
This originally rich country, which once belonged to our country, is now being swallowed up by the desert

Speaking of Mongolia, small partners should not be unfamiliar, Mongolia was originally the land of our country, during the Qing Dynasty, after the continuous conquest of the three outstanding emperors in the early Qing Dynasty, finally mongolia was included in the territory of our country, which was collectively called Mongolia together with Inner Mongolia at that time. This measure is an unprecedented peak in China's land area and will be exhausted

13 million square kilometers.

This originally rich country, which once belonged to our country, is now being swallowed up by the desert

In the early Qing Dynasty, the Jin merchants developed rapidly, started business in Mongolia, and brought tea, silk, cloth, furniture and other items from the interior to Mongolia at that time, which brought great benefits to the development of Mongolia, and Mongolia brought its most naïve fur and delicious beef and mutton to all parts of the Central Plains through Jin merchants.

This originally rich country, which once belonged to our country, is now being swallowed up by the desert

In the middle of the nineteenth century, the great powers opened the door of China, and Mongolia seized the opportunity to want independence, and implemented a series of policies of heavy pastoralism and suppression of commerce, forcing the Jin merchants out of Mongolia, and also cutting off the road of the development of the Jin merchants for many years. During the Wuchang Uprising, the country was in chaos, and at the instigation of Tsarist Russia again, Mongolia declared its independence, and Mongolia was divided into Inner Mongolia and Outer Mongolia. After

In 1919, it was recaptured by General Xu Shujun, but the warlords were fighting and unable to manage the affairs of Outer Mongolia, and Outer Mongolia once again declared independence. By 1946, the nationalist government had recognized the independence of Outer Mongolia, and since then, Outer Mongolia has been completely divided from The territory of China.

This originally rich country, which once belonged to our country, is now being swallowed up by the desert

After the complete independence of Mongolia, Tsarist Russia did not give support as promised, and the Mongols had no choice but to vigorously develop their own animal husbandry, however, in the absence of a second pillar industry, eighty percent of the country's population was engaged in animal husbandry, which directly led to the devastating blow to the steppes on which it depended, the rate of desertification of land was much faster than the rate of regeneration, and the desertification of Land in Mongolia reached a terrifying seventy-eight percent. Fifty percent of the people in Mongolia live in the capital, Ulaanbaatar, but as a country with a huge land area, the population of 3 million is slightly smaller. If Mongolia does not take any more measures, then the steppes on which they depend are really gone.

This originally rich country, which once belonged to our country, is now being swallowed up by the desert

Speaking of land desertification, in recent years, China has made remarkable scientific research achievements in the treatment of yellow sand, and has also treated a large area of yellow sand, which is a good thing for the people on the edge of the desert in China, in the past they could only migrate with the continuous expansion of the desert, and now it is possible to return to the original station. The benefits of greening the desert are more than these, purifying the air, keeping the air moist, these are the functions of greening that cannot be ignored, and I wish that the development of China's greening cause is getting better and better!

What are your views on the desertification of Mongolia and the development of greening in China?

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