
After Yongqi's death, her only daughter became an orphan daughter and was given chilling treatment by Qianlong

People who have watched "Huan Zhu Gege" must be impressed by one of the protagonists in the film and television drama " Yongqi "Yongqi", and the love story between him and "Xiaoyanzi", that is, innocent and funny, can be said to be impressive to this day, and the "Emperor Ama" Qianlong in the play is also very cute. For Yongqi, it can be said to be very important, and it seems that he intends to pass the throne to Yongqi. In fact, in real history, the five brothers Yongqi did have his own person, and his fate was even more tortuous and bizarre than that in the TV series "Huan Zhu Gege".

After Yongqi's death, her only daughter became an orphan daughter and was given chilling treatment by Qianlong

Born in 1741, Ai Xin Jueluo Yongqi was the fifth son of Emperor Gaozong of the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and his biological mother was Princess Yue Guifei of the Kerry Yet clan. Yongqi was one of the most prominent princes, he was intelligent and studious from an early age, he could speak Manchu, Chinese, Mongolian, and was familiar with astronomy, geography, and almanac. He even wrote a book of his own called "Banana Tong Manuscript". It's talented.

More importantly, in fact, Yongqi is really good at martial arts like the film and television dramas, but it is not so exaggerated, he has learned to ride and shoot since he was a child, and various martial arts are also very exquisite. Since he was a child, he has been greatly valued by Qianlong. He was even once rumored to be the heir to the throne.

After Yongqi's death, her only daughter became an orphan daughter and was given chilling treatment by Qianlong

The reason why the Fifth Brother Yongqi was so valued had a lot to do with one thing. In the twenty-eighth year of Qianlong (1763), a great fire broke out in the Qingyan Hall of Kyushu in the Yuanmingyuan, but Qianlong was trapped in the fire, and the fire was very fierce. Many people did not dare to come to the rescue, and also tried to use water to extinguish the fire, and when the fire was extinguished, they were afraid that Qianlong would be roasted.

At this time, Yongqi arrived, and rushed into the fire regardless of the danger to his life and carried Qianlong out. Qianlong was also touched by the old tears on Yongqi's back, and since then, the fifth brother has become the most trusted person in Qianlong, and even intends to pass the throne to him.

After Yongqi's death, her only daughter became an orphan daughter and was given chilling treatment by Qianlong

At that time, Yongqi was indeed a perfect heir to the throne, after all, Yongqi could be said to be able to write and know martial arts. Moreover, according to the portraits that have been handed down, Yongqi and Qianlong are simply carved out of a mold. It is estimated that Qianlong's impression of Yongqi will be better. In 1765, Qianlong made Yongqi, who was only 24 years old, the Prince of Heshuorong.

Among Qianlong's many princes, only three were crowned princes, and Yongqi was one of them, which shows qianlong's high expectations for the young Yongqi. Even when he received the envoy Ma Garni, he had bluntly said that he wanted to pass the throne to Yongqi. However, it is a pity that Yongqi did not inherit one of his father's most important good genes, that is, longevity.

After Yongqi's death, her only daughter became an orphan daughter and was given chilling treatment by Qianlong

On the contrary, Yongqi inherited a genetic disease of the Aixin Jueluo family, "epitopheal gangrene", and many famous princes and emperors in the Qing Dynasty died of this disease, and Yongqi was also a victim of this disease. In the thirtieth year of Qianlong (1765), Yongqi unfortunately contracted a wind chill. In the end, he died blatantly after a long time.

In fact, not only Yongqi, but also his children. Yongqi had a total of 6 sons and 1 daughter, and they all died one by one. There is only one son and one daughter left, but unfortunately, with the death of Yongqi, this son and daughter have not received too good treatment.

After Yongqi's death, her only daughter became an orphan daughter and was given chilling treatment by Qianlong

Yongqi's only daughter, because she was born to a concubine, has not been very well received. Usually, the daughters born to princes were given the title of county lords, but Yongqi's only daughter was given the title of "county prince" and was eventually sent to Mongolia and kissed. Although she was the daughter of a prince, she was sent to peace with the title of "county prince" and did not know how much she would be despised.

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