
In 2022, what types of electric vehicles can not be bought? The old driver explains in detail

The time has entered 2022, which is a new beginning for the electric vehicle industry. However, in the new year, many electric vehicle users have such a problem, that is, in 2022, what types of electric vehicles can not be bought? For this question, as an old driver, my answer is that there are three main categories.

1. Models that cannot be licensed on the road

In 2022, what types of electric vehicles can not be bought? The old driver explains in detail

From the perspective of regional management measures in 2022, the supervision of electric vehicles is increasing, especially in some areas where motorcycles are prohibited, corresponding measures have been adopted. For example, for electric motorcycles and electric light motorcycles, you need to be licensed and obtain a driver's license before you can get on the road normally. For the electric bicycle category, the vehicle also needs to be licensed to be on the road. Therefore, from the perspective of these measures, when buying electric vehicles in 2022, it is necessary to give priority to models that can be licensed on the road, and if the vehicle does not meet the conditions for licensing, then such models cannot be selected.

2. Models with miscellaneous brands and poor after-sales service

In 2022, what types of electric vehicles can not be bought? The old driver explains in detail

Secondly, when buying electric vehicles in 2022, it is also impossible to choose models with miscellaneous brands and poor after-sales service. Why? For electric vehicles, after a year or two of use, there will be a variety of problems as the accessories age, such as tire bursting and other issues. If you choose a model with miscellaneous brands and poor after-sales service, you will face the problem of difficulty in repairing the car. Therefore, it is also impossible to buy such electric vehicles.

3. Inferior low-cost models

In 2022, what types of electric vehicles can not be bought? The old driver explains in detail

In addition, in 2022, it is also impossible to buy inferior low-cost models. Although it is only a tool for traveling, its quality will directly affect driving safety. Especially for some inferior and low-cost cars, such electric vehicles not only have quality problems, but also are more prone to failure during driving, which brings safety risks. Therefore, when encountering inferior low-cost models, you also need to avoid options.

In 2022, what types of electric vehicles can not be bought? The old driver explains in detail

In summary, in 2022, the three kinds of electric vehicles that cannot be put on the road, miscellaneous brands and poor after-sales service, and inferior low prices cannot be purchased. So, how to choose an electric car in 2022? In fact, in simple terms, you can consider big brands and models with better after-sales service. What do you think about that?

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