
China's first exhibition on the theme of regional culture in the Liao River Basin was held in Shenyang

China's first exhibition on the theme of regional culture in the Liao River Basin was held in Shenyang

On December 21, visitors visited the Liaohe River Basin Regional Culture Theme Exhibition at the Shenyang Museum. Photo by Han Hong

Shenyang, December 21 (Reporter Han Hong) China's first exhibition with the theme of regional culture in the Liao River Basin was launched at the Shenyang Museum on the 21st, and more than 450 sets of precious cultural relics from 21 museums in the Liao River Basin "appeared".

Shenyang Museum, together with Liaoning Provincial Museum, Shenyang Palace Museum, Siping City Museum and other Liao River Basin museums, established the Liao River Basin Museum Alliance and launched this exhibition, with the intention of collecting the relics of the Liao River Basin civilization and integrating the cultural genes of the Liao River Basin. The exhibition is divided into five units: Tamami, Jinhui, Zhuwen, Porcelain Rhyme, and Miscellaneous Chinese, with the classification of cultural relics as the outline, the historical time as the axis, the cultural relics as the group, and the cultural context link in series, showing the Liaohe civilization to the world.

In the "Tamami" section, the 8,000-year-old Ancestors of Chahai were shown to make jade; the civilization of the ancient hongshan country more than 5,000 years ago; the flame wolf smoke of the Warring States Qin and Han more than 2,000 years ago; the spring water and autumn mountains of the Khitan jurchens more than 1,000 years ago; and the dazzling variety of Manchu and Mongolian nobles more than 300 years ago, all of which are displayed here. Among them, the jade pig dragon excavated from Tomb No. 4 of the first tomb at the second site of the Niuheliang site has attracted people's attention, and people have sighed that as a son and daughter of China and the descendant of the dragon, it is very proud to see the thick and long history of Chinese civilization for 5,000 years here.

China's first exhibition on the theme of regional culture in the Liao River Basin was held in Shenyang

Jade Pig Dragon. Photo by Han Hong

In the "Jinhui" section, the artworks made by the ancient ancestors and the metalworking technology of the time are exhibited, bringing people back to the labor scene of the ancients mining gold. Its Chinese treasure-level cultural relics, the former Swallow Flower Tree-like Golden Step Shake, reproduces the abundance of the Three Yan nobles wearing the Step Shake Crown more than 1,000 years ago.

In addition, "Zhuwen" shows the bronze civilization led by the bronze ware of the Shang Zhou Dynasty, including armor and riding equipment, etc., through the display of cultural relics, people can feel the collision of nomadic civilization and agricultural civilization, and become an important unit for building the pluralistic integration of Chinese civilization. The "Porcelain Rhyme" unit shows the ancient ceramic process through the pots, pots, cups and plates, according to the introduction, the Liao porcelain with the Khitan steppe ethnic style is a "pearl" in the history of Chinese porcelain. ”

According to reports, in order to increase the influence of the urban agglomeration in the LiaoHe River Basin and promote the cooperation and exchange of the LiaoHe River Basin Museum, the "Liao River Basin History and Culture Forum" was also held to dig deep into the history and culture of the Liao River Basin and expand the influence of the Liao River Basin. (End)

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