
Shenyang Museum was completed and opened

Shenyang Museum was completed and opened

The scene of the opening ceremony (Photo by Ma Ying, issued by the Central Broadcasting Network)

Shenyang, December 21 news (reporter Ma Ying) On December 21, the Shenyang Museum was completed and opened. Reporters and nearly 100 citizens of Shenyang witnessed the opening of the door of Shenyang's history at the Shenyang Museum. Wang Xinwei, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Shenyang Municipal Party Committee, announced the completion and opening of the Shenyang Museum. Guan Qiang, deputy director of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech, and Shenyang leaders Yu Zhenming, Li Jun and Liu Xuhui attended the opening ceremony.

Shenyang Museum has carefully created the Qing culture theme exhibition, Shenyang General History Exhibition, Liaohe River Basin Collection Of Fine Cultural Relics Exhibition, etc., vividly displaying Shenyang's 110,000-year history of human activities, 7,200 years of human settlement history, 2,300 years of city-building history, nearly 400 years of capital construction history and nearly 100 years of city-building history, which is a vivid portrayal of Shenyang's long history and brilliant culture.

Shenyang Museum was completed and opened

Eight Views of Shengjing (Photo by Ma Ying, Central Broadcasting Network)

Shenyang Museum makes full use of modern means such as digital technology to create immersive experience scenes, so that cultural relics can "come alive", let history "speak", and truly make it visible, readable, audible and tasteable.

It is understood that Shenyang will further integrate resources and strive to build a first-class urban museum in the country, making it a beautiful business card to display urban culture.

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