
It can be called the evergreen tree of the MPV market, with cumulative sales exceeding 1.5 million, how does it do it?

If you want to say that the domestic MPV market can always be a model of Changhong, then the Buick GL8 is definitely the one with the most right to speak. Since its official launch in May 2000, the car has become an indispensable model of the Buick brand, and can contribute a considerable amount of revenue to the Group every year.

It can be called the evergreen tree of the MPV market, with cumulative sales exceeding 1.5 million, how does it do it?

With the release of sales in November, the cumulative sales of buick GL8 in China officially exceeded 1.5 million units. There is no doubt that within the MPV market, the GL8 is the benchmark model for this segment. In the past 22 years, there have been many competitors with GL8 as an imaginary enemy, but this has not shaken its position in the MPV market, and whenever the business MPV is mentioned, people will always blurt out "GL8". Nowadays, the market competition is becoming more and more fierce, a new car is like a hot search on Weibo, it will not be long before it will be forgotten, and how does GL8 keep itself hot for more than twenty years?

It can be called the evergreen tree of the MPV market, with cumulative sales exceeding 1.5 million, how does it do it?

The advantage of preconceptions has created a market reputation for GL8 and broadened its appeal. Twenty years ago, people's subjective impression of business was still at the level of cars, and the emergence of GL8 broke the inherent cognition of consumers, large spaces, independent seats, extremely convenient ways to get on and off the car, are more than cars, more suitable for daily pick-up and drop-off guests often at the airport and on the car business cooperation conversation.

It can be called the evergreen tree of the MPV market, with cumulative sales exceeding 1.5 million, how does it do it?

The second is that the market volume is increasing, in the past, the proportion of MPV models in the passenger car sector is a relatively small piece, but in recent years, the arrival of the two-tire or even three-tire policy, as well as the epidemic caused consumers to be keen on self-driving travel and other environmental conditions, consumers no longer only focus on medium and large SUVs, but look at the MPV products with better space utilization and more convenient car process. Pay attention to the sales curve of GL8, you can see that from 15/16 years later, the average monthly sales of GL8 have jumped directly from 7-8,000 to more than 10,000, and the cumulative sales volume in 2020 will reach 156,000 units. Although there is still a final month this year, cumulative sales have reached 149,000 units, and if there are no accidents, the completion is not a big problem for last year's surpass.

It can be called the evergreen tree of the MPV market, with cumulative sales exceeding 1.5 million, how does it do it?

Of course, changes in the general environment are unpredictable factors, more just play a role in icing on the cake, only by constantly piling up their own product power, in order to continue their position in the minds of consumers. In 22 years, gl8 has undergone five generations of model changes, each model can accurately capture the buyer's car purchase pain points at that time.

It can be called the evergreen tree of the MPV market, with cumulative sales exceeding 1.5 million, how does it do it?

For example, the latest generation of GL8, in order to face different user use scenarios, according to the price of three different product lines, the first is for home consumers on land business class, followed by business or high-quality home ES Luzun and the last high-end business travel of the Aivia version, from 250,000 to 600,000, not only lowering the purchase threshold, but also further developing to the high-end market.

It can be called the evergreen tree of the MPV market, with cumulative sales exceeding 1.5 million, how does it do it?

In addition to the product line layout, gl8 product strength is also at this level is also very dominant. Taking ES Luzun as an example, the new model as far as possible to cater to consumers' pursuit of science and technology, using two 12.3-inch screens composed of dual screen design, built-in eConnect 3.0 intelligent interconnection system and ADAS intelligent auxiliary driving function, in the intelligent experience, GL8 will not disappoint.

It can be called the evergreen tree of the MPV market, with cumulative sales exceeding 1.5 million, how does it do it?

In terms of ride comfort, the GL8 seat has been developed for the chinese human body type, and the hardness of the internal padding has been screened, which has a higher fit with the body, and it will not feel too much pressure for a long time. At the same time, in terms of driving texture, the suspension filters the fine fragment vibration of the road surface very thoroughly, and the rear section is not blindly soft like the old model, but with a little toughness, which can have better support when cornering and reduce the probability of passenger motion sickness.

It can be called the evergreen tree of the MPV market, with cumulative sales exceeding 1.5 million, how does it do it?


Looking at it comprehensively, the reason why Buick GL8 can be enduring in the domestic market is largely because it has grasped the direction at every point in time, accurately guided the psychology of domestic buyers to buy cars, actively catered to the tastes of the market to make changes, and continuously expanded the audience range of products, so that its sales can continue to break through.

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