
#Lantern Festival Food Award #Soft sticky black sesame dumplings

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
#Lantern Festival Food Award #Soft sticky black sesame dumplings

Today is the Lantern Festival, and I have to eat tangyuan on this day every year. Today, I made a black sesame dumpling by myself, the skin does not crack, and the tips of the filling flowing heart are shared with you. I wish you all a prosperous and prosperous new year.

By White Tea Home 【Official Certified Master of Bean Fruit Cuisine】


Glutinous rice flour 100 g

Warm water 80 g

Black sesame seeds 50 g

Sugar 25 g

Lard 35 g

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Soft sticky black sesame dumplings

1: Add black sesame seeds and sugar to a blender to form a delicate black sesame powder.

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Soft sticky black sesame dumplings

2, the better the effect of the delicate flow of the heart.

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Soft sticky black sesame dumplings

3: Stir in black sesame powder with softened lard.

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Soft sticky black sesame dumplings

4, if you want to be convenient, you can put hot water on the bottom of the basin to accelerate the melting of lard, or you can microwave the lard for 30 seconds and then add it. Stir the filling and refrigerate for 20 minutes.

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Soft sticky black sesame dumplings

5: Divide the refrigerated black sesame seeds into 8 grams of black sesame balls on average, and freeze them.

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Soft sticky black sesame dumplings

6: Add warm water to the glutinous rice flour in parts and stir with chopsticks into a flocculent shape.

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Soft sticky black sesame dumplings

7, knead into glutinous rice balls, this time the dough is a little cracked it does not matter.

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Soft sticky black sesame dumplings

8: Flatten the egg-sized dough, boil in boiling water for 3 minutes, and cook until the dough floats up. This step is a trick for the tangyuan skin not to crack.

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Soft sticky black sesame dumplings

9: Put cold water to cool the cooked dough to avoid being too hot when kneading.

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Soft sticky black sesame dumplings

10. Put it in the basin just now.

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Soft sticky black sesame dumplings

11, knead together again, this time the dough is more sticky, wear gloves.

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Soft sticky black sesame dumplings

12, kneaded dough ductility is particularly good!

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Soft sticky black sesame dumplings

13. Divide into 15 grams of a small dose.

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Soft sticky black sesame dumplings

14: Take out the frozen black sesame balls, take a dough agent and flatten them, wrap the black sesame balls, tighten the mouth, and knead them round.

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Soft sticky black sesame dumplings

15. Rub all well, sprinkle glutinous rice flour on the board to prevent stickiness.

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Soft sticky black sesame dumplings

16: Boil the water, boil the water into the dumplings, cook until the dumplings float up, fish out.

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Soft sticky black sesame dumplings

17, sweet and sweet, soft and sticky black sesame dumplings are ready!


The portion size is 12 tangyuan.

<h2>Nutritional benefits of glutinous rice flour</h2>

Glutinous rice taste sweet, warm, into the spleen, stomach, lung meridians; has the effect of tonifying qi, strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach, anti-sweating effect, spleen and stomach deficiency and cold, poor appetite, bloating and diarrhea have a certain alleviating effect; glutinous rice has an astringent effect, frequent urination, night sweats have a better therapeutic effect.

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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