
One Punch Superman Fan: New Year's Party, Masquerade Sweetheart Arrogant Attribute Fully Open, Using Snowman to Pile Yourself Out

author:Anime Brigade

The one-punch superman remake version was seriously affected by Murata's repeated jumps, and many friends ridiculed one teachers as being more diligent than Murata teachers (laughs). Today we will not talk about the content of the remake and the original, let's talk about a more interesting fandom, the Hero Association held a big party in the New Year, the masquerade sweetheart will open up his arrogant attributes, and the interaction with the child emperor and the zombie man is too loving. The most interesting thing is that the masked sweetheart also uses the snowman to pile out a self, let the Tong Di two see what is ornamental, let's take a look at it together.

One Punch Superman Fan: New Year's Party, Masquerade Sweetheart Arrogant Attribute Fully Open, Using Snowman to Pile Yourself Out

Fast forward to January 1st, the Heroes Guild held a New Year's party, and in the ova of the first season of the anime, the S-class heroes met together at the hot spring sake house, which also triggered the zombie man murder case (stall hand). This kind of gathering is certainly indispensable to Saitama, the opportunity to eat and drink for free, Saitama will not let go, and Saitama is still bright and upright, and will not feel ashamed at all. At this New Year's party, Saitama is still not absent, and Janos is trying to pound rice cakes. Tornadoes and metal bats are more fun, and the two fight like little children, one throwing snowballs and the other fighting back with a bat.

One Punch Superman Fan: New Year's Party, Masquerade Sweetheart Arrogant Attribute Fully Open, Using Snowman to Pile Yourself Out

The relationship between The Tong Emperor and the zombie man is still so good, the zombie man accompanies the Tong Emperor in building a snowman, just at this time the masquerade sweetheart came over. Although the hungry wolf chapter in the remake is not over, after the battle with sai da snake, the zombie man and the kamen sweetheart have established a bond, and it can be said that the zombie man should be regarded as one of the few friends of the kamen rider. The masquerade sweetheart said that he just stopped by to see, and it was no secret that the masquerade sweetheart was an arrogant person. The zombie man suddenly had a clever move, and secretly proposed to Emperor Tong that through the mouth of Emperor Tong, he asked the mask sweetheart to pile up an artistic and ornamental snowman.

One Punch Superman Fan: New Year's Party, Masquerade Sweetheart Arrogant Attribute Fully Open, Using Snowman to Pile Yourself Out

Generally speaking, the masquerade sweetheart will refuse, but the tong emperor mentioned the art appreciation, which poked the point of the masquerade sweetheart, on the beauty and handsomeness, the masquerade sweetheart does not think that he is the second. The mouth said that he did not want to pay attention to the little child of Tong Di, but the masked sweetheart instantly piled up the snowman, don't think, the snowman's face is naturally the mask sweetheart himself. It's just that the shape of this snowman, in the words of Emperor Tong, feels a little disgusting, completely a spoof, and it is impossible to show the handsomeness of the masquerade sweetheart. The masquerade sweetheart once again showed his arrogant attributes, this time in a state of fullness.

One Punch Superman Fan: New Year's Party, Masquerade Sweetheart Arrogant Attribute Fully Open, Using Snowman to Pile Yourself Out

Of course, the masquerade sweetheart will be obedient, which is also because The Tong Emperor provoked the masquerade sweetheart, saying that he would rate the masquerade sweetheart. You should know that The Kamen Rider usually likes to rate the heroes of others, and in the appendix of the one-line book, the Kamen Rider rates the Pig God. Now Emperor Tong wants to rate himself, and the kamen-san sweetheart naturally wants to let this child know how powerful it is, so the kamen-too-sweetheart directly turns the snowman into his own appearance, and the tong emperor has nothing to say, scoring 120 points beyond the full score. To be able to do this, it can be said that the mask sweetheart is also very excited, otherwise even if stimulated, it will not pile two snowmen in a row.

One Punch Superman Fan: New Year's Party, Masquerade Sweetheart Arrogant Attribute Fully Open, Using Snowman to Pile Yourself Out

After receiving the praise, the masquerade sweetheart left in a dashing manner, leaving his pride to the two Emperor Tong and us. It's just that the kamen rider has just left, and the super shiny and handsome kamen kamen sweetheart snowman who got a 120-point rating has been poisoned. The frolicking of the tornado and the metal bat grows more and more cheerful, and the kamen-a-faced snowman is directly lifted by the tornado with his ability and smashed into the metal bat, and then it turns into dust in the universe (the stall hand). Fortunately, the kamen rider has left, otherwise, it is estimated that it will join the snowball war between the tornado and the metal bat, so it may cause some incidents again, it must be wonderful.

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