
Obviously, the candidates who entered Beijing to catch the exam carried coils with them, which was more suitable for robbery, so why were the bandits merciful?

In ancient times, above the court was a river and lake, and the folk were another river and lake, and when the people who were about to enter the court encountered the folk people, there would be another complicated river and lake, which was the river and lake between the candidates and the bandits.

Among the many candidates who took the imperial examination in ancient times, there were also a small number of people who were robbed by bandits, but among these robbers, there were very few candidates who entered Beijing to catch the examination, which made many people wonder, obviously the candidates who entered Beijing to catch the examination carried coils with them, which was more suitable for robbery, why did the bandits have to be merciful?

Obviously, the candidates who entered Beijing to catch the exam carried coils with them, which was more suitable for robbery, so why were the bandits merciful?

Who was the person who entered Beijing in ancient times to take the exam?

Before we want to figure out why the bandits in ancient times did not rob the candidates who entered Beijing to catch the exam, we must first understand the identity of the candidates who entered the Beijing to take the exam, and only by clarifying this can we understand this problem more clearly. Speaking of the identity of the candidates who entered Beijing to catch the examination, I have to mention the ancient examination system, and I will explain it mainly in the Ming and Qing dynasties.

In the Ming and Qing dynasties of the imperial examination, the first level of examination that candidates first took part in was called the child examination, which was mainly divided into two kinds, one was in the county examination, this kind of examination was not high for the candidates, as long as the readers at that time could register for the examination, after the county examination selection, the successful shortlisted people could go to the provincial examination, and only after passing the provincial examination could they obtain the child qualification.

Although tongsheng did not have any privileges at that time, but the people who can become tongsheng are actually considered to be the local elite class, after all, it is difficult for ordinary people to successfully pass the two examinations of the tongsheng examination, and after becoming a tongsheng, it means that they are eligible to participate in the second-level examination "fu examination" conducted in the government and the state.

Those who can pass the government examination are called "students", which is what we call Xiucai today, after becoming Xiucai, it generally means to break away from the civilian class and begin to cross the class of scholars, because Xiucai has many privileges, such as seeing local officials can not kneel, even if they break the law, they also enjoy privileges, do not have to pay taxes, and their lives are obviously much better.

Obviously, the candidates who entered Beijing to catch the exam carried coils with them, which was more suitable for robbery, so why were the bandits merciful?

Of course, although Xiucai enjoys these privileges, if he does not continue to climb up, Xiucai is still rich and powerful, so people will have the saying "poor Xiucai". In ancient times, it was quite difficult to become a show talent, and the highest achievement of many people's lives was only a show talent, and it was too difficult to continue to climb up.

Xiucai after the exam, called the township test, the township exam is generally in the provincial city unified exam, every three years to take the exam, three consecutive exams to determine the final results, Xiu Cai on the way to the provincial city exam, may trek through the mountains and waters, but in this process, generally no bandits will rob Xiu Cai, as for the reason we will talk about below.

In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the person who successfully entered the township examination was called a lifter, and in the Ming and Qing dynasties, the lifter could already serve as a seven-pin official, equivalent to a county magistrate-level official, not to mention that in the whole country, it was absolutely quite an excellent talent in the local area, and once a person was admitted to the lift, even if he did not continue to climb up in the later stage, he basically had no worries about food and clothing in his life, so there would be a situation such as Fan Jinzhong's happiness and madness.

People continue to take the exam, the participation is the exam, the exam and the township exam, is also held every three years, but the exam is usually held in the capital, so in ancient times there will be a beijing to catch the exam This statement, those who enter the Beijing to catch the exam, in a sense, are already the pillars of each place, whether it is the local or the country, they are quite important.

Obviously, the candidates who entered Beijing to catch the exam carried coils with them, which was more suitable for robbery, so why were the bandits merciful?

After participating in the examination high school to become a "gongshi", the gongshi participate in the palace examination presided over by the emperor himself, the general palace examination will no longer be eliminated for the candidates who participate in the examination, just through the examination to rank, after the results of the temple examination come out, according to the results divided into three, the first is mainly the three people we are familiar with, the list and the three people; the second is pushed back from the fourth place, generally there are hundreds of people, giving the jinshi origin; the third is pushed back in turn, giving the same jinshi origin.

