peaceful development and win-win cooperation, and work with other countries to jointly address global challenges and promote the building of a better world.

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