
China's only koi emperor had a smooth life and was incredibly lucky

There is a folk saying that people are better than people, and people are angry. Some people's luck is like hanging on, a smooth life, and it is easy to succeed in everything; there are also people who take the lead in their backs, what they can't do, what they don't want. Nowadays, people with very good luck are usually referred to as "koi", but their luck is far worse than that of an emperor in China.

China's only koi emperor had a smooth life and was incredibly lucky

The emperor is not your equivalent, quite can be. As the top figure of the ancient pyramid, being an emperor also requires time, place, and people. There are few emperors with real luck, and there are many people who have inexplicably lost the throne, such as Zhu Changluo, the Mingguang Sect, who has been the prince for 38 years, and it is difficult to become the supreme emperor of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, but he has only been the emperor for less than 1 month before he died, and the cause of death is a mystery.

Combining the experience of competing for the throne, the foundation before sitting on the throne, the achievements after sitting on the throne, the reputation after death, and other examinations, only Qianlong, the only koi emperor, was so lucky that people could not believe it. Of course, there is a reason for this, look at the suffering of the princes of the past dynasties to obtain the throne, compared with Qianlong, their luck is really not good.

China's only koi emperor had a smooth life and was incredibly lucky

Even if the ancient Ming Emperor such as Tang Taizong, able to write and martial arts, and performed well in all aspects, he still faced many crises, if there was no battle that happened at Xuanwu Gate, I am afraid that Taizong would not be able to sit on the throne, let alone open the "rule of Zhenguan". But what about Qianlong? Before he was born, the eldest brother Honghui, the second brother Hongxuan, and the third brother Hongyun died early, leaving only the third brother Hongshi alone. Hongshi was also unable to resist Qianlong's protagonist aura attack, and was stripped of his clan by Yongzheng, leaving no hope for Li Chu.

And Qianlong's younger brothers, who eat and play, are not within yongzheng's consideration. In this way, in the first year of Yongzheng (1723), the secret will of the Hongli calendar as the future master of the Great Qing Dynasty was placed on the high side of the Qianqing Palace, and Qianlong has always maintained the image of the best prince, and 13 years later, the labor model Yongzheng died, Qianlong ascended the throne, the time was just right, not sooner or later, this year he was 24 years old, and his style was flourishing.

China's only koi emperor had a smooth life and was incredibly lucky

This was luckier than his father, Yongzheng was more than 40 when he took the throne, fought with other princes for many years, physically and mentally exhausted, and his father, Kangxi, had many princes and a long life span, which invisibly made Yongzheng a lot more stressed. Qianlong took over the Qing Dynasty from Kangxi and Yongzheng, and his father was famous for his harshness in government and politics, and after Qianlong ascended the throne, he first used the word "benevolence", and indeed received countless praises.

For example, Qianlong's uncle, the fourteenth grandfather of the "Great General King" at that time, was first imprisoned and then imprisoned in the Yongzheng Dynasty, and Qianlong immediately released him after he took the throne. Yongzheng's life expectancy was particularly short in front of Qianlong, because Qianlong lived for a full 88 years, reigned for a total of sixty years, and even though the Zen throne was given to the crown prince, he still held great power.

China's only koi emperor had a smooth life and was incredibly lucky
China's only koi emperor had a smooth life and was incredibly lucky

Before Qianlong died, he also left a huge amount of property for Jiaqing, and it is needless to say that everyone knows where this property comes from. Jiaqing did not have any capital compared with Qianlong, and the other emperors and Li Yuan and others could not be moved. Until now, when people mention the Qing Dynasty, they will think of "Kangqian's prosperous life", such a life, who said that Qianlong's bad luck, I am afraid that his father and emperor were the first to oppose.

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