It can be said that many of the great officials in the DPRK at that time climbed up step by step through the imperial examination, so after they took power, they had a sense of empathy for those who entered Beijing to catch the examination, and naturally in many aspects of system and policy formulation, they would consider the matter of raising people to beijing to catch the examination.

Why don't bandits rob Xiu cai or lift people?

In fact, the reason why those bandits in ancient times did not rob the candidates who entered Beijing to catch the examination was nothing more than two reasons, the first was that it was not worth robbing, and the second was that they did not dare to rob. It is never worth robbing, mainly for those poorer candidates, such as some xiucai who go to the provincial city to take the exam, they themselves have no money, and the bandits have no need to rob.

Even some people who entered Beijing to catch the examination, in fact, there is no extra money, they entered Beijing to catch the examination, may still be issued by the state, at that time the imperial court had a road fee subsidy for the people who entered Beijing to catch the examination, near some places, such as Henan, Hebei, Shandong and other general subsidies of about twelve silver, farther places, such as Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, will subsidize twenty or thirty-two silver.

Obviously, the candidates who entered Beijing to catch the exam carried coils with them, which was more suitable for robbery, so why were the bandits merciful?

Don't underestimate these money, in the historical background at that time, the role of these money is quite large, to know that when Zeng Guofan first arrived in the capital as an official, the year's Feng Lu was only 125 taels of silver, which shows that twenty or thirty-two is already equivalent to two months' salary of a Beijing official, and for ordinary people, this money is even more huge.

If there is no subsidy from the imperial court, many candidates who enter Beijing to take the exam may not be able to go because they do not have travel expenses, so that the country will lose a lot of talents. Since the candidates who entered Beijing to catch the exam were so rich, why didn't the bandits rob them? The main reason is that I don't dare.

The bandits' dare is mainly reflected in two aspects, one is the fear of retaliation, and the other is that the identity of the candidates who enter Beijing to rush to the examination is too obvious, and the bandits cannot have eyes and no pearls. From the perspective of fear of retaliation, it is mainly because the identity of the candidates who entered Beijing to catch the examination is very special, as mentioned earlier, the candidates who entered the Beijing to catch the examination are all lifters, and the people who are raised can at least be a county order at that time, such a figure, even if the future is mixed up, is also a county leader, if the bandits do not rob the people for a long time, the future people will inevitably retaliate against these bandits, and then they will not be able to eat and go.

This is still the worst situation for people to mix, but if you go to Beijing to catch the exam after high school, in the future directly lead the regular army of the imperial court back to suppress the bandits, then the bandits who robbed the bandits at the beginning will not only abandon their previous achievements, but also lead to the direct annihilation of the regiment, after all, no matter how cattle your bandits are in the local area, it is still difficult to deal with when you encounter the regular army of the imperial court.

If you look at the identity signs of the candidates who entered Beijing to catch the exam, the bandits could not do it without eyes, you should know that at that time, the emperor and the imperial court in order to protect these outstanding talents who entered Beijing to catch the exam, were specially arranged to protect the candidates, for example, on the way to Beijing, every other section of the road there will be a special reception station, these candidates are in groups, carrying a yellow flag with the words "Fengzhi will test", no matter who it is, you can see this special sign hundreds of meters away. Who would risk their lives to rob?

Obviously, the candidates who entered Beijing to catch the exam carried coils with them, which was more suitable for robbery, so why were the bandits merciful?


All in all, where there are rivers and lakes, there are rules, the rules between the bandits and the candidates who enter Beijing to take the exam are not to interfere with each other, even if they meet on the road, the bandits can only obediently give way, not to mention rob the candidates, in the face of the huge interests related to life and death, the bandits with a little brain understand how to choose, after all, the bandits who have a bad brain must have been eliminated a long time ago, this is the law of survival!

Remarks: The picture comes from the Internet, infringement must be deleted, welcome to comment to leave interesting ideas.

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