
If Taiwan cannot be defended, where will Chiang Kai-shek retreat? Chiang Kai-shek's plan, Soong Mei-ling did not agree

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Chiang Kai-shek insisted on tearing up the Double Tenth Treaty to launch a civil war, so the people's hearts were lost, coupled with the failure of all three major battles, Chiang Kai-shek had already gone, so he hastily retreated to Taiwan, although he was in a corner of peace, but Chiang Kai-shek had always been very afraid in his heart, after all, Taiwan is only a small island with limited resources, and it is separated from the mainland by a strait, and it may be lost at any time, so he has already made a plan for himself and looked for the final retreat, but Soong Meiling has a big difference with him.

If Taiwan cannot be defended, where will Chiang Kai-shek retreat? Chiang Kai-shek's plan, Soong Mei-ling did not agree

Chiang Kai-shek's first choice is the Philippines, first of all, geographically, the Philippines is still relatively close to our country, the most important thing is that he and the Philippine president befriended, the other side has been politically supporting him, and the Philippine president once personally promised Chiang Kai-shek that if one day needs it, then he will definitely accept Chiang Kai-shek and his government and army, as long as he is informed of the exact number in advance, so Chiang Kai-shek can take refuge in the Philippines even if he loses Taiwan.

If Taiwan cannot be defended, where will Chiang Kai-shek retreat? Chiang Kai-shek's plan, Soong Mei-ling did not agree

The second choice is Japan, although Chiang Kai-shek has always fought with Japan, but after the victory of the War of Resistance Chiang Kai-shek still treated prisoners of war relatively favorably, and Chiang Kai-shek went to Japan to study when he was young, so he has always regarded this place as his second hometown, if there is really no way to retreat, he will go to Japan to settle down, because long before the defeat of the civil war, Chiang Kai-shek has already installed troops in Japan, and also asked his subordinates to prepare a foreign house for him in Japan, but these two places Song Meiling did not agree.

If Taiwan cannot be defended, where will Chiang Kai-shek retreat? Chiang Kai-shek's plan, Soong Mei-ling did not agree

As the most favored daughter of the Song family, Song Meiling went to the United States to study since she was a child, and during the War of Resistance, Song Meiling has also been seeking foreign aid in the United States, and in her heart the United States is her real homeland, so Song Meiling has always advised Chiang Kai-shek to go to the United States with her to live, or to go to Switzerland, because as a neutral country, Switzerland is very safe, but in Chiang Kai-shek's view, these two places are too far from his hometown, although he lost Jiangshan, but he was still extremely eager to return to his hometown. So he said bluntly that he would never go to the United States and Switzerland.

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